
Heavenletter #4633 - The Muse

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God said:

What are you to do when a creative idea comes to you, and you want to seize the moment and run with it? The muse doesn’t always come when you call it. The muse may well come when you are not looking for it, when you may be cooking dinner, when you may be having people over for dinner in twenty minutes, when you are supposed to keep an appointment. The muse may well come when you can’t sit down with it. Before you can get to sit down with your muse, the muse has left. The song you were going to write down is gone, the poem, the great novel, all gone.

There are opportunities when you can stop what you’re doing. When you are doing your bank balance, who says that you have to finish it and so put the earthly first?

When you are driving the car, perhaps you can pull over. Perhaps you can always carry a notebook with you or a sketch book.

Heavenletter #4632 - Ask to Know God’s Will

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God said:

Seasons change. Seasons do not get upset because they are changing. Seasons do not resist change. They do not get upset by it, nor do seasons get befuddled. Seasons do not say that they are to keep on the season they are -- summer or spring or autumn or winter.

Autumn doesn’t say: “Oh, no, I’m not supposed to turn into winter again. That’s not for me. I don’t want to.” Seasons accept the rhythms of their life. They swim with them. They do not call any turn in the road as unfavorable. Snow can melt, and that’s fine. Snow can become sleet, and that’s fine too.

Gods name whirling in your heart

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Say My Name day and night. Instead of all the thoughts that whirl through your head, whirl My Name around in your mind and your heart and into your day-to-day-life.

Is there something hard about that? Try saying a three-letter word.

When you wake up in the morning, say, “Good morning, God,” or just say, “Hi, God,” or just say, “God.” I am quite comfortable at the tip of your tongue. I am in your very cells. Why not on the tip of your tongue?

Consider Me your good luck piece. What do you need with a lucky coin or a prestigious fortune cookie when you can have Me in your awareness at any moment you choose? Hallow-ed be My Name.

Heavenletter #4628 - You Are the Baker

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God said:

So long as you blame outer circumstances or another human being, or Me for your woe, you stay glommed to the very situation you protest. The more you grouse about the situation, the more you clasp it to your bosom. Complain. Keep. Complain. Keep. Complain, and you hold what you say you don’t want closer to you, exclamation mark after exclamation mark. Woe unto you who keeps chanting woe.

Heavenletter #4626 - Life Is Full of Surprises

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God said:

It has been said that there is nothing new under the Sun. This saying makes a point, and it is well-advised. And here We have an instance of when the opposite is also true, for every day is a new day, and there is plenty new under the Sun.

Every day something new is developed or published or considered, something never quite the same before. There are words connected into sentences that have never been connected in this particular way before. Of course, babies are born every day, and yet no one knows the blessing the baby will grow up to be. No one knows. There is no scale from which to predict. Life is full of surprises.

Heavenletter #4623 - Creating Your Good Fortune

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God said:

In one breath I tell you that you know everything. This is true. Deep within you, unseen, perhaps not even hinted at, you know the whole mechanics of creation. There isn’t anything you don’t know. Remembering and comprehending – they are two different stories.

In another breath, I tell you that you don’t need to know everything. You don’t have to know anything. What do you think you have to know in order to create your life and make it lovely? Perhaps you have to know less than you think you do. Innocence is good. It keeps you from being clever. In addition to innocence, what do you require to direct the course of your life?

Desire and intention. Both are good. Intention is mighty powerful.

Heavenletter #4621 - Hello, Myself

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God said:

You are My testament to Myself. You are the Speaker and Revealer of My Heart. Reveal it! Get on with it now.

I made you in My Image. I gave you all the Rights and Privileges and Purposes and Responsibilities that are Mine. I made you My Heir. I proclaimed you Myself. I told you to venture forth and reveal Truth. By My Very Nature, and by yours, I drew you in My Image, and so I multiplied Myself and spread My Multiplication Tables upon Earth and told you to go forth and multiply. Multiply My love, I said. I told you to be a Mirror of Myself, to reflect Me upon Earth, to be a testament to Me, a revealer of Me, a brightener of the Sun, a polisher of souls, a cleaner of eyes, a helper of others to see.


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