Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Jennifer Hoffman ~ 2014 Predictions~ The Year Of Love

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Enlightening Life  January 1 2014

jenniferhoffmanEvery year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction. Since they are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, and who can translate and interpret what they read in different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. That said, at different times during the year I refer to the predictions I made (which I do not change once they are published),  and I am surprised at how accurate they are.

I have written a new program for this year, a 6 week series that will cover the main points of the 2014 predictions in detail. You will receive 2 chapters a week, as well as a weekly live call with Q&A. We will focus especially on the Expanded  I AM Presence and the Year of Love, and how you can align with and integrate these powerful aspects into your life. Full details are at the end of the predictions and I am offering this at a very special price until January 3. Go down to the bottom of the page for more details.

~ Aisha North~ A short update on the energies, Leaving 2013 Behind

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As this new year starts to unfold, you will all find yourself staring into a brand new space in all sorts of ways, as you have now left the old and outworn energies of 2013 well and truly behind, and you have all taken that first tentative sip of the brand new energies that came in as your calendar shifted from one year to the next. This may sound improbable to many of you, but that is in fact just what has taken place, as you have been taken through a grand shift once again. As usual, only a few of you have yet been able to feel into these brand new vibrations, for they will not make themselves fully announced just yet. Suffice it to say, they are here indeed, although not in full force. For as usual, everything will be taken in increments, so too this, as the levels will be adjusted ever so slowly at first, until you all get back on your feet as it were, and you are able to stand fully upright whilst being exposed to the full and final extent of these new vibrational levels.

Visionkeeper ~ A New Journey Begins ~ 2 January 2014

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Music to read by below:

Welcome to 2014. We made it and it appears we are stronger and more focused than ever before! The journey continues and so must our stamina. First of all I want to thank all of my readers for being a part of One World Rising. It has been such a pleasure having you all be a part of the awakening process in one form or another. It has been an amazing journey for us all and I’ve so enjoyed having you awakening with me. So many things we have learned over the last two years, we have learned to grow into ourselves and our wisdom and strength have grown along with us. There is a remarkable strength that comes with knowledge and understanding and even more so with truth. It has been escaping little bit by little bit and hopefully will pick up speed in this new year. It is time for truth to consume the world and shift our consciousness to better understand our situation.

~ Karen Doonan~ Release and the moon energies in the New Earth

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For many of you at this time it may APPEAR as if little has changed in your outer waking reality. The rituals of the old 3d earth working to deflate, to teach a sense of expectation that is not fulfilled.  At this moment you may feel exhausted, tearful, angry or frustrated to the extreme.  The new moon is working to release the residue that sits deep within the cellular structure of your human vehicle.  Whilst many of you crave release you may be filtering out how this release is processed through your human vehicle and this may see you fall once more as a temporary “blind fold” is placed upon your BEing.

As the old earth frequencies are released from your human vehicle they first of all may appear as a emotional release, that of tears, it may be that you experience a “penny dropping” or “light bulb” moment where you suddenly understand something that has deeply confused you. The relief may be immense and the relief is but the start of the process. For the cellular release sees these lower dimensional frequencies ignite within you, they are re-experienced at various levels as they leave your human vehicle. So you may have a linear day where you felt you cleared enormous amounts of emotion and then wake up the next linear day feeling like the bottom has dropped out of your world. This may be highly confusing to the human logical mind, after all you have released the emotion so why would you re-experience it?

~ Carolyn Gregoire ~ How To Bounce Back From Failure -- Over And Over Again

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Rejection is rough, no matter how you slice it. But it's also an inescapable fact of life, and our ability to deal with failure and rejection has a hand in determining how successful and happy we are.

Happiness isn't the opposite of depression -- resilience is, according to psychologist Peter Kramer. Think of the people you most admire -- many of them didn’t get where they are just by sailing through life without any negative experiences or failures. Most of them distinguished themselves by their ability to get right back up every time they fall, a truism reflected in countless inspirational quotations on the power of perseverance (In the words of Winston Churchill, "It is the courage to continue that counts.").

So how do resilient people differ from those who become paralyzed by every failure and setback?

Here are seven habits of highly resilient people -- and ways that you can improve your own ability to cope with challenges.

They fully experience both positive and negative emotions.


~ Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn - 2 January 2014

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I am here today to bring you a message of hope and assuredness. I am Hatonn, and in this message I am bringing much of what so many of you are saying and asking for at this new beginning of the timeliness of the freedom that you are heading into. It is a matter of being in the know about what you are striving for and then knowing that it is going to work. Yes, it is going to come for you, because you have reached an epitome about how you can achieve that which you are destined for.


As you go through this new year of opening to the truth of your abilities, you will see many ways in which what you are inspired to do will work. That will increase your knowledge of what to tap into within your beingness and how to bring it forth in the joining of so many of you who are walking in that light of Love and freedom. It is a matter of talking the strides that you see will bring you to the truth of how you can master anything that you intend for the coming forth of the truthfulness that brings forward the higher energies that you are bringing to yourselves. It is going to prove itself to us all as the year progresses and you stand in your rights as sovereign citizens of this planet and further into the universe.


~ Josh McIntosh ~ True Change

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by John McIntosh


It is not the wish for better health, prosperity, harmonic relationships, peaceful coexistence, a healthy planet nor the multitude of well meaning resolutions made each New Year that foster these experiences … everyone soon meets with the deeply imbedded programs each one is controlled by and continue to manifest their offspring  in their life experience.


The ‘Heaven on Earth’ dream that has eluded humanity for eons remains aloof and unreachable as long as it is sought ‘out there’ [IN] the experiences and manifestations themselves. These are projections emanating from the Creator each one IS … they come and go like images on a screen.


You can attempt to freeze-frame the movie of your life and paint over the bits you do not prefer but as your life projection proceeds the ‘essence’ of it will remain the same … changed perhaps in outward appearance but always consistent with the underlying programmed conditioning.


Heaven is found where it IS – within.


Until it is authentically and sincerely sought there, it will not be found.


~ Meredith Murphy ~ Archangel Michael: How To Tune To And Live From Your Purpose

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Greetings Dear Ones and Blessings to you, and all of your family of light today. This day, in which together we begin to explore this more Cosmic approach to being you and living here in this NOW moment of incredible light and upliftment.

So much is opening up for you. So, so much. To really know this you have to take time to explore. We keep saying this, but it’s true and we cannot do that part for you. We cannot get you to sit down and go within and find those new rooms within you those new spaces that are now accessible and all that is within them. The perspectives and consciousness available for you to merge with and retrieve, to incorporate. No, we can only point you in that direction, encourage you, tell you there is BIG STUFF there and say — GO GET IT. PLEASE.

And the rest is up to you.

Often Lightworkers, you are so aware of how others do not heed their inner urges. Their calls to more awareness, greater ease. To more love and joy in their lives. It can seem so obvious to you that life is pointing out to someone else, calling them, into a greater relationship with themselves. In the past, you often would tell them how you noticed this and encourage them to act upon it. Of course, now in your sovereignty, you’ve learned to let them find their way.

The Creator Writings - Embracing Your World

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  The Creator Writings


You have the chance to change the face of your world. Do not run, balk, shy away or hide from it. Instead; run toward it with open arms, love it, embrace it, swing it about like greeting a lover that has been gone many months, give it big ‘Grandma cheek pinches’. In embracing your world in a positive way The Universe will always respond in kind. ~ Creator



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