Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?

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Adrienne Goff  January 3 2014

I love the fresh energy of a new year!  It reminds us of our power to hit the reset button in our lives–to let go of the old and to reinvent ourselves, moving our personal reality into a lighter expression.  What wonderful things are you going to create in this new cycle? Does 2014 hold an energetic pattern or trend that will guide your experiences?  After consulting my crystal ball, I was guided to create this fun crystal divination game for my readers. It gives you an energetic forecast of the new year and what is coming your way.  Here’s how to play:


Call in your higher self and move your consciousness into your heart. Take a few deep breaths, and then look a the photo below. Which crystal are you most instinctively drawn to?  Try not to analyze or think about it too much. Instead, allow in your higher guidance.  Tune into your intuition, and feel out which one is calling to you the most.  Once you have your number, look below the photo to access your mini crystal reading for 2014. Enjoy, and remember that you always have the power to make your life beautiful!


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FLARES LIKELY TODAY: Giant sunspot AR1944 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for potent Earth-directed eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of M-class flares and a 30% chance of X-flares on Jan. 5th. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

CME, POSSIBLY INCOMING: A coronal mass ejection (CME) might be heading for Earth. The cloud blasted away from the sun during the late hours of Jan 4th following a long-duration M4-class solar flare from big sunspot AR1944. SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) recorded the explosion:

The assymetric CME could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on January 7th, possibly sparking G1-class geomagnetic storms. NOAA analysts are still processing the CME imagery for a more precise forecast.

~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 2/2

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Sacred Partners 44Relationship Breakthroughs

We’ve heard the Divine Mother describe how sacred partnerships fit into her Divine Plan for Ascension. Let’s review what she’s said:

“How do you love the unknown stranger across the planet if you have not known any form of union with yourself and with your beloved?

“For some — and I do mean a few — the beloved may be a friend or a child or a parent, but for most of you — and you are seeing this explosion — it is a divine partner. It is your sacred other that you choose and that you finally are seeing and recognizing, because you are seeing and recognizing and accepting and cherishing yourself.

“So yes. It begins small and it continues to expand out. It is really a very simple plan. My plan is for the entire group of humanity to fall in love. And I do not mean in the old way, I mean in the cherishing, the freedom, the liberation, the co-creation. And it begins two by two.” (1)

“Is this part of the plan?” she asks rhetorically. “Dear hearts, it is the plan.”   (2)

~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 1/2

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We’re hearing some of the forecasts for what will happen in 2014. I’d like to concentrate on two: breakthroughs in spirituality and breakthroughs in relationship.

You remember that the Divine Mother said that the way Ascension would be accomplished was that we would fall in love first with ourselves, then with a sacred partner, and then with others until all was unitive consciousness? (1) (We’ll look at exactly what she said when we turn to relationships in the next article in this series.)

Well, let’s look at the transformation in ourselves here and in our relationships in the next post.

Spiritual Breakthroughs

The galactics through Anna Merkaba predict technological and spiritual breakthroughs this year: “Watch as the news unfolds of new discoveries, new understanding of spirituality, new understanding of YOURSELVES.” (2)

What new breakthroughs in spirituality can we look forward to? Archangel Gabrielle tells us:

“Dear hearts, you are not simply on the cusp and within the realm of the solstice, you are within the realm of wholeness, not of becoming but of being in the fullness and the presence of your totality of who you are.”   (3)


Lia's picture

3.1.2014 - Sitting in my sanctuary, I asked for Love, healing and guidance, asking if there were any messages to share.


We do indeed bring glad tidings of great joy and this shall be seen as a great wave of Love around your world.  We come in uniformity bringing Love on a grand scale and this shall be felt in your heart centres as you register the impact.  There is every need to shelter from that which threatens to engulf your soul and we bring you hope, we bring you that ray of Love that will confound those who wish to drag you down with them into the abyss.  We protect you from the negative energy that swamps Earth and we align ourselves with a just cause that will free mankind from bondage.


~ Creator Writings~ Smile

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Every morning upon waking, you have a chance to see the world in a different light. Again, the choice is yours; continue to see things as they appear to be or smile and know that there are miracles happening all around you. ~ Creator

Straddling A Fine Line Between the Worlds~Caroline Aguiar

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spiritual-lifeBy Caroline Aguiar

Yesterday, after having read “Communications With My Higher Self”, which mentioned my latest tussle with fear, my good friend Annette D. sent me a lovely email loaded with encouragement.

She told me about something she heard in the Speaking With Self Recordings which went like this:  Say to your Higher Self, “Be here now, now be here. Be me now. Be more of me now than you were yesterday.  Be more of me tomorrow than you are today. Let me see things from your eyes, as you have always seen things through my eyes.”

I did this, and when I read it, my Higher Self sent me a big “Yes”. I didn’t think about it afterwards, and I went on with my day as usual.

This morning during meditation time, I felt My Higher Self’s energy around me again, and she encouraged me to go deep into my heart, which is what I’ve been working on with her.  I physcially felt my consciousness move inside my body, and today, I saw myself looking out through my own eyes.  My meditation place has a large closet door in front of me made of glass so I can see my reflection. As I looked out through my eyes while in the meditative state, I saw my reflection in the mirror had completely changed.

~Hopi Prophecies~

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Hopi Elders pass warnings and prophecies from generation to generation
through oral traditions and reference to ancient rock pictographs and tablets.



Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Siriusis Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes its mask.

According to Ancient Alien Theory The Blue Kachinas are aliens.



~ Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn and Horus - 5 January

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On our way back home from Bisbee today Bob and I saw over the Huachuca Mtns a huge, long cloud that was relatively narrow compared to the length. It stretched the whole length of the mountain range. There were also smaller cloudships in the sky over the whole area, for as far as we could see. After we were home for more than an hour they were still there, and more had come. We felt that this was not just a short occasion and so Bob took pictures and I tuned in again. I got enough info to tell me that a message was in order. You can see the pictures Here.

Nancy: Why are there so many cloudships up in the sky here and over the Huachuca Mtns today?



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