Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ RemovingTheShackles ~ The Beginning Of The Road Less Traveled

Eddie1177's picture

Let me tell you about my Dream.

For years and years I have had dream- a driving urge to create a community.  Not just any ol plunked down houses and random people… but to create a true conscious community of people that are creating CHANGE.


I have spent years building various online communities in different areas of the world and with varying focuses.  Each has been an awesome learning experience and in each case I have learned vital skills in leadership and in applying those skills within  non-hierarchical, no “bullshit bureaucracy” communities.  I loved them all…. but they were only a warm up to the real thing.

Here is the thing:  I have spent years waiting to create the real thing.

I waited for someone to lead the way
I waited for the “RV’ to happen
I waited for someone to give me permission
I waited for ……

I realized last night that I have waited far too long for all the wrong reasons.  Last night I realized that all those years of experience I have gained through working with so many organizations and movements and groups, was for THIS MOMENT.  I realized that I no longer have anything nor anyone to wait for, and no more excuses to make.

It IS the moment to DO NOW!!!   So…… I will take the lead and I will DO what I am driven to DO.


~ Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa - 3 January 2014

Eddie1177's picture

SaLuSa (1)

We join you at an exciting time as you enter the vibrations of a New Year. Across the world there is anticipation of a coming time that brings wonderful changes. They are going to be ones that will give a clear signal that a new era has got under way. Outwardly the chaos would still seem to be present, yet it is clearing to reveal long awaited changes. It is now a time of taking opportunities as they present themselves, to reveal the new way of bringing people together so that harmony can be restored. Love will become seen as the energy that will remove all traces of the old ones that have held you back for millennia of time.


Throughout your world cleansing is taking place, and the old energies are slowly being dissipated as they no longer serve any purpose. They will soon be unable to interfere with the changes that are taking place, that will show you beyond doubt that the new era is here to stay. For quite a long time you have been promised major changes, and the work that has been done to bring them about is now going to bear fruit. This year will mark the turning point in many lives, and there will be no doubt in your minds that the days of the cabal are numbered. They know it and are ready to concede defeat, but there are always certain individuals that know no other way than to fight to the bitter end.


Stargazing 2014

Lia's picture

a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Thursday, 2 January, 2014 

As the wheels of life continue to turn, spin and rotate, we find ourselves, once again, standing at the edge of a new year. As one year ends, another begins, and just like the day that follows the night that follows the day, we find ourselves at the end of one cycle and at the beginning of another. It is all too easy to feel as though we are in an in-between time as the wheel of the year turns, but these turning points are just as significant, if not more so, than the rest of the year.

It is during the in-between times that we find opportunity to reflect on the path behind us and the path before us; we are able to contemplate our actions, choices and decisions, and change them if so desired. At the same time, we are able to re-connect to the path ahead as we consider what we truly want from life, opening up to the myriad of different possibilities waiting to be discovered. It is also in such moments that we remember to consciously connect to the present moment in order to open up to all that we are, now, in this moment, and such vision helps us to realise just how vibrant and fluid we really are.

The Creator Writings - When You Grow Up

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



What do you want to be when you grow up? For a child, a simple question with infinite possibilities. As you’ve grown into your Earth-plane adulthood, how many of them passed you by? It is not too late. Ask yourself, “What do I want to be when I grow up” then create, create, create! The infinite possibilities are still there, use them. ~ Creator

Masters of the Stars~Forecast for January 2014~

Lia's picture

Discipline and Faith Happy New Year everyone!

I hope that 2014 marks a year of incredible blessings and joy for you all. As we embark on another turn of the wheel I would like to share with you the first forecast of the year!

We begin the year under the influence of the Capricorn New Moon. This is a time to tune in and cultivate your discipline and self-mastery. And what perfect timing too! As we all develop our visions for the year that discipline will certainly kick in to help us make those visions and goals a reality.

We also start the year off with a Grand Cardinal Cross. This Grand Cross will remain with us most of the month until Mars moves out of position towards the end of the month. This Grand Cross brings with it an energy that we have felt time and time again for the past couple of years; the sudden urgent desire for change and the dissatisfaction with the way things are in the current status quo. This Grand Cross is really an extension of the square between Uranus and Pluto that I have mentioned a number of times in the past couple of years.

Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul ~ “2014 Revelations & Transparency”

Lia's picture


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. 2014 what an interesting year! I always give a theme for the year in my quarterly forecast which is available “2014 1st Quarter Forecast”. The term for 2014 I’ve put in “Revelations and Transparency”. It’s going to be very interesting in terms of how that plays out and especially so in large institutions, financial organizations, maybe even military around the globe. Just be very, very interesting.

Now on a personal level, you can make some very good realizations or revelations about your true spiritual nature and you can also get to levels of awareness that you realize everything in Creation is transparent. There is really no place to run or to hide. It’s all transparent.

Again on more global levels even that might show up as e-mails or social media or something being too transparent. It can even come up in the form of hacking or harnessing personal data. So take the necessary steps to keep yourself protected as much as you can while realizing essentially information hasn’t been private for quite a long time. But in this year we surface with Revelations and Transparency.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

We are One Family, One Light~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


unity2By Caroline Aguiar

This morning, I began to meditate at 6:15 am, and it wasn’t until 7:45 that I opened my eyes.  These periods of going within are growing longer.

In today’s vision, I sat on the beach again, looking out at the water; a vision of serenity, and peace.  The sunset was ever brilliant.  Its beauty which emanated from the red, and golden hues so generously painted across the sky brought me great comfort in knowing  I was in the right place, and at the right time.

The waves playfully rolled up the beach, only to quickly recede again. I noticed every inch of the land my eyes fell upon seemed vibrantly alive.  The beach, the sky, the ocean, and the lush greenery behind where I sat, were alive, and within each aspect of that life was a divine spirit, a being of light, and grace.

I sat pondering this very thought when off to my left a male figure approached.  He walked towards me along the shore line, and from a distance I could see he was wearing blue.

My heart pound upon their approach.  My Higher Self, who was also with me, assured me all was well, and to stay centered, and calm.  The name Archangel Michael came into mind, and she indicated, “Yes!”

James Gilliland ~ Happy New Year

Lia's picture


May You Be Blessed With Chaos!

Before you get confused as to whether this is a blessing let me explain. When you are engaging higher consciousness and energy and rising up the vibrational continuum chaos comes with the territory. Those who understand cymantics know when you introduce high frequency sound to sand patterns it disrupts the previous pattern which goes into chaos then reforms into a new more intricate evolved pattern. This is what humanity and the Earth is going through. All the ancients foretold about these times and it is cyclic, natural and the forces are cosmic in cause. Little hint about global warming – all the planets are going through transition, atmospheric changes and they don’t have cars on Mars. I have always been a strong supporter of fueless energy. Yet this problem – climate change – is much bigger than auto emissions.

Many ask what is going to happen in 2014. My answer is chaos. How much chaos depends on our decisions individually and collectively – how much we resist change.

There are two things people resist and fear the most – change and the unknown. Change is coming and the unknown is going to be made known. All that was suppressed, covered up, held back, is going to come forward. The power elite, the banksters, the puppet governments and their agencies are going to be real busy cleaning up the mess, doing damage control as their dubious deeds rise to the surface. It is like a black kettle of smelly fish boiling over as the energy increases.

James Gilliland ~ Happy New Year

Lia's picture


May You Be Blessed With Chaos!


Before you get confused as to whether this is a blessing let me explain. When you are engaging higher consciousness and energy and rising up the vibrational continuum chaos comes with the territory. Those who understand cymantics know when you introduce high frequency sound to sand patterns it disrupts the previous pattern which goes into chaos then reforms into a new more intricate evolved pattern. This is what humanity and the Earth is going through. All the ancients foretold about these times and it is cyclic, natural and the forces are cosmic in cause. Little hint about global warming – all the planets are going through transition, atmospheric changes and they don’t have cars on Mars. I have always been a strong supporter of fueless energy. Yet this problem – climate change – is much bigger than auto emissions.

Many ask what is going to happen in 2014. My answer is chaos. How much chaos depends on our decisions individually and collectively – how much we resist change.

There are two things people resist and fear the most – change and the unknown. Change is coming and the unknown is going to be made known. All that was suppressed, covered up, held back, is going to come forward. The power elite, the banksters, the puppet governments and their agencies are going to be real busy cleaning up the mess, doing damage control as their dubious deeds rise to the surface. It is like a black kettle of smelly fish boiling over as the energy increases.


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