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When You Require Love the Most…

God said:

Fear not. Stress not. Strain not.

Be at ease.

If you are going through a rough time, no need to emphasize your discomfort.

When you have a sore toe, for instance, you would put your foot up. Rest it. Take care of it. You don’t dance on it or put on tight shoes.

It is yourself you are being good to. You are connected to that foot of yours. It is part of you. You don’t badger your foot or rail at that foot for being sore. You are not sore at your toes at all. Quite naturally, you soothe your toes as much as possible.

When your hurt is a circumstance in your life, a heartache, let’s say, you may harass yourself over it. You may ask yourself pointed questions like:

“What is the matter with you? You numbskull!”

You may say: “How did you get yourself in this mess? Why were you so foolish? Now what are you going to do? How are you going to get yourself out of this?”

You may call yourself names. You give yourself a harder time than the situation calls for.

How can you be so rude to yourself who are your Life’s Companion? You are in constant contact with yourself. You are someone whom I tell you is One with Me. Come, change your tactics, Beloveds.

When you require love the most, give it to yourself. Hand it over. Be courteous. If you knew how to prevent world events and personal events, you would.

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The Chance and Dance of a Lifetime

God said:

There are many occasions when Life dazzles you, or stuns you, or outright interferes with your happiness. It often seems like this is how Life appears to you, does it not? As though Life turns out to be a thief who denies you your desires.

Life pulls switcheroos on you. Life is not taking advantage of you by showing you a different way. Dear Ones, you aren’t taking advantage of Life either. You aren’t competing with Life, nor are you playing unfair with Life when you keep going forward and perhaps dazzle it in one way or another? Give your best to Life.

Life doesn’t demand that it prevent you from giving Life the Chance and Dance of a Lifetime. Life is happy for you to give Life your best. It’s perfectly all right for you to show Life what you are made of. You don’t have to hold yourself back. Hey, strut your stuff and stand Life on its ear! Life likes to see you reveal your substance. Life may just have a different vision for what is to happen in Life than you. It’s all right for you to go for leading your own tour on Earth. It is more than all right for you to go for what you want, not in competition, but because this is who you are.

By no means, does Life say to you: “Hands off.” Not at all. Life is invested in you. Life has your interests at heart. This doesn’t mean that you are to stay still and not reach for what you want. Sure, smile at Life. Look at it kindly.

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The Best Scenarios

God said:

Life itself is a fantasy, is it not? You may scoff at the idea of a practical person like yourself fantasizing around when you are clearly solid and down to Earth, yet, no, I tell you frankly that you spend too much time fantasizing the dire tragic side of Life. Are you telling Me that you don’t?

What is all your worrying and aggravating about if not fantasizing a limpid future that is opposed to all that you desire -- unless you do somehow prefer upset and havoc or consider them good luck amulets. No, dears, upset and havoc are not your lucky charms.

Rather, fantasize a future rich with what you desire. Surely, the difference between worry and fantasy are not far apart. Invite that which you desire. Make your will known loud and clear. Give the Universe no doubt about what you want to have.

You never conceded that you were someone who threatens yourself. Tell Me, what can all your worry be but ominous dire prediction? Drop worry like a hot potato. Kick worry away. Be done with exploring what you see as the worst that could befall a nice person like you.

Trouble in Life may arise, yet it is not for you to speculate on trouble. Get trouble behind thee. Don’t give trouble your attention. Give your attention to what you desire to cull from Live. This way, you rightfully put the cart before the horse.

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Catch Your Breath!

God said:

You can row merrily down the stream as well as merrily up the stream. Is there a better way to paddle your canoe? It may not be your favorite way. It could be My Way. Come with Me, then. I will accompany you.

If only you would stay in tune merrily. There is no need to panic. Even if you are certain of several reasons to panic, what good does panic do you? Panic props your eyes open, and you can’t close them. You rattle your cage. With panic, you can hardly breathe.

Do yourself a favor and Me and the World. Slow down. Breathe. Catch your breath. No longer press the panic button. It is a waste of time and a waste of breath and a waste of heart. Save your resources. Conserve. Loosen your tie.

Focus on being free from panic. Don’t blow your wad of energy in one place. Gather yourself.

Row your boat with a steady rhythm. You will get past the doldrums. Adjourn panic. All panic can do is tie you up in knots. Untie those knots. Get beyond the borders. This is your birthright. Think what this means. This means this is My Will. There is good here for you whether you see it or not.

Whatever difficulty you may be going through – the worst of it amounts to panic. Panic makes you desperate, as if Life has to be all or nothing. Life can be anything it wants when it wants.

Is ego the damage you consider the worst?

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Under the Umbrella of Importance

God said:

Of all the contents of the world exists Oneness. This is as simple as pie.

There is a whole lot of palaver that goes on in the world, and it is all much ado about nothing. It is understood that all departures from Oneness are big stuff to you and big to the whole world.

What really matters is the Quiet State of Oneness. Oneness counts. Disparity, not so much. Life can get out of proportion here and there, now and then.

Until your final day on Earth, you are filled up with occurrences and events of great multitude. You fill yourself with excitation often noted as inconvenience of one kind or another. What a world!

Your Life does not have to be filled up so high and wide with so many ins and outs. Life occurs, yes, yet what occurs doesn’t have to take up all the space and diversion and carrying-on it usually does. Is it only the news that makes up the headlines that matter? Only at the end of war does a newspaper ever say: “Peace is declared.” Peace doesn’t seem to hold the allure in the world that fussing may.

Everyone’s Life gets filled to overflowing when you could claim peace just as easily as anything else. All your pockets don’t have to be so full.

