
Heavenletter #4598 - Through the Looking Glass

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Heaven Letters


God said:

You lead two lives or more. You play this role or that. You play out many scenes, and you switch. You are a many-splendored thing. All of the roles you play in the world are play-acting. You are on stage! Every day the curtains go up, and the lights go on. There is a veritable wonder of scenes. It is as if life in the world is choreographed, and all the dances spin around and interchange in various settings. This dance is very important to all the players. It is everything to them, from sun-up to sundown.

And yet there is another theater where all the sets are different, and the players are too. There is a liveliness and yet quite a different tone. I am speaking of the Real Theater, the Theater Supreme, the Land Of Love where all abide. This is a land that vibrates to a higher tone than the everyday world. Quite a different vibration here. Here there isn’t the noise to break up the sweetness. There is great vitality. This is Reality.

Heavenletter #4595 - Your Thoughts Reach Everywhere

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Heaven Letters


God said:

I do not hold the reins on your heart. You understand that, don’t you? Even as your beating heart is Mine, I give it to you fully. Here is where free will resides – in your heart. You have all the ingredients of My heart given to you freely. I do not give you restrictions. Any restrictions imposed, you impose. You are the imposer. I could even call you imposter.

When you represent anything less than My heart in yours, you are an imposter. You donned a costume. You threw it on. Your costume is only a cover up. It’s like an apron. The True You is still there, but costumed, rearranged, turned around perhaps. Nevertheless, your True Heart cannot be uprooted. It waits patiently for your consent.

Your heart wants to blossom. Your heart wants to sing. It doesn’t want to sing dirges. It wants to sing sprightly. It wants to hit the high notes. Your heart wants to sing and sing.

Heavenletter #4594 - You Have All the Ingredients

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Heaven Letters


God said:

What do you need? Questions often asked in one form or another are: “What do you need to make an omelet? What do you need at the store? Are you out of coffee?”

Often your questions are about possible vacancies, about what may be missing, about what may be used up, what may be lacking, what must be filled. So is it often in life.

“Where is the hammer? Where did you put the salt? Where are the keys?”

And when is another question. “How soon, soon enough?”

How you want to hear: “Right now, this minute, before the clock ticks again.”

Heavenletter #4591 - All That Is

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Heaven Letters


God said:

You’re not tired of My telling you how to live in the world, are you? You don’t want Me to keep quiet, do you? You do want to remember once and for all what I say.

You may remember much of what I say, yet, has it sunk in? Probably not.

You are aware and unaware at the same time. You know everything, and you know nothing. I might say that it is in your favor to not know anything, well, certainly not everything you think you know.

Heavenletter #4590 - Oneness-ville

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Heaven Letters


God said:

Sometimes My messages reach you so strongly, and sometimes My messages seem to be immersed in the fogs of mist, there somewhere, yet hardly seen, almost yours to guess. Who is guessing, and Who is telling?

It is from Me that My messages arise, and it is also from you that they arise. As you hear Me, you hear yourself. As I show you, you show yourself. If there is Oneness, and I assure you that there is, then there is Oneness and Oneness Alone.

Or We would say that you and I are a kind of combination. One of us is a ventriloquist of sorts. Who pulls the strings, and who speaks, and who answers? One and the same. Who is God and who are you are the same question. And the answer is the same answer. There is no prevarication.

In terms of Earth, We are an insoluble mystery.

Heavenletter #4588 - Sing!

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Heaven Letters


God said:

Lovely are you in the many forms I AM. A form of Me by any other Name is still a form of Me. You play Me out in many ways, incredible ways, and, yet, beneath the surface, AM I. You are endless notes on My piano.

How you appraise the surface of you is endless. One God in many surfaces, yet, still, One God, complete, true unto Myself.

You, who are complete, see incompleteness.

You, who are totality, see parts, not totality.

You who see do not see. You who hear do not hear. You, who allude to Truth, do not see it, so buried are you in the illusion. What you don’t see is. What you do see isn’t. What an upside-down world you rally yourself around in.

Heavenletter #4587 - Whose Life Is This, Anyway?

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Heaven Letters


God said:

Let’s face it. The word frustration is just another word for anger. Frustration seems to be caused by something from outside you. This or that frustrates you. By little turns and twists within your mind, you convince yourself quite easily that frustration assaults you.

Anger is a little less slippery. You really do have to face your participation in anger. Whatever causes your anger, you have to admit you are angry. You hold the anger. You hold responsibility for it.

Frustration seems less serious to you, and somehow, you feel absolved of responsibility for it. You are innocent, as a matter of fact. Your computer has gone berserk with spam. Of course, you are frustrated. And so and so on.

Heavenletter #4586 - By What Divine Right Your Anger

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God said:

Why would anger play such a big role in your life? Without the three A's – anger, aggravation anxiety – would there be illness? These three eat at you, do they not? You feel them in your gut. They squeeze your heart. They get your dander up. Sometimes these three witches are the mainstay of your life. Well, yes, at least they let you know you are alive. Be alive without them.

Can you not allow three other A’s: -- allowance, acceptance, and absolution take the place of anger, annoyances, and aggravation? Just like you, everyone is trying to get along in the world. Everyone is not always thinking of you all the time. They may be forgetful. Why would you be upset with someone because he or she forgot something or, perish the thought, you were not uppermost in someone’s mind? By what divine right does anyone have to make you uppermost?


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