Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion 5-12 January

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Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a time of accelerated changes and it will be a time of much information being given that will have humanity reeling from trying to comprehend what is occurring. The mainstream media will be involved in the dissemination of much of this material. It is the wake up call to all the inhabitants of the Earth and many lights will turn on within the hearts and souls of awakening humanity. This is a time for which you have been prepared and your calmness and equilibrium will be very necessary in keeping the balance in Earth’s energy field as the people cope to understand.

Many of you will start to remember the reason and purpose of your presence here on Earth and you will continue to quietly go about doing your light work each day without notice or fanfare. Such has always been the case with our ground crew and this has helped each of you stay unnoticed and rather invisible. This, in the times ahead, will begin to change – for you, the lightworkers of the world, will become more noticeable by the light that you emit and those around you will wonder what it is that is different in your countenance. When each of you are emitting the frequencies of love and joy, peace and harmony, people cannot help but be affected and will respond in many different ways, depending on the level of understanding they possess.

~ Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels - 4 January

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Happy New Year! Welcome to a year filled with opportunity, if only you can embrace the perfection of each moment. Of course allow yourselves to dream, to take action, and to move towards your goals. However, when things do not look exactly as you wish them to be, don’t despair, fall into frustration, or give up on your dreams! Instead, pray. “OK Dear God. I trust you. You know the deepest wishes in my heart because you placed them there. You want more for me than I could ever want for myself. I will trust that right now, there is perfection in my life.”

Then dear ones, act as if everything is perfect even though you cannot see how. Believe that your life is moving perfectly towards your dreams. Have faith! The detour you are forced to take could save your life. The rest you are forced to take could be giving you much needed time to think. The frustration with not having what you want right now, might just be the delay God needs to help you clarify exactly what you DO want. Everything, and we repeat, everything has purpose. Everything has value. Everything is guiding you back along the rivers of grace into the Ocean of God’s love.

Can you surrender to this year, moment by moment? Can you be kind and gentle with yourselves? Can you refuse to beat yourselves up and instead simply learn from the outcomes of your choices? Can you trust in God’s love for you?

~ Karen Doonan ~ Release of emotions in relation to old 3d earth paradigms

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The old 3d earth was created in order to suppress, contain and dis-empower the human life experience. There are many, many levels to this containment and at this time you may be being shown one or many levels in order you may acknowledge the containment and work to dissolve the teaching that seeks to keep you creating from within this containment. It is to be noted that ALL of human society is set up to re-inforce these teachings, it may appear that the paradigms are supportive but they require both sacrifice and containment in order to be aligned with.

At this time the sphere of personal relationships is highlighted with most of the containment being taught and RE-INFORCED within the family structure that you are TAUGHT to preserve, protect and DEFEND at all levels within the old 3d earth paradigms.  This may have intensified to new levels for you over what is termed the “festive period”, this ritual in the old 3d earth brings together families in ways that are DESIGNED to further dis-empower and re-trigger the teachings.  Many of you may resonate with this and be able to see how family gatherings work to re-ignite old hurts, old pain and old resentment. This works to re-inforce the teachings to deeper levels of your BEing and will work to blind you through the very emotions that arise within the scenarios that are created.

~ Caroline Aguiar ~ Archangel Michae:Your Family of Light Awaits You

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fantasy pic flowerBy Caroline Aguiar

I’m still trying to digest the information which is coming to me now.  Archangel Michael contacted me again this morning, and he asked me to relay this brief message to you.  I feel as if I should give some kind of an explanation about what’s occurring, but he told me he doesn’t want to throw me into the ring quite yet.  I’m very grateful for that, believe me. :)

Archangel Michael

Our love for you is eternal. It is without condition, or judgement.  Welcome one, and all, those who wish to openly communicate with their star brothers, and sisters, and with the Company of Heaven. Your Family of Light awaits you with love, open arms, and a warm embrace!

