December is a perfect time to take stock of where you are and consider what you want to create next year.
Your understanding of December’s energies can help you make the most of this taking stock and planning. After all, each time cycle has its own energies. To be optimally resourced, you want to become mindful of this month’s opportunities and potential roadblocks.
The ancients knew about the power of self-reflection and inner contemplation this time of year. They had a deep understanding of the need to connect and work with the Earth’s natural cycles. They appreciated the value of taking a time-out before the close of a year to slow down and go on input from spirit.
Inviting input from spirit is something you want to do regularly, of course. At year-end, though, you benefit from expanding your contemplations to encompass deeper levels of questioning and deeper levels of listening.
You cannot listen deeply when your mind is busy and occupied with other things. Spirit is always there, right by your side – but this time of year you want your connection to go deeper. To accomplish this involves finding moments of quiet when you can turn off the noise and chaos of the world. Find as many of those moments you can in December – you will be happy you did when you begin 2014!
Background on December 2013 Energies