
Heavenletter #4805 ~ Your Thoughts Create

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/20/2014

God said:


Have mercy upon yourself. Change your thoughts. Do not dwell on the insufficiencies of life. Dwell on all that you have been given. When you find yourself in a negative frame of mind, change the framework. Undo the heartache that you have engaged in. Find something better to think about. Dissolve the supremacy of the negative. You don’t need to keep it. Do not think that you are being honest to keep it. You are dishonest to keep what does you no good, and doesn’t do good for anyone and doesn’t do well for the world. You are a contributor to the world. Do you really wish to bombast it with what keeps it from being the Paradise it belongs to be?


You are not here on Earth to dwell on what is painful to you. You are not here on Earth to dwell upon yourself. You have bigger fish to fry.


Heavenletter #4804 ~ The Truth and the Depth of You

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/19/2014

God said:


From where does light come from? Your eyes are sparkling. It must be that light comes from within you. Of course, it does, for am I not within you?


We can go a step further. There is no outside you. There is nothing but consciousness. Even the world that you see, the wayward world you may see, is within you who are the perceiver of it. The world echoes something within you. You see what you are made of. Right now you are a mix of all possibilities.


You are aware of Me. You are aware of Me big time. You are aware of your True Identity at the same time as you identify with less. You are also aware of matters to worry about or to fear. The outside is innocent, beloveds. It mirrors something within yourself you are to take a look at, to see, to grasp and graduate from. You are not blind to the errors of the world, nor are you blind to Me.


Heavenletter #4803 ~ The Promptings of Your Inner Heart

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/18/2014

God said:


You are the authority of your own life. It is yourself to ask, “What will I make of my day today? How will I serve? What blessing will I be today and to whom?”


You have the final nod as to your life as you live it. You have the say of what you make of it.


And, yet, how often you rely on outside parties to decide for you. Now We come to the basic question: Who is responsible for you?


You are. You are responsible for your thoughts, actions, and reactions. You are also responsible for your very Being.


Heavenletter #4801 ~ The Generosity of Greatness

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/16/2014

God said:


Today you are a cut above where you were yesterday. Yesterday is already past. How you leave the past behind is by progressing. No one stays the same. In the world, nothing stays the same. There is a new dawn. It is not just another dawn. It is a new dawn. And you are dawning on yourself. You are ever getting closer to Me and to the selfsame Your Self.


You follow one route or another to your Self. It is inevitable.


You may not be aware that you go at a steady pace, yet it is inevitable. You are a human being who grows. You can seem to shrink from growing. You can think you travel the same route every day, yet there is always a new road before you. It may look like a repeat, or it may look like a diversion, yet you have a path before you. No matter how seeming roundabout, it will take you to where you want to go. Inevitably, you come to Me Who has always been with you.

Heavenletter #4800 ~ “Wake up, beloveds. Time to wake up.”

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God said:

Are you beginning to accept that your life on Earth, as important as it is to you, is made of illusion? This illusion of life that you pursue and that pursues you, also has an importance to the Universe itself. Life on Earth is something you dream while you are sleepwalking, and, yet, the very dream serves the Universe. It is a dream circumscribed from Infinity and Eternity. The dream is not real even as it seems so real. When you wake up from the dream, then you know that the dream that seemed so real was only a dream. You watched the dream take over, and then you awoke and saw that what you thought was real was a dream dreamed.
When you wake from the dream, you know you wake up in Eternity, and that you are Infinite. In the dream, you were a piece of the puzzle. Awake, there is no puzzle. Beloveds, you are entering a new state of consciousness. Little by little, you are entering a new state of consciousness.

Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ All The Threads Of Life 14 January 2014

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HeavenlettersGod said:

Listen, on the surface level, there is no figuring out a life, not yours, not anyone’s. Perhaps a life looks like a waste to you, uncalled for, objected to, purposeless. No matter how you may look at a life, it is serving the person and the world. What I am speaking of is far away from your logic.

Someone spends his life in what can only seem from the outside as wasteful, and, yet, even that life as seen in the world, is fulfilling something. I am not speaking of payback or anything like that. Even what you see as a pitiful life, or an unconscionable life, purposeless so far as you can see, even that life, such a life, is serving the Universe. Impossible, you say, yet this that I say is possible, more than possible, absolutely so. A life shipwrecked on a deserted island serves. No man is an island.

On the human level, this is unsolvable. On a deeper level, this is infallible. Now I have said it. No life is wasted. Every life serves the whole.

If you could follow all the threads of life, you would be amazed. You would be glad for everyone and everything. Every single life on Earth is playing itself out in a favorable way. A life long or a life short, it is the same. Fulfilled purpose that you are unable to see prevails.

Heavenletter #4798 Remember This, January 13, 2014

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God said:

Remember this: There is no debt. No one owes you. And you do not owe.

This is another way of saying to let go of expectation. Sometimes you have to let go of the expectation that everyone will follow through. Not every human being does.

Why are you let down because of what someone else does or does not? It really has nothing to do with you. What other people do or do not doesn’t make you less nor does it make you more.

Is it your self-image that is affected by another’s promising something and not delivering?

Be not so dependent upon other people for your self-image.

Really, you are not so fragile. Your life does not depend upon other people. Your well-being does not depend upon other people. Your sense of well-being is not to come from other people. I have told you Who you are. Rely on My word. My regard for you does not go up and down. Your well-being does not depend upon what occurs in the world, just as My love for you, My inviolable love for you is not dependent upon what occurs in the world either.

Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Going Beyond

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HeavenlettersGod said:

It seems you want to know everything. You want to know how and why. You want to know all the connections in life and what makes two and two. It seems you become like a busybody when it comes to the mechanics of life. It is not your mission to figure out all the wherefore’s and why’s of life. You do not require explanations. When it comes to life, it’s more like it’s acceptance that you require. Let your motto be: Move On.

Know when it’s your curiosity. What purpose does having to know serve you? Why, why, why? you ask. Why did a loved one die and in the prime of life? Why did you cut your finger? Well, maybe you do need to know why the car didn’t start. Or, maybe not. Maybe you just need to call someone to come get it started. You mind is meant to be filled with more than answers.

You can’t know everything. You can’t turn the transcendent level of life into facts. It’s a fact that a loved one died – that is, in terms of the world – it’s fact that a loved one died. On a deeper level, no one dies. It is not to be a struggle for you to come to terms with what occurs on the surface level of life. It’s not necessary that you clutter your mind.


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