Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Marilyn Raffaele~ The Arcturian Group ~ 5 January 2014

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marilynraffaeleDear ones, we of the Arcturian Group come in this new year of 2014 to bring you messages of love and light as you go forward. Know that in reality there is no time, it is a construct that enables you to learn in the third dimensional energy. These things you will come to understand more deeply as you move into the higher frequencies of ascension and remembering.

Know that all is proceeding according to plan even as you observe discordance in much of the world. What you are seeing is the surfacing and release of ancient energies–clearings that can bring final resolution and ending to the still resonating energy of ancient rivalries and wars. The Light brings to the surface and to conscious awareness those heavy, dense energies still in place in order that they might be resolved and dissolved for the Light will always disperse the shadow.

Try not to label the negativity you observe in the world, but use your awareness to realize that the only power, the only reality, and the only truth is that which is embodied within Divine Consciousness and anything else has no law to support it. Instead, begin to visualize the world as you know it to be, one that reflects the oneness of all in unconditional love. Practice this way of living with every experience of day to day living by recognizing the Divinity of everyone you encounter in the course of your day. Look into their eyes and recognize the light that shines behind them. Offer silent awareness to all, even to those you seem to have nothing in common with.

~ Montague Keen ~ January 5, 2014

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Montague Keen – January 5, 2014


You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.

Try to see everything with a clear mind, without judgment, and remember, they too, are fighting for their existence. They are now frightened of you, for there is a great number of you, in comparison to them. They need your input to survive. They have played this game for generations and they are experts at it. You, on the other hand, have not learned to come together and work together as one, as they have done.

We are now seeing splits amongst them. Each faction is trying to take control. For us, it is necessary to be of one mind, leaving our petty differences, like race and religion etc, aside. You are the human race and you are refusing to allow yourselves to be wiped out. When you seriously consider all the methods they are using to destroy you, you’ll see that everything they do is designed to destroy the quality of life, and to create illness and suffering for the masses.

After All the Hype and Predictions, What Really Happened in 2012?

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HJ: Looking back on the fabled year of 2012, it’s easy for many people to say ‘I told you so!’ on both sides of the aisle.  After all, hindsight is 20/20… but answering the question of what happened in 2012 is not really that simple.  Why?  For some people everything happened and for others, nothing happened. But then again, that all depends on your perception and what you were expecting.  Did aliens come down from the sky and save us all? Not in my reality. Did the financial system collapse? It got close a few times but for whatever reason it’s still stumbling onward.  Did humans rise up and overthrow the corrupt systems in place across the planet? Well, Occupy did make a little progress towards that… Did anyone actually Ascend?  No one that I knew directly, but highly conscious friends of friends did actually ‘disappear’ on or around the date of Dec. 21st, 2012…

Eliza: On Self~Worth

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Eliza: On Self-Worth

As a rule, I don’t often experience classic writer’s block, that experience of staring at a blank piece of paper or screen for hours at a time. Mostly the words just flow out of my fingertips rather easily, almost before I think of them in my mind. So, I’ll just begin here and see what emerges…

This morning I woke up with the phrase, “self-worth” lingering on my consciousness. I know it is a concept and a belief that many people have wrestled with, whether or not they consider themselves to be lightworkers or not.

It has become a very “human” thing, feeling a lack of self-worth, even for those who consider themselves on top of the world in power, connections and material abundance.

James Tyberonn ~ The Holylands, Dead Sea & Ark Of The Covenant

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Earth-Keeper Chronicles  January 3 2014

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn ~ Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you this moment in a vector of unconditional love.

 The Dead Sea : A Liquid of Crystal

The Dead Sea : A Liquid of Crystal

The imagery and thought of ‘Holy Land’ evokes a spiritual if not magical visual for many on the earth, especially contemporaries of the three monotheistic systems that were spawned there. Even those who do not consider themselves as followers of any of the three faiths of Abraham recognize the ‘Holy Lands’ as an eclectic repository of revered cosmological myths and enduring historical events that have undeniably marked the providence and arguably the evolving destiny of humankind. It is indeed a special place on the earth and has always been recognized as such as far back as early Atlantean times.


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