Earth & Space Weather

Superstorm Sandy: By the Numbers

Rain's picture - 10/31/12

Storm of Superlatives

Surface wind field of Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 28, 2012 at 11pm ET. Orange shading indicates areas of tropical storm-force sustained winds. Red shading depicts hurricane-force sustained winds.
National Hurricane Center

A huge wind field...record tide levels...record low inland surface pressures...and even crippling late October snow.  There's no shortage of ways to define Superstorm Sandy's meteorology and impacts. With that in mind, let's step through some of the most incredible figures of this storm.

Sandy was the latest in a recent long line of large hurricanes, including Isaac from August 2012.

Cyclone Nilam: India search for missing sailors

Rain's picture

BBC - 11/01/12

Local fishermen in a skiff assist in search operation near the oil tanker Pratibha Cauvery after the ship ran aground October 31 off the coast in Chennai, on November 1, 2012

Crew members of the ship are reported to be missing

Rescue operations are under way in India's southern city of Chennai to find five sailors missing from an oil tanker that ran aground in a cyclone.

Coast guard helicopters and boats are combing the sea for sailors from the Pratibha Cauvery.

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~ Space Weather Update~ Rainbows Occuring Everywhere!!!~

Lia's picture

QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's X-ray output has nearly flatlined. Solar activity remains low, and no strong flares are expected today. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

AMAZING ICE HALO DISPLAY: Yesterday, sky watchers around the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, witnessed something amazing: A complex network of luminous arcs and rings surrounded the afternoon sun. "I've never seen anything quite like it," says eyewitness Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. Solar physicist David Hathaway snapped this picture of the display:

Image credit and copyright: David Hathaway/NASA/MSFC

The apparition might be connected to hurricane Sandy. The core of the storm swept well north of Alabama, but Sandy's outer bands did pass over the area, apparently leaving behind a thin haze of ice crystals in cirrus clouds. Sunlight shining through the crystals produced an unusually rich variety of ice halos.

Killer typhoon Son-Tinh hits Vietnam hard

Rain's picture

UPI Asia - UPI, 10/31/12

HANOI, Vietnam, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- Typhoon Son-Tinh, after leaving at least 27 dead in the Philippines, caused similar destruction in Vietnam, killing seven more people, authorities said.

Xinhua news agency of China, which also took the brunt of the deadly storm, quoted Vietnam's Central Steering Committee of Flood and Storm Control as saying the death toll from Son-Tinh had risen to seven as of Tuesday, while another five persons remained missing.

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Hurricane Sandy: Devastation not done yet

Rain's picture - 10/30/12
AP/Allen G. Breed and Tom Hays

Millions of people across the eastern United States awoke on Tuesday to scenes of destruction wrought by monster storm Sandy.

 Rescue workers patrol a flooded street at Hoboken, New Jersey on Tuesday. EDUARDO MUNOZ/REUTERS

NEW YORK—The most devastating storm in decades to hit the most densely populated U.S. region cut off modern communication and left millions without power Tuesday, as thousands who fled their waterlogged homes wondered when — if — life would return to normal.

West Virginia crippled by massive snow storm

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/31/12

October 31, 2012 – WEST VIRGINIA – Parts of West Virginia were digging out from up to three feet of snow dumped in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, a deluge that cut power to hundreds of thousands of residents and shut down main highways. The thick blanket of snow at higher elevations across the ridges of the Appalachian Mountains, including in parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania, also brought concerns that rivers and creeks in low-lying areas could flood later in the week as the snow melts, with temperatures expected to reach 60 degrees.


Tropical storm Son-Tinh hits Chinese mainland

Rain's picture - 10/30/12

BEIJING, Oct. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- Tropical storm Son-Tinh has made landfall in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region after sweeping across Hainan Island. Local authorities in Guangxi have recalled shipping and reinforced port facilities. Some flights have also been cancelled or delayed.

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Superstorm Sandy: Status and Impact Maps

Rain's picture - 10/30/12

Rainfall Forecast

Superstorm Sandy may no longer officially be a "hurricane", but its fearsome size and unusual intensity have locked in the impacts that we feared days ago.

Sandy made landfall around 8 p.m. ET Monday near Atlantic City, N.J. as a "post-tropical cyclone" with a minimum central pressure of 946 mb, or 27.94 inches of mercury.

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