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Let Us Turn the Page Together

God said:

Despite knowing better, sometimes you find yourself mired in a world of tension. You have read a lot of uplifting words, including Heavenletters. You know better, and, still, there are days and weeks or longer that surround you in misery. In theory, you may accept responsibility for how you are feeling, yet, when you are feeling down, you may stay feeling down, and can’t seem to get out of it. Woe is you.

You are a good person, and yet, day after day, you may endure feelings that drag you down. In certain company, you may smile, laugh, and sometimes may even really enjoy, and then, when you return to yourself alone, dark feelings keep you in their thrall. This seems to happen to you, and you don’t know how you got here.

You know better. You know better than to soak in dismal thoughts and dismal feelings, yet, here you are, immersed in deep and lasting despair. Here you are, lacking appetite for Life, and you seem unable to conjure up Life as Beautiful any more. It is inconceivable that unhappiness is happening to you. You used to nip downhearted feelings in the bud, while now they seem to take over.

Life may feel hollow right now. No one seems to care how you feel or understand even if they might want to. You, yourself, do not know the cause of your heartache. It’s not like someone who matters to you has died recently. You haven’t lost your livelihood. You have no physical ailment. You have no good reason to feel down and out, and, yet, you find yourself – it seems like you find yourself – in a downward spiral of despair.

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Think Thoughts You Never Thought Before

God said:

What is important after all? You have the say. You are the decider and determiner of what is important. If your being right is vital to you, you are the one who makes this decision. You proclaim it.

There are, of course, exceptions. In this world, in order to exist as a human Being, you must have food and water. A baby to survive must have the touch of human hands, must be picked up, must be hugged. And, of course, there is a range between surviving and thriving.

Not everyone has had ideal Love and understanding while growing up. Frankly, this is what many or most of the people in this land deal with. How do you now recoup the Love you did not have and that someone had unwittingly been stingy with?

One thing you mean to do is to give your children all the Love you did not have, to make it up to your children with the Love you give, and yet you may find yourself falling short as well. You would go back and change some things if you could.

The time is coming when the giving and receiving of Love will be without instruction and effort. It will not be a thought. It will be natural. It will be easy. It will be Love that comes of its own accord. The time will come when it will be impossible not to give love. No one will have to think of handing out love in the right proportions. There will be no measuring, no adding on and no restricting.

In Life in the World, Love will simply flower. Everyone will be an Adept of Love. Love will flourish and extend itself. It will be impossible for Love not to leap for joy.

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Go Ahead, Have the Time of Your Life! 

God said:

Hello, this is your Life that you are living. Go ahead, have the time of your Life. Your life, the time, they are yours. They belong to no one but you – well, We can add that your Life belongs to Me as well, for I cherish your life.

While you are on Earth, you undergo the sense of time that is prevalent on Earth. The world goes by time, and the world goes by in the blink of an eye. Give Life a whirl. Find your joy, and give your joy.

What is your joy may not be everyone else’s joy or anyone’s. You could be someone who loves to eat out all the time. You could be someone who prefers to cook food for yourself and eat at home. You may love socializing. Someone else may be more contemplative and crave solitude.

I tell you one thing: There is plenty on Earth to choose from, to specialize in, or to take a break from. Life is indeed a many-splendored thing. Your Life is what it is when it is. At the same time, your Life can be whatever you want it to be. In the long run, it can be. You have some say.

Here’s the thing: Want your Life. Want your Life to be what you want it to be. Consider your Life as a camera you take photos with. You focus your camera as you like. Take the pictures you want to take. This is your Life. Make of it what you will. Give your Life a chance. Pay as much attention and intention to your Life as you wish. Run with it. Everyone’s Life has all possibilities. Open your Life up to more, and more, and more. Reach out.

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Loosen Your Reins

God said:

No matter what you may be going through, no matter how laborious a situation may be for you, there is always an end to it. Always. This means that even while you are going through a tense time, you can loosen up a little. Soon or late, a troubled time will leave one way or another.

