GFP Commentary: Humanity CHOSE LOVE. Only the Highest Outcome can unfold for Humanity NOW, Love promises.
Miserable people are dangerous for the simple reason they don’t care whether the earth survives or not. They are so miserable that deep down they may think it would be better if everything were finished. Who cares, if you are living in misery?
Only happy people, ecstatic people, dancing people would like this planet to survive forever.
Seriousness is simply a sickness of the soul, but sincerity is altogether a different phenomenon.
A serious man cannot laugh, cannot dance, cannot play. He is always controlling himself, he has become a jailer to himself. The sincere man can rejoice sincerely, can dance sincerely, can laugh sincerely. And in laughter your body joins, your mind joins, your being joins – the divisions disappear, the schizophrenic personality disappears.
Laughter brings your energy back to you. Taking laughter away from you is spiritual castration.
People who are happy, contented, are not the people to be forced to kill other people who have not done any harm to them. It is not surprising that all the armies down the ages have been kept sexually repressed – because those sexually repressed people are bound to be destructive. Their very repression forces them to destroy something.