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How Many Layers of Life Have You Counted as Yet?

God said:

Beloved, opportunity is before you. You may find yourself at the beginning of a new era. In fact, this seems to be inevitable. You grow. You grow anew. Consider that you blossom. Be glad you blossom. Be glad you have a new spurt of consciousness. You are ever-growing. Opportunities to be greater than you were yesterday are before you. Growth of consciousness is happening.

You are someone who progresses. The physical may appear the same. No matter, you are a traveler in life. No one from the outside fully knows the landscape you travel.

I know. And you are always learning. There are the arenas in which you travel a mile a minute. There is consciousness.

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Life on the Run

God said:

Beloved, We speak from the depths of Our One Heart and Soul. There is nothing else to say, for We are One in Truth. There is no other to speak of.

True, there is a certain amount of blither and blather that goes on in the world. Take it with a certain grain of salt and a certain amount of common sense or nonsense, as the case may be.

You don’t want to pretend away life. You want the simple truth and nothing but the truth. You have had enough of tom-foolery in one form or another. You are sure you want no more of it. You want the real thing and to be finished with all the knock-offs and dithering-around.

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Jack and the Beanstalk

God said:

Beloved, sometimes you feel so good. You feel you are on the verge of something almost too wonderful to be true.

You don’t exactly know what you are on the verge of – but just wonderfully on the cusp of something oh so fantastically amazing, something almost – well – death-defying, something out of this world that could hardly be waiting for you. How could it be? Something almost like waking up one morning and finding that you are a new species or, you hardly dare say it, that you have transcended into the happiest of human Beings or angels on earth that have ever been heard of. You do not want to outdistance yourself in dreams. No, never, do you want to disappoint yourself. Can there really be something beyond your dreams? You don’t want a carrot held out ahead of you further than you can reach.

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All Joy to the World

God said:

Beloved, from where do you think all your talents and skills come, if not from God? Like Godwriting, shall We say, gifts and talents come through the love and wisdom and benevolence of God. I bequeath them to you. Be overjoyed. You are meant to be overjoyed. Never do I ever want you to be underjoyed. Accept My blessings loud and strong. Most heartily, accept My blessings from the fullness of My heart, for you give happiness to Me.

“Ah, yes," I say. Here’s this and here’s more that I bestow upon you. Yes, you serve and you enjoy the inner and outer joy. This is a long-lasting gift of joy I give to you. Take it out whenever you wish and complete the light for the world before your very eyes. Joy to the world all ways you look at it, for you have joy abounding to put before the whole world and back again.

Hallowed be Thy Name. Made by God, you are ready for the Joy of God, all of life sublimely brought forth for God’s Joy. Let’s say it! Yes, for God’s Pride and Joy most humbly. Who can create joy as well as I do? It is I Who sings My Joy to the world through you.

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The Thousand and One Tales of the Arabian Nights

God said:

Beloved, yes, there is a God sense in every land responsive to the notion of God.

In department stores of old, there were Notion Departments, as if ideas had their own departments. Of course, these notions were about pins and needles and certain kinds of sundries that are kept track of to this day, or, it could be that these days such departments are called outright sewing departments or, perhaps a customer might just call out across the room today: “Where do you keep your sewing supplies?”

Nowadays people aren’t so aware of other people going out on expeditions in search of God Himself so much any more as they once were used to coming across God out on a specific path or green field where God Himself might be found. This has happened on occasion on other climes, as you might have hoped to come across God, for, in this world, what has not happened now and again?

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Everything Comes Out in the Wash!

God said:

Beloved, this is a powerful statement: Everything Comes Out in the Wash! Everything comes out forgotten about or wiped off the slate clean. In good times, erased, not even a calamity that has to be forgotten in theory at least.

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God Bless the Sun That Shines

God said:

Beloved, sometimes days on Earth seem to be so painstaking, and you just don’t quite know how to get around this.

In life and in all novels, what cannot happen to you in great dismay on any day in the fickle world?

Thanks to your lucky stars, you don’t always miss out on great good days on Earth either, do you?

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In Death as in Life

God said:

Beloved, notice that I, God, pretty much sum life up from the portals of life in the world. You don’t have to sum up life. You don’t have to say the final word, even if you want to. What is the gain you must come by according to your version of life? Is it really necessary that you sum up life? Being uncertain can be fine and dandy, and why not? Be uncertain then. It's okay. You don't have to pin the tail on the donkey.

All in good time is My good advice. Happy is as happy does. You don’t have to know everything whatsoever. Be unsure. May you be happy just the same.

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The Real Goods and No Less

God said:

Beloved, there is an aspect of you that doesn’t require being handed answers. You don’t have to look something up or be advised. Everything is known within your very Being.

True instructions are built into you. All that which is true lies within you. Of course, go ahead, take all the courses you want, yet True Knowledge lies deep within you and from within Me and not necessarily from anyone else.


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