Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion – 8-15 December 2013

Eddie1177's picture

Beloved Ones,

Change continues to take place in every corner of your world. That which has been hidden continues to be exposed to the light of humanity’s awareness and discernment. All that was once kept from the masses can no longer be controlled and the dissemination of enlightening information flies through the airwaves across the planet in mere seconds. All manner of secret activities are coming up to be looked at with awareness and acknowledgment and this will continue to be so until all is transparent in all interactions between humans on their world. This enables each person to become better informed about the many activities that take place so that they can input their choice of how they wish their world and the workings of it to be conducted.

No longer will deception be tolerated and this will become increasingly clear to all who hope to continue in the old paradigm of keeping the masses ignorant of the behind the scenes activities that have been taking place upon the planet, for just as soon as secret agreements are made, they will be discovered and exposed. The times you are living in call for truth, fairness, justice and honor in all activities. The minds and hearts of all people upon the planet are bone weary of business as usual and grow impatient with those who are supposed to be serving the greater good of their own citizens. The wake up calls have been made in many different countries and have clearly demonstrated this to all who would deceive the people they are supposed to serve, you have but to read or listen to your daily newscasts to see that they are filled with such stories and information.

~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: The Time is NOW

Eddie1177's picture


Hello Dear Ones! We bring you a message of love and light in the most amazing time on your beautiful planet. We know that there is so much wonder so much curiosity at this time and we want you to know that we continue to shower love, light and vibrations of the highest nature upon you and the beautiful jewel, Earth. We know that there is so much anticipation and eagerness within you at this time as we feel it coming off of you in wave after beautiful wave! (laughter) We want you to remember that we are with you in this joyous time of celebration! We share your love and your excitement and your eagerness! For even as we stand outside of 3D time and are perceiving things from a "different point of view" so to speak. We are in eagerness and joy at the current unfoldings too! Just as you may stand in your gardens in anticipation and delight as your favorite flower begins to blossom in the warm sunshine of Spring, there are many eyes and hearts focused upon Earth at this time with the same mix of high vibrations!

We anticipate a most glorious outcome for all involved and wish to allay your fears,  your questions and hesitations and to affirm your knowings and your wisdom.

~ HeartlightDG ~ Morning Messages: You Can’t Screw Up

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Morning Message 2013-12-07  


When contemplating any path, it is important to keep a few things in mind: You can’t screw up – sure different paths have different destinations. It’s only when you are fixated on outcome that a destination is a failure. Let yourself off the hook of “I can’t try because I will fail,” that’s the surest way to stagnation there is.  


Keep your eyes open. Meaning as you travel the new path keep re-evaluating your direction step-by-step and allow for co…urse shifts in any moment where clarity offers an option that feels appropriate. Otherwise, the path you are on was chosen by a previous version of you!  


Be kind to yourself always. New paths bring fresh uncertainties which offer new discomforts. This is normal. Change feels different than the previous state. Different does not equal wrong. It means different. Celebrate your willingness to abide in this discomfort of the unknown and the uncertain. That is where creativity lives and new experiences are found.  


~ Valerie Donner ~ To The Ground Crew – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council

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Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving on the Earth Council.

I greet you with love. We are very close. We have expanded our mission according to circumstances on the Earth as well as around the Earth. I think you know what I mean. There is a lot that you are not being told right now. I cannot tell you much either for it is not my job. Soon you will begin to hear from others. Some of the communication will actually come from those who should have informed you in the first place. It is impossible to hide the truth now.

We want you to know that we love you and have your best interests in mind. It is good that we are focused on you and you can reciprocate by focusing on us too. Not only does it make our jobs more enjoyable because we feel welcomed but it lets us know that you ready to meet us.

We are busy coordinating and managing chaos to a large degree. We are working with massive teams and intelligence due to the hazardous conditions on your planet. We need humanity’s cooperation. We need you to be ready to make changes. The Earth is moving ahead with her plans for her ascension. The earth changes will continue regardless. The extreme weather conditions will also continue.

The Creator Writings - Something Special

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The Creator Writings



Take a moment and think of all the times you told yourself, “I’m nothing special.” Now, ask The Universe to show you who/what/how you REALLY are. For every ‘nothing special’ moment you have ever had, there are a hundred moments that you have been something VERY special to someone or something. Whether near or far, there are people that recognized your Divine Spark and celebrated you for simply being the human being you are. Even when you do not feel it; you are, always have been and always will be something special! ~ Creator

This Journey, and ” The Reunion of the Condor and Eagle is Dynamically Unfolding Across the Americas”

Doreen Smith's picture


December 7, 2013  kauilapele

This article about the Reunion of the Eagle and the Condor (found at Jean Haines site) is very unveiling, for myself at least. It is in very large part, what this Journey has been about.

And this Reunion process will continue to unfold in the coming days, more and more and more rapidly, as old paradigm systems dissolve.

~ Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels – 7 December 2013

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

In this busy holiday season allow yourself to take time and experience the wonder of being alive. There is very great love present on this planet, emanating not only from the heavens, as it is at all times, but more importantly from the depths of human hearts.

During the holidays there is a desire to look at the small things with gratitude, such as a tiny gift that you know a loved one will appreciate, a tiny kindness show to a stranger, a tiny coin tossed in the bucket for a charitable cause. These” tiny” wonders all spring forth from the One greater love that wishes to rise up within all of you. During the holidays, there is a desire to open your hearts and share your gifts, talents, love, and resources with one another. It is a season in which people realize how much they have already. It is a seasons that inspires hearts that are charitable and souls that are kind. It is a time to stop, pause, look around, and realize that your world is filled with goodness. There will always be those who are lost in confusion and chaos, and yet if you look, there is also so much good in the hearts of mankind – so much beauty, so much kindness, and so much love, just longing for the smallest of reasons to surface.


Lia's picture

The Law of Gratitude Is The Natural Principle That Action And Reaction Are Always Equal And In Opposite Directions! This Means That Everything We Put Our Attention And Emotional Energy On, Want Or Not, Will Eventually Show Up In Our Lives! The
Universe And Our Subconscious Mind Doesn't Know The Difference Between Good Or
Bad, So They Treat Fear And Enthusiasm Exactly The Same! Therefore It's
Important To Be Putting Positive Energy On What We Want, And Withholding
Negative Energy As Fear, Doubts Or Worry On What We Don't Want! As We Are
Putting Energy In It, We're Placing An Order For It!


Gratitude Is So Important Because It Is A Very High Energy of Positive Vibration! It Connects Us With Source! You Cannot Exercise Much Power Without Gratitude Because It Is
Gratitude That Keeps You Connected With Power! The Creative Power Within Us
Makes Us Into The Image of That To Which We Give Our Attention


The Grateful Mind Is Constantly Fixed Upon The Best, Therefore It Will Receive The Best! If We Are Grateful About Everything, We Focus On What We Want! This Is The Reason The
Teachers of The Secret Insist That You See Your Goal As Already Accomplished,
And That You Become Grateful For It!



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