~ Judith Coates ~ Jesus: Do you Know how BLESSED you are ?!

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jeshuaThanks Wes Annac:

Beloved one, when you first thought to create, you left a part of you, an awareness of you that is still with you. You turned from it and you said, “I want to create. What can I create?” And you have created all worlds, all scenarios, everything that you can imagine in this lifetime and more because you wanted to know your creative ability.

At first your creations were from Love and from the Isness of Being. Then, later the creative Energy desired to know what else there could be, what could be unlike Love. So you began an experiment. You wanted to know, “How does it feel to be completely immersed in my creation and to be creatively challenged by someone else’s creation?”

You went through incarnations where you devised a form, and someone seemingly apart from you devised a creation that came along and destroyed your creation or challenged it in some way. This is happening still, as your news media reports to you. But you have also come to a place where you are ascending.

Now, there has been much talk about ascension, much talk of moving from third dimensional consciousness into fifth dimensional, and truly the numbers do not matter. Ones have said, “Well, what happened to fourth dimension? Did I just go past it in my sleep?” Well, you can say that. Fifth dimension, as you have defined it, is the place where you find yourself ascending into peace with yourself and with other ones and with what is happening in the world.

Simion ~ Healing With Happiness

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Simion  January 1 2014

happinessspiralSimion through Amariah Mara ~ We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. Having explored the potential causes of what ails you as suggested in a previous transmission, you are now free to heal yourself with happiness! We have decided that if we are to relay only the most important message for healing, it is that happiness heals everything. And as simple as this sounds it is the answer to what ails you, and it is completely in your control. Your happiness is not found somewhere outside of you, or once you get to some goal, or have some item. Happiness is found right where you are in this given moment and is the key to the success of any remedy. No matter what is wrong with you, and no matter what the cause of it, you can cure it by allowing yourself happiness to sooth away your pains and sorrows.

Manette Mays ~ New Year’s Inspirations

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manettemaysManifesting the content of our heart happens constantly. The trouble is — most of us don’t like the picture our heart shows us. Our hearts are weighed down with the sludge of fear and life experiences we have yet to heal and we’d really like to ignore all that. The musty heavy lifting of healing work seems overwhelming when life is already starving us of divinity.

When our life isn’t blossoming into the garden we deserve it’s because our heart is filled with stones of pain. Those rocks are manifest on our path as roadblocks. Those obstacles show us our pain and our fear so we can heal and continue to manifest. That’s right, even when we’re manifesting a flat tire or an argument with a loved one we are manifesting. Our heart is reflecting to us exactly what we need to know to evolve.

We think that when we experience lack, rejection, ill health or drama that we are having trouble manifesting. We’re having trouble all right but it is because of what we’re manifesting! Lack is fear, no matter what we perceive as missing from our lives be it love, money or meaningful occupation, the cause is a dirty heart. A heart can only manifest sweetness and delight from a space of innocence and believe it or not that is exactly where the heart is ALWAYS headed. Even when it hurts. The heart chakra energy is always guiding us back to the zero point field of creation.

~ AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer – An Invitation To The Starseeds

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Dear Every One,

On December 24th, 2013, I received an inspiration-download to begin engaging and conversing with other starseeds/contactees/experiencers. I see this as a future public presentation and it may manifest in several forms as I further engage with the ones who make contact with me – i.e. documentary film, ongoing YouTube audio and/or video conversations, collaborating on artistic projects together, and/or simply reporting what unfolds when we “contact” each other (with permission of course) on this blog. I was shown very clearly that the power of honestly being who we are and coming out with it in the world, (i.e. not hiding or adapting to smallness anymore) and experimenting with the power of, “where two or more are gathered in the name of Love and Truth…” Okay, that was a little twist on that Bible phrase, but you know what I mean. In just the past few days, I’ve already been witness to the enormous light and power of this natural (seemed magical in the past) phenomenon.


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