You are wise not to dig into your problems and deepen your attention on them. This does not mean that you have to pretty up the situation in your mind. It means that you don’t have to hold onto your tenseness. You may not be able to relax from the intensity, yet you can loosen your grip on it.

When you hold on to a difficult period of your Life, difficulty tightens its grip on you. You give over your peace and, so, accelerate the tension. You press down on the gas pedal, so to speak. Letting up on the pedal serves you better. In effect, you don’t have to go full-force ahead. You don’t have to enter into battle.

Of course, I realize it is hard for you to let go of turmoil. If you could push a release button, you would. You would gladly.

No matter how outrageously unfair a situation may be, loosen your reins. In preference to your begging or praying to Me for instant rescue – sometimes, just give over your situation to Me. This is not being irresponsible. You can now and then give the reins over to Me and make a great difference in your Life.

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When You Wake Up in the Morning

God said:

Your thoughts are not always uplifting. Too many negative thoughts trot in and take over. Your thoughts are powerful, and so are your feelings. Your thoughts and feelings bounce off each other. Mostly, you don’t have one without the other.

Which comes first is beyond your comprehension. Your thoughts and feelings may seem to be beyond you, well beyond your will. Of course, you would rather be elated with Life than disenchanted.

If you wake up in the morning, and you don’t want to leap out of bed, you may feel that you are obliged to drag yourself out of bed, perhaps with the thought: “Another day, another dollar.”

You get up dragging a sense of duty. How dull. You may have forgotten all about the possibility of leaping out of bed with joy, enthusiasm, and desire. Instead, you make yourself get up, for what other choice do you have?

You are well aware that you would love to leap out of bed as you once did. Leaping out of bed was once a way of life for you. What happened? It almost seems that you filed off joy as you might your fingernails.

Discouraging words and thoughts happened to you. Your thoughts and your feelings work as a team. Both activate you. They rise up together, or they plop down together.

Dear Ones, you can reverse the trend of your feelings and thoughts. This you can do. This is for you to do.

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You Are Flying High

God said:

Oneness is inescapable. Oneness is a fact of Life. Oneness is here to stay.

At the same time, you live in a contiguous world which is called relative. In the world, everything is relative to something else. You live in a world of contrast and comparison. You are always keeping your eye on the ball. Your attention is swept up in the world. You take your cues from the external world.

A World of Greatness lies within you. You are rising to it. You are coming closer. You are finding your sea legs as it were, or a new shoe size, or perhaps We could say you are coming closer to going barefoot in the sand. Very near the Ocean are you in your recognition and actual realization of the boundlessness that you are and always were. Accept this.

No longer will you be seeing yourself mainly as a feat of the world, an object of the world, a personage of the world. You are coming closer to your Creator. It may not always feel this way to you. In fact, you may feel you are up against great odds as though you must be hammered into some kind of obeisance to the world. You have been lodged in the world of individuality -- far away from the Realization of Oneness in the world.

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Your Heart Will Soar

God said:

When Life doesn’t make sense to you, breathe. When Life is too much for you, breathe. When you don’t know where to turn, breathe. Breathe in, and breathe out.

Yes, remember to breathe deeply, and remember Me with all your heart. I am here. You are not forsaken. It is impossible for you to be forsaken. Well, sure, you can talk yourself into the idea of abandonment.

My Beloveds, if there is one who forsakes, it is you. Do not commit the folly of forgetting your place in the order of things. You are here on Earth for a reason. No matter how bare Earth Life may seem to you at a given time, you are not here on Earth to despair.

A sense of desperation, no matter how strongly you may feel it, is not Truth. This is not to say that Life in your court is easy. I understand that you may feel desperate on the verge of immense danger. You feel you are failing or are going to fail in something, and you are faced with insurmountable difficulties. You might fall off a cliff. You fear a disaster brewing. You are consumed by the concept of disaster.

