Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Creator Writings~ Free Your Conciousness

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There are moments of meaning (that free your consciousness) and those of no consequence (ones that do not). The first is a gentle path of expansion and the other keeps you static. By standing by and repeatedly attaching yourself to the small pains and digs of your Earth-plane existence, you effectively stop your growth. Which do you choose to embrace? ~ Creator

WakingTimes ~ Julian Rose ~ You May Wake Up, … But Will You Get Out Of Bed?

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waking_times_logo_6-5-12_1Another right on message from Julian Rose … a call to reveal Love through Truth and action, along with finding your Divine life purpose:

You May Wake Up, … But Will You Get Out of Bed?

by Julian Rose

Each one of us came here with a purpose.

Either we decided, or a higher being decided on our behalf, that our spirit would attach to a particular physical body which would manifest itself through the act of conjugation between a particular man and a particular woman.\

Read the whole article at: / link to original article

~Greetings and Participating in 2014 by Meredith Murphy~

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As we begin in this new year, it feels like a very different landscape is emerging and available to us because of all the ways we've revised our own energy field. Of course we experience this when we allow ourselves to notice what IS presenting, without having predetermined ideas as filters.

Realize that a year, is a specific location energetically. You can orient to it, influence it, create within it and jump around as you need to attend to how this experience unfolds for you. You participating actively in the creation of your experience is the nudge, the call, the lure being issued from within you, over and over. Never tiring. Always open to play.

For those who have come into more sustained unison with our higher self, this new NOW, what I'm calling this new year :) is an opportunity for perpetual revision and creation.

Based on what I'm hearing from the entourage I work with here are some keys for participating in 2014 at the leading edge:

Guidance From The Angels ~ Loving Yourself Unconditionally ~ from Archangels and Devas

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Guidance from the Angelic Realm for today:

Loving yourself unconditionally opens up a doorway into your Soul. It is the first step to experiencing Oneness within your Self. Acceptance of yourself requires nothing more than unconditional love. You are perfect. You always were and always will be and nothing will ever change that.

Have a Blessed and Happy day Everyone!

Angel Hugs & Blessings!
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Archangels and Devas

~Birthing DREAMS into the New Earth~

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Many of you may be experiencing deep confusion at a waking conscious human level, unable to reference how you FEEL to what APPEARS to be happening around you. As you move through the dissolving of the old 3d earth a gulf will begin to appear between how you FEEL and what you experience, this seeks to challenge the human logical mind and seeks to help you understand that the old 3d earth IS a CREATED reality that no longer serves. However the human logical mind LOVES to present ideas as solutions to PERCEIVED problems and if you allow your human logical mind to take control over the HEART space the mind will create even more chaos that is seeks to teach is down to your inability to be in the “real” world.

This distortion is a deliberate creation of those who sought to contain and suppress the human race. “REALITY” at all times being a personal construction created out of the frequencies that are anchored within the human vehicle.  As these frequencies are not visibly seen (think radio waves and their invisibility) then the human logical mind will try to filter this out.  You may fall to the distortion of trying to alter your outer waking reality whilst not adjusting the frequencies that you are running internally, within your human vehicle.

Gillian MacBeth~Louthan ~ Welcome To 2014

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As the New Year births itself, with or without our permission we all come to the edge of ourselves seeking a new horizon a new vista a new view inside and out. 2013 seemed to chew up our soul a little, we all tried so hard and yet we still seem to have fallen short. We looked for the magic in every interaction and lit up like a christmas tree when we found it. We tried so hard to pass the magic along to another, yet by the time it reached them all the fairy dust had fallen thru our hands. We knew in our heart of hearts 2013 was a turning point year full of illusion and mirrors as the universe escorted us down the yellow brick road the hard way.  2013 was about ownership and stuff and what is it is worth and do we ever really own anything or does matter own us?

Emmanuel Dagher ~ Energy Forecast January 2014

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 Emmanuelpeaceofficial1A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring 
January 2013

Happy New Year my Beautiful Friend,

It’s such a deep honor for me to connect with you again as we embark upon a fresh new year.

I have quite a few exciting things to share with you in this forecast! But before we dive into some of the gifts the year 2014 will usher in, let’s take a moment to reflect back on the blessings that the past year brought us.

December 2012: What Really Happened?

When the December 21st 2012 Winter Solstice came and went and nothing in our immediate reality ‘seemed’ to have shifted much, many people were left feeling disheartened, disconnected and defeated.

There was no doubt as to the palpable quickening of time and the heightened physical and emotional symptoms that led up to and followed the December Solstice of 2012. But many simply didn’t feel fulfilled enough after the amount of hard work and dedication they had contributed to the potential awakening of the collective consciousness.

Enoc-Tu Message, The Law of Resonance, and The "Shift"

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Hello my brothers and sisters in Great Spirit.  Under the guidance of all the guardian angels and elders of Mother Earth, the Galactic and Universal Councils of 12, St. Germain, Thoth, and Enoc-Tu, this message is being sent out to all so an understanding may be received by all who choose to understand during our time of evolution and ascension.
As stated in a message from the group consciousness of Enoc-tu, on July 15, 2013, which I shall post on this blog, “Many of you have been receiving messages of warning and incoming chaos, and you have tossed them aside as fear mongering and wanting to create panic and chaos amongst your people…”  This message went on to state that the Enoc-Tu message was not one of fear but of awareness and preparation for the coming changes to occur.  Unfortunately, many of you have taken this message, judged it, and have construed it as fear mongering.  Nothing is further from the truth.  Also, many of you have presented the Law of Resonance as proof that this and other messages sent out to the people do not come from a place of light because “light beings” do not send out messages of darkness and negativity.

The Heart Plan, The Mandelbrot Set, and the Torus Energy Field What's the Connection?

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By David-Uriel "Ealge Heart" Ibarra
Originally written on July 24, 2012

This note is an oversimplication of what was shown to me while meditating.  A full description to what was experienced cannot in anyway be explained in words but can only be felt.  What is being shared here is just the beginning of a journey that only you can choose to begin.  Want a better world than the one you are in now... listen to your heart.

 While meditating, I was shown two images that represented heart frequencies, which are the resonate frequencies of our life force energy. The energy and frequencies being produced were extraordinary.

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, January 7, 2014 Transformation

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Oracle Report First Quarter Moon in Aries: take action, step out, expression, growth / Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


Audio Recording 12/31/2013 – Gregorian New Year – New Ruling Mahavidya – Kali

Our band of travelers continues the journey through the realm of the Black Moon, a land where there are wildfires of emotions. If you don’t understand where you are and what’s really happening, it can feel like hell. But it isn’t hell at all. It’s a domain of transformation. It refreshes us by purging whatever is no longer needed and whatever is not in alignment with our true course.

Many things come to a head today with Mercury making opposition to the Black Moon. The tendency is to say things before we think. It is natural under this energy to call out injustices, to call things like they are. In fact, it often comes out before we know it. The conjunction of the Moon and Uranus, both in Aries, adds to the impulsivity and shock factors. Most likely what’s said needs to be said and will be a catalyst for transformation. There really aren’t any accidents under this energy. What happens, no matter what it looks like now, ultimately serves to get us someplace else.


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