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Go Ahead, Fly High

God said:

It is not so much the time you spend. It is more about what you spend your time on. Is this true or not? You can speak up.

Too often My Children spend too much time on worry. Any time on worry is too much. Spend time on Peace and Love, and so you build the world. You are not at cross-purposes. Don’t contradict yourself. Do not take yourself down. You don’t have to turn the world upside-down, nor do you have to pack Life away in a box in the attic.

Trust in yourself. Trust in yourself enough to go for what you want. Trust your embarking on Life. Trust. Count on yourself. What can you do but take the approach that you do know what you are doing – and then find out! Do not quibble with yourself. Take yourself at full value. No need to over-think. Follow your ideas. Give them a good shot at manifesting. Go where they take you. This is following your heart. Whose heart should you follow if not yours?

If later you decide to turn around and go in a different direction or go back, what is wrong with that? By living Life, you find out. I never said you had to be 100% accurate.

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Sparklers Like Stars

God said:

Stay by My Side. Know where you are. Abide with Me. No need to run away nor to wander off. There is nothing you have to do but to choose to be by My side. We shall all the treasures prove. Let Us turn Fair Days to Sparklers like Stars. Together, We light up the Universe. Now you live in Truth and no longer in speculation. Speculation amounts to doubt. Lay down a royal carpet. You are to be caught up in Truth. Love is Truth. The Truth of Love is the Lay of the Land.

No longer does Life on Earth possibly take on the Role of Heave Ho. Burdens, be gone. Burdens serve no good purpose. Burdens are wastrels. Unburden yourself, and you unburden the World. Champion Life. You are Heaven Born and Heaven Chosen. You are not a fly-by-night, here and there and nowhere. You are not meant to be skittery. Soar on Light of Love. All Light is Ours. You are the Light, and Light shall lead the Way. You are the Precursor of Light. You light up the world. We light up the world.

Know that you reach My Heart. Know that you are My Heart. You are My Love on Earth. You are the Blessing of My Heart. There is no wilderness. Speak for Me. Embrace the Earth. You are the Deliverer and Signaler of Love. Hasten the Awakening of the World. Hasten your Crossing of the Universe, and you hasten Magnificence. There is nothing else to hasten.

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Grace the Playing Field

God said:

When someone is impatient with you, no matter how much you deserve patience, this is your cue to double your own patience now. When someone raises his voice with you, this is your cue to lower your voice. When someone is crotchety with you, this is your cue to be serene. Unless you want a yelling match, change your tactics. Even if the rules might say your teacher is supposed to lead the way or your mother or father or an older brother or sister, there is no rule that says you are not to show the way. Go ahead.

I am giving you a powerful tool for Life – if you will do it you can do it. Actually, Dear Ones, this tool works. It may well beat prayer!

You have been told not to react to another’s impatience or being out of sort. I am giving you a wise way to react. This is another way of saying how to stay out of the fray. Do this unless you prefer raised voices.

Please understand I am not saying you caused a particular situation. What I am giving you is a way to change the dynamics you sorely want to change. You, of course, are responsible for yourself. What is at issue here for you? If you prefer another shooting match, go ahead as you may have been used to.

In the World, you don’t like to hear that you need a new sub-flooring in your sun room. This is not at all what you want to hear. Yet what point is there in your balking or protesting or yelling or screaming? Hop to it. Find a way to change your footing.

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The Mover of Life

God said:

The question comes up:

Who is the Mover of Life?

It is said that I am the Doer. Are you the Deed I do? Are you and your Life Destined? Do you make your decisions? Really?

Is it you who moves your arms and walks the Earth, or are you like a stand-in of yourself. Sometimes you may even feel non-existent and needless and reasonless and out of your element and unknown to yourself.

Your heart throbs. Your heart asks:

“What for? What for? Who am I? Am I? What am I doing here in this sometimes-seeming Godforsaken Place?”

You wonder if you really are here or anywhere, or if you exist at all. You may think you are illusion, and that is also true – yet the personality of you is more like a motif.

What you do know and are sure about is that there are many decisions you would undo if you could even had you really been or had not really been the decider. It could be said that a decision is a foolish decision because you change how you perceive. You would take away or redo something you would wish to, yet you can’t quite because the past is no longer even if it ever was. Where do you find the past and have the propensity to walk in on it and move it around? There is nowhere. Oh, sure in stories. Please do not think I knock stories. Stories have value.

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You Sing in a Wholeness That Can Only Be Sung as You Sing It.

God said:

There is a moment of no thought. No thought is where the Heart of Life discovers or uncovers itself, or, We could say, gets past itself. At this non-time, there is no existent time. There is no ego dancing around. You are at these non-times spot on, assuredly sans time.

For general purposes, when you are above thought -- or is it when you are beneath thought or out of thought -- who can say? -- no one on Earth can speak for you beyond a doubt to establish that you are solidly in Infinity. I, however, do say this to you without a doubt.

Beloveds, in Infinity, there are no seat-backs to lean against. When you are in Infinity, you are nowhere else even when you may be without your cognizance of this in your daily life.

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Accept Your God-Given Happiness

God said:

Give Joy to the World! This cannot be said enough. Joy to yourself as well, for you live on Earth and are indeed part of the world. There is no reason for you to be left out of happiness.

