
Heavenletter #4770 ~ Even a Crust of Bread Can Be Delicious

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/16/2013

God said:

So long as you see life as a struggle, it will surely be a struggle. Life can be what it is and not have to be a struggle. You are the one who struggles. It is you who swims upstream. You can make a truce with life, beloveds. You have been looking at life as if it is monumental. Life is a great offering at the same time as the details are incidental. Life does not have to be what you think it has to be. It’s like this:

Heavenletter #4767 ~ The Magnificence of Your Being.

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/13/2013



God said:

See yourself as I see you, and you will be the most humble person in the world. You will be the most humble person in the world because you will know that you are in no need of embellishment. Unless you thought you were tarnished, what need of polishing would you have? 
So much for ego, dear ones.

Heavenletter #4766 ~ Messenger of God’s Heart

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/12/2013

God said:


See into My heart, and you will see your Self. My heart is the mirror for you to look into. You can see. You are not far away. You are close. You have imagined distance.


You have tended to imagine lesser scenarios. 


You are a hero who seems to see himself or herself as a laggard. Or you see yourself as ego which isn’t much, yet you may go about enhancing ego. In the world, beloveds, you are an impersonator.  If you see yourself as less than I see you, you are an impersonator. Oh, yes, you may be good at impersonating what is not so.


Heavenletter #4765 ~ Free Will for Everyone

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/11/2013

God said:


And the opposite is also true.


Yes, it is good to express yourself. It is good to speak up. It is also good to be silent. You do not need to voice every thought aloud. A possibility exists to keep your opinions to yourself.


You do not have to teach others the error of their ways. You may wish to improve others for their own betterment. They may not want your suggestions. Your suggestions may fall on deaf ears.


No question, sometimes it is kindness to be direct. Even so, sometimes it is right for you to speak up, and sometimes it is not your business to straighten out anyone but yourself.


Beloveds, with all love for you, you are not the conductor of the orchestra of life.


Heavenletter #4764 ~ You Are for Greater Than Playing the Odds

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/10/2013

God said:


Who can make your heart feel uneasy but you? You are the decider of your heart. Yes, you may think you have no choice. You think your heart rises and falls depending upon what happens around you or seemingly to you. You feel that your heart is a temperature gauge, as if your heart can only read what it’s given to read.


You are the interpreter of events surrounding you. You have been telling your heart when to fall and when to rise. You. You take everything to heart. You take everything that comes in on you to your heart, and you leave it there. You tell your heart to respond favorably or in a downfallen matter. You order your heart around. You tend to respond in a predicted way.


Heavenletter #4763 ~ Illusion Has a Role to Play

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/09/2013

God said:


Let Us sing praise for the gift of life you have been given. I gave it to you, beloveds. I gave it to you for good reason. I sent you out to play in the world and to make it beautiful. Life on Earth is important. Just because it is illusion doesn’t mean life in the world is unimportant.


True, life in the world isn’t everything, yet it is something. Living in illusion has a part to play, or why would illusion be? Being born is an event! The new soul on Earth is starting on an adventure that is unequaled. You who come to Earth are adventurers. You are on a mission. You may be sleeping, yet you are in the process of awakening while you are on Earth. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a privilege to serve evolution on a day-to-day basis on this imagined planet and in this imagined life.


Heavenletter #4762 ~ A Little Passage on Lake Illusion

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/08/2013

God said:


This is the day you have been waiting for. Whatever day this is, this is the case. You have been waiting for days to come, and now this day has come right up to you. This day is upon you. Open up to it. Savor its delicacies.


Today will be filled up to the brim for you. It is yours. It has come to meet you. This day has come to call on you. It came right in your door. This is your day, and you have been waiting for it. Yes, get up now and greet it.


It is a good idea to not get blasé about your days. No longer count your days. This day has come. Give yourself to this day. It is not for you to shrug your shoulders and say: “Another day, another dollar.”


Heavenletter #4761 ~ The World Is Relative to You

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/07/2013

God said:


When you have taken offense, you have taken offense. You took it. You accepted it. You didn’t have to take offense, but you did. You participated. You joined yourself to a remark someone made, or you took offense to a tone of voice, or an expression on another’s face, or a gesture, or a look in someone’s eye.


Whereas you are your brother’s keeper, you are to take responsibility for yourself in such a matter. No one makes you take offense. On another day, when you are exhilaratingly happy, you wouldn’t take offense. You would be too happy to take offense. What would it even matter to you what someone says when you just won a million dollars or the man of your dreams invited you to marry him?



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