Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

DL Zeta ~ Becoming ‘The One’ To Carry Out Your Visions And Intentions For The New Year

OdiStar's picture - 9 January, 2014


Becoming ‘the One’ to carry out your Visions and Intentions for the New Year

Most everyone has experienced setting goals and intentions in New Year’s past that didn’t come to fruition. If you have unrealized goals, you may feel discouraged. You may have lost faith and confidence and begun to fear your visions will never manifest in physical reality. This creates further obstacles because fear dilutes the energy you need to live your dreams and may lead you to manifest realities you don’t want.

There are reasons our most cherished dreams and visions fail to manifest and once we understand them we can step past them. Now is the time to remove the obstacles that stand in your way so you can begin the process of re-envisioning your life as you move into this powerful and transformative year.

Blossom Goodchild ~ Update from the Federation of Light

OdiStar's picture - 9 January 2014


Hello! What an interesting week it has been in my inbox. I have, as you know, been asking you to read along with me, the many hundreds of emails from people all over the globe, expressing the exact same FEELINGS as I put to you in our last communication. You have said that this was our agreement ... for ME to let YOU know how it is for ‘US’ down here … and with all respect for you … that’s what I felt was needed to be done  … so I did it! I have to say … many, as I did … felt you were dumbfounded by my words … and that they left you unable to respond. So, now you have had some time to digest it … with all LOVE in my heart … I wonder what you have to say, on what seems to be a very important issue?


Lia's picture

7.1.14 -

Don’t despair we are here to cheer you on our way.  We open up a grand connection and point you in the right direction; there are a myriad connections to help you and we choose those that will gain greater advantage to draw ever closer.  We sample some home truths, sharing luminosity of spirit . . . those threads that bind us together which can never be disconnected. 

We draw ever closer my friend, ever closer to your heart, relishing those intervals where we champion the cause of enlightenment for all mankind.  It brings us great joy to be working with you as was planned long ago, and we delve deeper and deeper into your thought streams, sharing and growing closer together, reaping the benefits of a lifetime’s experience.  We shelter you from the plague of uncertainty, rescuing you from the maelstrom that threatens to engulf you.  We will not see you led astray but keep to the true path; this is a time of adjustment and for growing stronger in our resolve to move forward on that beam of Light that shall take you further field and on to greater distinction.

~Oneness With All Life- Caroline Aguiar~

Lia's picture


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By Caroline Aguiar

I find that I’m able to slip into a deeper meditative state, and when I do, there is profound peace, and joy which permeates every cell of my being.  Another vision came this morning, and with it a message from Archangel Michael.

In this vision, I stood before a large window looking out into the universe.  My heart swelled with love, and my entire body hummed internally, as knowing filled my heart. I knew without a doubt this was my true home.

My eyes gazed upon millions of stars within the vast universe of existence. There was no question as to where it began, or ended, and it wasn’t important.  The incredible love I felt which seemed to flow from each guiding star brought me deep into my knowing, and at that moment, I knew I was love, and one with all life.

When the vision focused on Gaia, I saw her Celestial body suspended in space with an amazingly bright, and golden ring of light surrounding her.  This light was filled with the most radiant love, and I knew at that moment we were one.

Energy Transfers with a view to increased harmony

Lia's picture

Hi guys,

Thought occurred to me that for those people who are not familiar with the process of increasing the harmony and energy within a group setting and to wit, a personal setting, may well find the following useful:

1.  Be mindful of your true intent.

2.  Keep this intent uppermost in your day to day dealings with people you meet.

3.  When faced with a difficult situation, remember to ask for guidance and understanding from your angels/helpers.

4.  When lost in confusion, refer to point (1)


1.  Request to be connected to the group universal harmony.

2.  Seek to understand the nature of your Being.

Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 8, 2014

OdiStar's picture 


Archangel Gabriel

Just like so many of you in North America have been experiencing a deep freeze, you may be feeling like you have been frozen in place, energetically, since the beginning of the new year. You have lots of ideas of what you would like to do or create, yet things don’t seem to be moving. Don’t despair! You are simply in place, adjusting into the energies of a brand new year. You might think of it as a large wall of ice in front of you, holding you still as you integrate and shift into the energies of 2014. Come mid-January, a symbolic warm wind will blow in and melt the ice. The ice will turn into water, which, if you stay surrendered, will flow you right into the movement you have been anxious to start experiencing. All is well, Dear Ones, and as always, divinely perfect. ~Archangel Gabriel