If you want to make a difference to the world, be happy. Don’t try to be happy. Be happy. I wonder if happiness cannot be a decision you make. I wonder if you can allow happiness. Maybe you don’t have to chase it down and find it.

Happy doesn’t have to mean a desire fulfilled, although it could.

Happiness is not a desperate have-to-have sort of thing.

Happiness could be a walk around a lake. It could be seeing a sunrise or a sunset at its prime. Happiness could be seeing a kindness or a smile. Honesty could reap happiness. Happiness can be a quiet calm thing. A glass of water could be happiness. Cracking an egg could be happiness. The sky is the limit. There is no end to the little things that can be happiness, and happiness again and again.

I vote for happiness.

Happiness is always right around the corner. Is this a new thought?

Happiness is renewable.

Happiness can step right up to your door.

Happiness could be a new ballgown. Of course, you can have happiness without a new ballgown.

How you look at Life influences your happiness.

Finding fault isn’t exactly a source of happiness any more than hunger is.

Happiness can take you by surprise.

Happiness can also be your daily fare.

Anticipate happiness. Indeed, happiness is on its way to you.

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For Whom Does the Sun Shine?

God said:

What is all this fuss in the world about? It can’t all be nonsense, can it?

You are not altogether above the world. You get your hem caught on a nail. You are stuck often enough. Instead of going where it matters and reaching where you want, you may spend time trying to get unattached from a nail you are caught on. So much time and trouble for not much.

Where is your time worth spending? Not just on getting away. Go for where you want to be. Your day has come. No more just hanging out where you happen to be. No more just sitting where you have been. Now get up and move forward.

Don’t panic. You are not asked to do more than you can do. What is meant to be yours to do is definitely attainable. There is no huge effort you have to undergo. Easy does it is to be your rule of thumb. Easy does it. Mosey along. Get thawed. Make hay while the sun shines.

Believe Me, for whom does the Sun shine? It shines for you.

Today is the day you come to Life. Today is the day you are immersed in get-up-and-go. Spontaneously, you do. Today is the day you get going. You begin to make a statement. You are not on a high horse, yet you get moving. What a good feeling this is – to be getting somewhere. You are not drifting in and out of consciousness. You are progressing by leaps and bounds. This is your day!

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First Make Peace in Your Own Heart

God said:

It certainly seems that the world is too much with you too often. The thing is that you want plenty of everything. You want to ride the rapids while you also want to float on cool mountain streams. You want plenty of sunshine, and you desire plenty of the darkness of night too. You want it all while you want it, whatever it may be, when you want it. Confess, you love contrast, darlings. You want what you want when you want it, and, even then, you may not feel consoled. You want to direct traffic while, at the same time, you just want Life to happen. Beloveds, sometimes you give Life mixed signals.

If everything were your choosing, what would you choose? Not so sure, are you? What about choosing goodness and mercy for all? How about starting with that?

You might want to nix some occurrences that previously you had invited. Choosing Life inch by inch isn’t so easy as you would have thought. Of course, some matters you are positive about, yet you’re not positive about everything. Dear Ones, you simply don’t have enough information to positively know where something might lead you. You may have some fear that, left to your own devices, you might miss out on something, or, on the other hand, you could be up a creek. You may want to be a leader, yet find yourself stranded.

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Where Is the Fervor of Yesteryear?

God said:

How you would love your old fire back. Once upon a time you were lit up, and you leaped ahead in Life, running to keep up with your heart. At present, you may feel that your heart is lagging.

This realization holds great sorrow for you. It is as if you are left hanging out, as if your heart had resigned, and you are left without any heart, a cold stone, as if your heart will no longer bounce up again, as if your heart has backed out of Life and broken a contract. Your heart cannot abandon you this way. Your heart can’t leave you in the lurch. No, not your heart.

Without your heart regaled in full mettle, you feel desolate. You can hardly swallow. You hadn’t realized how important zest in your heart is and how dependent upon it you are.

You are speaking of this speeded-up enthusiasm that you once rushed to keep up with. Now it’s like your heart lay itself down on the track and won’t rally itself up. Now your heart seems to abandoning you for what? Where is the fervor of yesteryear? Can it be that your heart doesn’t want to get up any more? That in terms of revitalizing itself, your heart wants to excuse itself? You never thought your heart would lie down as if out of steam. This is your own True Heart you are talking about.

You remember well how you used to have to prance to keep up with your heart’s desires, and, now, sadly, your heart has retired and gone to pasture? This cannot be.

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Choosing Your Freedom from the Past

God said:

To what do you attribute your good feelings or more hazardous feelings to on this morning of your Life? What holds up your darkness? What holds up your brightness, do you think?

My answer is that your dear feelings are to be attributed to you, dear one, and to no one else. Your feelings are your Beauty, or they are your ugly. Otherwise, who convinces you that you are to think one way and not another?

You may say in protest: “God, if someone hits me, he hit me. I didn’t hit him. How can You possibly say that someone who hit me is not responsible for how I feel?”

I don’t say he didn’t hit you. He was the impetus. He offended you. What I say and say again and again is -- you are responsible for how you feel right now. You are responsible for your reactions. No matter all the excuses -- if someone never liked you, if someone mistreated you, no matter what -- you still don’t have to live your life building a case against him.

If you once had a teacher who didn’t value you, how do you justify yourself for hanging onto unholy resentment and exonerating yourself from responsibility for your feelings now?


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