Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer: Unwrap Presence – Celebrate Christ En Masse

Eddie1177's picture

Every Sunday I unwrap Presence. It’s my own invention of church. I speak out loud, honestly, to my Creator as I see, hear, feel, and absorb the stunning beauty of the Earth through the window. This is my magical intersection of the Father-Mother Presence. The glory and blessing that is birthed from this honesty space never ceases to amaze me. And that is because it’s a new Presence every time I sit and receive it. I never intend, ahead of time, to make this awareness and Presence happen, because truthfully I don’t remember that this even happens until it happens, spontaneously, again. Even now I am writing in an afterglow of this event – feeling the effects of the Presence – and I am always inspired to translate it, or communicate it, or point to it as something we are and deserve to receive. Then, like many of you, on Monday I jump back into the stream of predictable traffic, and return to work. Lately, it feels like the distance or chasm this creates is literally killing me, and us.

~ Marc Gamma ~ Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 27

Eddie1177's picture

inspirationAcknowledge that you are great and you will know that you are an eternal being.

When did you think to pad yourself on your very shoulder? You do not remember this moment? How should you since this has been so long ago?

Just permit yourself to note that you may pad yourself on your shoulder too! Since when you consciously go through such activity of self-acknowledgement accepting your true greatness you also will accept the very fact that you are much more than others may want you to believe.

There is no description whatever in this language to express your true greatness. And there is about it so much more than words may describe it. There also is much more at stake than you may be able normally to imagine at all.

When you wake up – and I really mean – when you truly awake – you will note for the first time in your life which is the true greatness of yours.


Introduction to “Inspirations from my Higher Self” <Link>



Doreen Smith's picture


December 8, 2013   heartlightdg in General




“The challenges that come up are not for the purpose of distracting you, they’re not for the purpose of diverting you, they’re for the purpose of allowing you to home in more clearly what that [intended] frequency is because many times, the way your reality is laid out, you understand more clearly who you are by being given the example more clearly of who you are not.  In every thought word and deed, be that you.  Be the you that you prefer to be.  Allow yourself to change because change is a constant.  Be open to your higher mind bringing you gifts and surprises and the unexpected.  Choose to be how you know you are.  Plain and simple.”  Bashar

Sananda ~ You Are In the Midst of a Culmination of Such Immense Individual Unfoldment by Fran Zepeda

Lia's picture

spiritual unfoldment4Sananda, December 7, 2013

Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love. I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia. For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from.

It is indeed my honor to greet you today and always with so much love in my heart for you all, with so much gratitude and appreciation for you all. You may not yet fully realize it, but you are in the midst of awakening so many aspects of yourself not yet touched on, not yet fully utilized, and not yet fully appreciated.

And in that awakening comes responsibility to integrate all those aspects of yourself, and this you are doing presently for the full realization of your true selves and for the benefit of all those still coming online. However, it is becoming epidemic now. You have touched so many and now you are sparking within them all the deep knowing of their true nature.

Blue-White Electrical Portal and the Electrical Blue Storm from the Mayan Calendar of 2009

Lia's picture



I was standing in my kitchen two days ago, severally sleep deprived and feeling so incredibly thankful that the day prior I had made a huge turkey dinner that had left me with an abundance of leftovers that I just have to reheat (no cooking, no mess, and still a wonderful feast to be had.)  The moment I was feeling this and scooping out leftovers onto a plate, suddenly I felt this gust of energy like a tight hug with the words “Bless the birds and the birds bless you.”   At that same time, I was shown the turkey feathers that now create a little memorial to my father.  I had to smile while feeling so loved and provided for.

I didn’t do any readings that day, having only gotten 2 hours of sleep.  So let me tell you, I was a little upset when I went to go to sleep that evening and sleep became an elusive chase.  The nighttime hacking as consistent as ever.  The clock showed midnight and I had already been up for 23 hours straight and all I could feel was “not again.”  Finally, by 1 am I drifted into a sleep and woke up at 4:45 am, a genuine tease!!

I have never felt my brains so spacey and loose in all my life.  I tried to write a blog, but there was not enough mental energy to harness words of coherency.  However, I did realize something very important (at least important to me,)  sitting writing my sharing’s really amps up the pain in my lower spine.  If I am not trying to put words to the energy I am collecting thru the readings, that pain really isn’t there.  Interesting….!

Hilarion ~ December 8-15~ That Which was hidden is now revealed~

Lia's picture


Beloved Ones,

Change continues to take place in every corner of your world. That which has been hidden continues to be exposed to the light of humanity’s awareness and discernment. All that was once kept from the masses can no longer be controlled and the dissemination of enlightening information flies through the airwaves across the planet in mere seconds. All manner of secret activities are coming up to be looked at with awareness and acknowledgment and this will continue to be so until all is transparent in all interactions between humans on their world. This enables each person to become better informed about the many activities that take place so that they can input their choice of how they wish their world and the workings of it to be conducted.


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