Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Cultivating Compassion~

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Pink Rose

–by Paul Gilbert, syndicated from Greater Good, Jan 08, 2014

Why do we need compassion?

We need compassion because life is hard. We are all susceptible to diseases and injuries. Every one of us has a lifespan that had a start and will have an end. Just like you, I am vulnerable to disease. Just like you, I could have a blood test tomorrow that says my life is going to end. Just like you, I could hear that my son has been killed in a car crash.

Because these things can happen to any of us at any time, we’re all in this together. No one—no one—escapes. And the more we work together, the more we can make this journey of suffering bearable. The Buddhist tradition puts it this way: “Just like me, you want to be happy; just like me, you want to be free of suffering.” That recognition of common fear and yearning is the basis for compassion.

Tune in for a nice Live Show Today on ET-First Contact Radio~Latest Galactic News

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 Host Maarten Horst With the Latest   Galactic News

Live today at 1pm Pacific at these Links:

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With the Latest Galactic News!


Tune in at 1 PM Pacific Time / 4 PM Eastern / 9 PM GMT / 22:00 CET VIA:

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Love you all,


Love and Light,



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~Sandra Walter: What is Ascension?~

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By Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution,


Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in Evolution.

The Bright Sun, Blue Sky, Clouds

Ascension is not about leaving the planet, getting rescued by off-world brethren or flying up into heaven. It is not about watching the Shift unfold online, or waiting for the external world to provide evidence of inner change. Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution.

When consciously activated, the Ascension process affects every aspect, level and layer of a person’s beingness. The physical, emotional, mental, egoic and spiritual structures undergo acute transformation, evolving to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness.

Creator Writings~ You Are Connected

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You are not separate as you think. The interconnectedness of everything is all around you. The stalk of wheat does not grow in a solitary fashion; undulating in the breeze with its brothers and sisters against the sky, it is fed by water falling from the skies and the Earth in which it grows. If any one element goes missing, it fails to mature. So should you view your Earth-plane existence and everything that occurs in it. ~ Creator

Authentic Spirituality ~Coming Clean With Your Self

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by John McIntosh
Like most spiritual seekers I had a very stormy childhood. For me this manifested largely as a feeling of being ‘unseen’ and ‘worthless’. This led to an unconscious need to be ‘perfect’ before speaking or acting. I took piano lessons and remember that if I made a mistake when playing a homework piece for my teacher I would go right back to the beginning. This same behaviour repeated itself in many ways as I grew into adulthood.
Like most dysfunctional behaviour this tendency grew many arms and legs … the most prevalent of them was the need to ‘control’ everything. When I was unable to control a given situation I would become angry even to the point of being tyrannical … something I had seen my father as and swore I would never become. When the heat of this reaction cooled and I found that I still could not control a given situation I would become depressed and withdrawn.
It’s interesting to note that I was more aware of these patterns ‘before’ I began my spiritual search then afterward. In fact, only recently in the last five years of authentic ‘Self Discovery’ have I seen how deeply buried my need to control really was. Control is a lack of Trust … Trust that ‘all is well’ … in the end, Trust in God [by whatever name].

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The Adventure of 2014 and the Possibilities ~ The New Earth Energies

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Image by Jean Luc Bozzoli at

Archangel Michael: The Adventure of 2014 and the Possibilities : The New Earth Energies, channeled by Celia Fenn, January, 2014 at:

Beloved Family of Light, what a joy and a delight to enter into this year of 2014 in your new reality! In this message we would speak with you of some of the possibilities that are taking shape in your new earth timeline.

Firstly, 2014 will be a year of great change and transformation on the material or physical level. All focus is now on how the new energies begin to manifest the new earth as the gold frequency allows and supports a higher consciousness and a Higher level of vision and creativity.

The New Dream is taking shape, and the crystal children are here to support you and assist you as you manifest the Dream.

Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council

OdiStar's picture - 9 January, 2014



Greetings I am Mira:

As you know I am still working with the Earth Council. This is my primary assignment and will be for some more earthly years.

First, I want to assure you that we are real and present on the earth. We want to relieve any doubt of who we are, why we are here on the earth and what we are doing. Our mission is a big one although there are many other members from other star systems who are also assisting the earth.


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