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If You Don’t Like What Life Gives You…

God said:

Why are there so many complaints in the world? Why do you complain so much? Of course, from your point of view, you are justified. Life has not all been as you thought it would be and is supposed to be. I understand this, yet it is not your place to fuss about Life. Complaint breeds complaint.

Complaining is looking at Life from the outside in. Let’s face it: Complaining reveals quite a lack of gratitude. Complaining may have become a way of Life as if you believe that complaining is a virtue.

You may come across as haughty while you perpetuate yourself as a victim. You can’t be haughty and a victim at the same time. This just isn’t a good practice. It is like practicing poor posture. Of course, bad habits creep up on you. You can also accrue good habits of greeting Life. This is up to you. Who else would your Life be up to?

You are not an innocent victim of Life. You play a part. You play a role. If you don’t like what Life gives you, change your stance in the world.

There is a world, and there is a God, and there is you. By and large, your Life is what you make of it. There is no virtue in complaining, for, then, you become defeated and, in some lackadaisical sense, even proud of your malaise. How badly you are treated. When you complain that you are unjustly treated, you treat yourself unjustly. You wallow in mistreatment. No one confines you. If you are confined, it might be you would rather stay as you are than change half an inch.

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Walk on Rose Petals

God said:

Now that We have taken care of your disposition toward the world, what’s next?

Good cheer covers a lot of ground. It covers the ground you and others walk on with rose petals.

Now that you don’t have to be the star of the show, you can spend more time considering others now and assisting them. It’s fine to live a walk-on part and not be the the lead star. It would be great, in the production of life that is so filled with applicants for a starring role, to have one with a walk-on part who doesn’t have to have the accolades due a star.

To think: To have one performer who doesn’t have to have the applause. To think: To have one performer who doesn’t mind applauding for someone else. One performer who doesn’t mind cooking for the crowd. One performer who doesn’t have to be filled with accolades, who can, instead, give them, fill up others’ plates and be glad to.

It is better not to think that you get the left-overs. And if you might get the leftovers, does that indicate unworthiness? It might indicate how worthwhile you are.

Is there an expression: “He who eats last eats best?”

If there is not such an expression, then I just made it up. First or last, no matter. Be glad to be part of the crowd. You don’t have to ride in a limousine. You don’t really want that on your tombstone, do you? “Rode around in a limousine,” when you could have instead:

“Served others as himself.”

“Paved a path for others.”

“Led the way from the rear.”

“Forgot about his ego.”

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New Frontiers

God said:

What would it be like if even for one day in your Life, everyone you come across would say Yes to you? How easy Life in the world would be!

How much greater would such a day be when you say Yes to yourself every moment of one day. You don’t once say to yourself: “Better think about that. Better think this over. See about it later. You’re too busy right now.”

No skipping moments in Life. Your spontaneous vision will move you forward. You would LIVE your Life in the moment it occurs to you. No more saying, “Later.” No more waiting for a better time. No more would you be unmitigatingly cautious. No more would you clog up your Life.

When you think of someone you haven’t heard from in a long while, you might allow yourself to call him or her right away and not have to consider any longer about calling your friend or -- waiting another day to forget to call your friend.

Yes, you could be freed from planning out your day. You could be living your Life in this moment and be free of loose ends.

What kind of perfection must you deliberate about? What for? Do you have to talk yourself out of a nice gesture? Is this a habit? Must you be hesitant about following through? If you are not living your Life whole-heartedly, what more exactly has to be considered before you do live your Life whole-heartedly? What are the rules you live by? Must you adhere to them even when they slow you down?

When there is an impulse that occurs to you out of the blue, must this automatically mean the impulse is a wild impulse?

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Your Gateway to Progress

God said:

The way to open your heart is to open your heart. Keep your intellect out of it, and opening your heart will be a cinch. When it comes to love, your intellect is to take a break. Intellect complicates. Your heart doesn’t do well when the intellect supervises it. Your heart will open without your intellect’s interference.

Your intellect puts your heart on a scale and weighs it. The intellect says: “Is this a good deal for you/us? Will it all come out all right? What will your parents think about this? Think well before you act.”

The intellect takes the joy out of opening your heart. Your mind has a long-range goal in mind. Your mind is attached to a specific outcome. Your mind says: “This is good so long as it comes out the way I want it to.”

The intellect sees love as an investment upon which you must have a return. The intellect believes that Life must go by certain rules, or you are making a mistake.

Look, don’t interpret opening your heart only with a guaranteed return. You are not being wayward by letting your heart feel as it feels, loving as you love, even if for one moment. We’re not talking about your taking advantage of any other or your being foolish and out of your mind, nor are you being just trendy. Reliance on your intellect isn’t necessary. Odds are your intellect will make you cautious. Being cautious restricts you. Your Life does not depend upon what you think about it – I take that back – your Life does depend upon what you think about it.

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God said:

To what do you owe your dismay at any given moment? Whatever it may be, you are mistaken. In actuality what you have been hanging your dismay on is no more than a closet rod that waits for you to hang your coat on. The closet rod may have your coat hanging on it, yet the rod is not the source of your coat. Your coat came from somewhere else. Your dismay also came from somewhere else.

Do you understand what I am saying to you? You hung your hat on a tree branch, yet the tree didn’t create your hat.

Who is it who creates your reality – or interprets it, founds it, establishes it, broadcasts it? Nobody but YOU, dear one?

The certified dismay you cater to is caused by something deeper than what you pick out as the cause. Here’s the crux:

You don’t have to know the cause. Wracking your mind to scratch for the cause isn’t a cure. In the final analysis, the cause is from something deep within, perhaps, deeper yet than you may ever catch on to.

Some might say that the supposed cause comes from a past life. Others might say it’s from this present life back when you were helpless in your babyhood. The inciting event may have been forgotten. In any case, the cause is something you latched onto. Let it go.


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