~~❤~ SOULar 2014 Blessings ~❤~

Lia's picture

Brightest SOULar Blessings!! By LoveLight


we are truly off to a "crackling" New Year ~ one of the largest EVER sunspots seems to be delivering some high intense energies our way!   We have had several Solar flares directed our way over the past week!  Not to mention, the Sun has reversed poles ~ and WOW ... look at ALL the "topsy turvy" events happening around our Earth Mother at present!  Anything and Everything that has been hidden or shadowed is making it's way into the LIGHT ... to the top ... 


if you feel anything like I do ... you are physically feeling all the many pangs of these frequencies ... exhaustion, digestive issues ( stomach ~ this is due to our nervous systems ("solar" plexus chakra), feeling anxious, those hot / cold flashes  (being drenched in sweat only to grab a blankie from being chilled ... LOL), hearts are beating wildly ;o) (myself now, when I FEEL my heart beat quicker, I stop ~ Smile and say THANK YOU for this upgrade or calibration), appetite swings ... for some, little or no appetite whilst others eating constantly ... there is no "right" way or "wrong" way and it is so IMPORTANT for each of us to USE OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL SENSES to acclimate and calibrate our vibrations ~ going within and ASKING ... having Trust and Faith in our Souls path, understanding the energies that present themselves before us, are there for a reason, as a tool!  We might not like it or understand it in that moment ... Having Trust and Faith that each Moment Divinely unfolds ... enables and empowers us to strive for Balance!  We are in new spaces and have been travelling over the past several years to Be Here!

~The Body’s Symphony of Sound and Vibration!~

Lia's picture

by Patricia Spadaro

What really makes us tick? How do we know?
And what are the implications for our health?

From molecular science to string theory, modern researchers are proving what ancient sages have taught for millennia—that our body responds to vibration and that the trillions of cells inside of us form one grand symphony of sound…

One of the most intriguing roads that leads us into the world of vibration—and there are many—emerges from the leading edge of physics, where scientists are still debating what the world is really made of at the most fundamental level. Greek philosophers over two thousand years ago proposed that the basic, indivisible unit of matter was the atom (a word derived from atomon, meaning “that which cannot be divided”). The idea was revived in the eighteenth century. By the 1930s, physicists had discovered that the “atom” could be broken down into smaller components—a nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons, orbited by electrons.

In the 1960s, physicists uncovered still smaller units—dubbed “quarks” and “leptons”—that make up all particles of matter. But in the last several decades, some physicists have claimed that there is yet another layer of the onion to peel off, and that under it, at the very core, lie the real building blocks of matter—strings of energy.

AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer ~ My Answer Is Yes, What Is Yours? ~ 8 January 2014

Lia's picture


eileenmeyerThe conversation is happening. This is what I LOVE! I wanted to share a response that I wrote with one of you wonderful beings that has engaged with me and this little community “project”. It helped me to clarify my own intent. So thank you Respondent #28! Which reminds me, when you write to me, if you feel open to having something shared here or on the Facebook Page: Coming Out as a Contactee, please indicate clearly that you agree to share who you are and what you say. I want this to be about us.


~Another Wave of Awakening is Coming by Anna Merkabah~

Lia's picture

I had a very interesting experience in meditation the other day. I’m being told that a huge wave of people is going to awaken again shortly and all of us who are here to guide and transmute the negative energies should prepare as it will be quite a hectic few weeks for all of us lightworkers who are focused on cleansing the human auras and energy gateways.

So, please be ready for more questions from strangers, for a bit more chaos happening all around you, and ground yourselves and those around you as much as possible, also drink plenty of water. Please begin wearing energy and electromagnetic protection stones if you have not done so already. The ones that work the best for me are Black Tourmaline, Obsidian and moonstone. As well as all the earth grounding stones.



Practice the cleansing and protection techniques that I keep talking about all the time, you can find them on my blog here:




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