Earth & Space Weather

Geomagnetic storm in progress (November 14, 2012)

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Source: The Watchers - By Chillymanjaro, 11/14/12

Geomagnetic storm conditions are currently in progress in the wake of CME passage. A prolonged period of southward interplanetary magnetic field brought G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm conditions early on November 14 (UTC), evening hours November 13 (EST) according to report by NOAA/SWPC. G2 level conditions can cause power grid fluctuations and voltage alarms at high-latitude power systems, and even transformer damage in case of long-duration storms. Corrective actions to orientation for spacecrafts may be required by ground control and possible changes in drag can affect orbit predictions. HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora could be seen as low as New York...

Geomagnetic storm conditions are currently in progress in the wake of CME passage. A prolonged period of southward interplanetary magnetic field brought G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm conditions early on November 14 (UTC), evening hours November 13 (EST) according to report by NOAA/SWPC. G2 level conditions can cause power grid fluctuations and voltage alarms at high-latitude power systems, and even transformer damage in case of long-duration storms.

70% of Venice slips underwater in the worst flooding in 140 years

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/12/12

November 12, 2012 – VENICE - Tourists attached plastic bags to their legs or stripped off to take a dip in St Mark’s Square in Venice on Sunday as rising sea waters surged through the lagoon city. High water measuring 1.49 metres (5ft) above the normal level of the Adriatic sea came with bad weather that swept Italy at the weekend, causing floods in historic cities including Vicenza as well in the region of Tuscany 250 miles further south. Venice’s high water, or “acqua alta,” said to be the sixth highest since 1872, flooded 70% of the city and was high enough to make raised wooden platforms for pedestrians float away.


Floods claim as many as 16 lives in Haitian city: officials

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Source: Space - 11/09/12

Flood waters inundated impoverished areas of Cap Haitien, Haiti's second largest city, killing as many as 16 people, including three children, city officials said Friday.

"The city has been struck by disaster. There are many dead and major damage. All the populous areas are flooded," Cap Haitien Mayor Wilborde Beon told AFP by telephone.

Beon said many people had to be rescued and given shelter from the high waters, which swept through the northern city Thursday night amid heavy rains in the region.

"The entrance to the city is completely flooded, all the rivers and ravines are swollen," he said, appealing for aid and support.

~Space Weather Update: CME IMPACT and We Just had an M2 Class

Lia's picture

CME IMPACT: An interplanetary shock wave (probably the leading edge of a CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 12th at approximately 2300 UT. NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of polar geomagnetic storms in response to the impact. High-latitude sky watchers are already seeing Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN: The staff of are in Australia this week to witness a total eclipse of the sun on Nov. 13/14. The path of totality cuts right across Port Douglas and Cairns, Qld--a.k.a. the "Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef." People on cruise ships, divers in the reef, and thousands of people standing along beaches of the Coral Sea will witness the early morning sun disappear behind the Moon for more than two minutes. It's going to look something like this:


Tourists swim in Venice square as heavy rain pounds Italy

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Reuters 11/12/12

(Reuters) - Nearly three quarters of Venice was flooded on Monday and tourists swam in St Mark's Square as a wave of bad weather swept through northern and central Italy, forcing the evacuation of 200 people from their homes in Tuscany.

Tourists walk on raised platforms for flood waters in St. Mark Square during a period of seasonal high water in Venice October 27, 2012. The water level in the canal city rose to 127 cm (50 inches) above the normal level, according to the monitoring institute. REUTERS-Manuel Silvestri

Shops, homes and historic palaces filled with water in Venice and authorities said 70 percent of the lagoon city was flooded. High water in Venice reached 149 cm (5ft), the sixth highest level since records began in 1872, forcing residents to wade through waist-deep water. Tourists in swimming costumes sat at cafe tables under the water.

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Heavy rains cause floods in Italy

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UPI - 11/11/12

Storms lash Italy's centre and north

ROME, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- Heavy rains have caused flooding, landslides and other damage throughout Italy, officials say.

Italy's Massa Carrara province received almost 10 inches of rainfall between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. Saturday to Sunday, the Agenzia Giornalistica Italia reported.

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Flooding in Tuscany, Veneto to request state of emergency

Brutus Winds Down, Severe Threat Continues

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 11/11/12

Brutus: Warnings, Advisories

Above: Winter storm warnings in white and winter weather advisories in purple indicate areas where Brutus will bring significant snow and/or ice.

We've seen the snowy side of Winter Storm Brutus. And now we're starting to see its stormy side. First things first - let's look at the cold, snowy, icy weather on the cold side of Brutus.

Brutus has already been, well, brutal across Montana. Up to 4 feet of snow fell in the mountains, with well over a foot in some of the lower elevations with confirmed blizzard conditions on Friday - meaning quarter-mile visibility (or worse) in snow and blowing snow with winds of at least 35 mph.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Space Weather Update~ Chance for M Class Flares

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TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN: Scientists and sky watchers are converging on the northeast coast of Australia, near the Great Barrier Reef, for a total eclipse of the sun on Nov. 13/14. For researchers, the brief minutes of totality open a window into some of the deepest mysteries of solar physics. [video] [full story]

FARSIDE EXPLOSION: As solar activity picks up on the Earthside of the sun (see "Broken Quiet" below), the farside of the sun is coming alive, too. During the early hours of Nov. 9th, a magnetic filament located behind the sun's southeastern limb erupted, hurling a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space:

This explosion was not geoeffective, but future explosions might be. The blast site, still potent, is just days away from rotating onto the Earthside of the sun. You can monitor its progress using NASA's 3D Sun app for smartphones, which makes it easy to view and explore the farside of the sun.


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