Of course, you are aware of different scales of disaster. A disaster can be as nearby as burning a roast in the oven for a special dinner in your home tonight or as far away as death of your hapless body sometime or another. Of course, death is not a disaster. You do not die. Your loved ones don’t die. Bodies lie down. Your Soul takes off!

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A Topsy-Turvy World

God said:

Congratulations! You successfully live in a world that asks a lot of you – sometimes too much of you, so it seems. It takes daring to live on Earth. Sometimes, you may feel that Life in the World appears to take all it can away from you. Sometimes, in the world, you may feel you hang by your toes. It’s not always easy to see right-side up in a topsy-turvy world.

Inasmuch as the world you become acquainted with is temporary, you sit atop a rocky world. This world you find yourself in is an ever-changing world, which means that the world, as you yourself know it, isn’t nailed down. You are in flux every day.

Wherein lies the stability you long for? You, the Real You, the Truth of Who You Are, is Eternal. This means you are permanent. You are as Essence of Life. In this sense, We can call you A Rock of Gibraltar. In Truth, you are unshakable.

In Truth, in the middle of a tornado, you -- the Very You I address -- are invincible. Remember, Life on Earth is a game you enter. You have entered it. However the game is played, you come out unscathed. We could say the game is rigged. You can only come out with flying colors. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. There is no death. You are sustained. You are renewable. You exist, not as matter, but as Essence of Life. You don’t have to stroll in a dimensioned world in order to exist.

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Life Slips Through Your Fingers

God said:

All aboard! Get onto this vehicle of Life on Earth. You are here for a Tour of Earth. There is nothing like it. Sometimes your Life goes a mile a minute and a surprise a minute. Fasten your seat belts!

Nevertheless, where else is there such excitement? This is the Ride of a Lifetime. Sometimes it feels like you are bombarded with too much of Life, and yet you don’t want to miss any of it. When all is said or done, you signed up for this Once in a Lifetime Adventure. Your Adventure is unique. There never was and never will be one just like it. You experience it all. There is no space to fly through even as it appears that you do. Actually, you may hesitate to fly through space because: What if you fell, or what if you went too high and could never get back?

Even when Life isn’t your cup of tea, you want to hold on for all you are worth, or that Life is worth, whether Life is golden-seeming or not -- even when Life may seem like tin.

Of course, what matters is the ride you are on now. Regardless of all the fuss and furor and all the joy, Life slips through your fingers. What is this Lifetime on Earth after all but a fling? In love, out of love, love here and love there, you come shining through. Thus is your Travel in Life. You are indeed a Traveler. You travel the world. You travel to unforgettable places that you forget. When all is said and done, Life is simply an exercise, a kind of rehearsal, and that’s it.

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Mend Your Heart

God said:

You are meant to love. It is to you I am speaking. I created you to love. Enjoy the mind set of love. The intent to love serves.

How can it be that one of the biggest blocks you have on Earth is to feel love and to give it? You find so many reasons to not love. Not loving your fellow man seems a whole lot easier than loving. What are these impossible obstacles to repress full love from your heart that you build up and so keep your Love in reserve? Must you? What can be so urgent about not loving? How about setting unlovingness aside and never become acquainted with it again. What do you possibly need unlovingness for? It’s a poor excuse.

It may be you look for reasons not to love. One of these reasons may well be that your heart has been hurt. You know, dear ones, when someone offends you, all the more reason for you to open your heart. Open your eyes, and open your heart.

When you feel offended, you are the holder of offense. In the long run, offense is not a good reason to forgo love to and from your heart. Think of it, you have a heart. Keep it open.

Sometimes an offense may be that you simply can’t tolerate someone. This can be considered your offense. You can’t stand the sound of someone’s voice. The offense is the sound of his voice, or it is that he talks too much, and you don’t want to listen, or you find the person glum, and you don’t want to catch it.


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