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Make Friends with Today

God said:

Beloved, together, as One, We engender love. From which flower on Earth does not love come? From what white cloud in the sky does not the Sun peek through? Now, may love erupt from your heart like a daisy in the field on a sunburst day. Your heart, yes, your heart, is to leap Heavenward – and why not? A glorious day is at hand. Every day is yours to leap to and flutter your eyes. All right, engage with today. All right, flirt with today. Be in grace with today. If this day is as important to you as you believe it is, meet it on an even footing. Step right up to it. Serve today. You don’t have to wrestle with today. You don’t have to nail it to the floor. You do not have to convert today to your will. Be congenial. Accompany today. Be today’s companion.

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The Light Bringer

God said:

Beloved, from Heaven you come, and you come to share light on Earth for the sake of humanity and all sentient creatures and the Universe forever and a day. You are here to reveal light as a signal of glorious life to come. You are not here to reveal drapes of darkness hanging over light. Light is truthfulness. Light shines through to the human heart no matter what coverings may figure in. You are indebted to light. Light is yours to reveal.

You are indebted to the light of love, and so you set light and love aflame in a burst of radiant light. Radiant, you are here on Earth precisely to light up love to reveal itself beyond a doubt. Be gracious with the light you shine. The more the merrier. Light up the world, and light up life. This isn’t a whole lot to ask of you. Shine your light on the world. You are certainly not to hide your light. Shine your light far and wide. Make what I say come true before everyone’s eyes. Shine on, Harvest Moon. Shine My Light of Love. Shine high and wide. Yes, love is to be taken as a matter of course. Introduce bright light under whatever dusk you may imagine you are hidden. Come out of the shadows now into the bright stage lights that reveal all.

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Set Yourself Free from Ownership

God said:

Beloved, I hear you boldly ask:

“Dear God, am I estranged from You after all this? Do I estrange myself from You? Are We Oneness, or is there distance between Us after all? If there is distance, do I impose it? I would not hold myself back from entitlement with You, yet these days I feel somewhat exiled from Oneness.

“Am I reluctant? Do I hold myself back from free access to You, God? Do I, dear God? If this is the true case, bring me back closer to the fold where I long with all my heart to be.”

I, God, say: My Dear One, Oneness cannot be out of the fold. We are not less engaged. Our Oneness cannot grow less strong. You may like to feel more separated from Me than ever before, because the more at odds with Me you feel, the more talkative with Me you also feel and all the more involved with Me, shall We say?

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Stay Within Your Own Grace

God said:

Beloved, there are days when you are stretched beyond your endurance, and you really have to slow down and cool down. If you have a limit, then stay within your limit.

If you need more rest, get more rest. If you need peace and quiet, give yourself more peace and quiet. You know enough not to speed on the highway. Then also know enough not to go beyond the speed limit in your life. When you feel pressured, reduce the pressure. What I say to you is: “Peace be unto to you.”

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The Balm of God's Love

God said:

My Beloved, drink out of My Cup. My Cup is filled to the brim with My love for you and each so-called other soul. The balm of My Love restoreth your Soul. It restoreth your awareness of your Soul. There is no gap except for within your awareness. In My Light, each Soul is beautiful! Where you may see gaps, fill them with love on the double.

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You Are the Listener

God said:

Beloved, there is something special and essential in Our One-on-One conversations, whether you hear Me firsthand in your own Godwriting or as a posted Heavenletter shared around the world over the years again and again. Regardless, We spend time together. We are in each other’s Presence.

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How Christ Healed

God said:

Beloved, within healing lies a relationship through which confidence flows. Without effort, something passes through the one who gives healing and the one who absorbs healing.

It is also possible that it is the patient who accepts the healing the doctor brings. Something happens that is beyond calculation. Who is the healer or the healed isn’t so easy to say.

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Is There an Argument?

God said:

Beloved, who is to say that you are to be other than I made you? Who is it that dares to say you are to re-sort yourself or to be restarted? Who has the God-given right to decide for you? You are responsible for yourself. You are not at the will of everyone who believes he or she knows better. I made you. You and I, as One, made you.

Beloveds, I give you Free Will over yourself. You are not free game.

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There is Value in Everything

God said:

Beloved, there is value in twiddling your thumbs. In every exercise and movement you make, there is value. In crying, there is value. In laughing, value sings to the High Heavens.

Of course, in silence, there is value. In everything under the sun, there is value.

In every dance, in every song, there is value. In all the nursery rhymes, there is value. In hopscotch, there is value. In patty cakes, there is value. In cartwheels, value abounds. In standing on your head or in shaking your head yes, there is value.

There is more value going on more than you have any idea of.

In every beat of your heart, in all activity, and in all repetition, there is more going on than you know.


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