Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 10 December

Eddie1177's picture

Good morning! Are you well? Quite a lot of things going round in my head so we will get going straight away if we may?

This is perfectly in order and we are happy to oblige you in answering matters that may be quizzically in the forefront of your mind.

Okedokey. It came to me that many people are attuned to different things and dare I say different Truths regarding the Ascension and The Event. Yet each one is of good intent I am sure ... and therefore coming from 'their Truth'. Yet surely someone / some channels have to be wrong? I mean it could even be you! For instance ... either the Comet ISON is or is not a space ship ... some are saying it is ... and The Event either is or is not going to take place ... could we have some clarification on this please?

We are in full understanding of that which you are putting forth. And yet, could it be that each one is a Truth for the one KNOWING it as a TRUTH?

Nope with all respect ... I don't buy that ... because the comet either is or is not a comet ... or is or is not a ship?

The comet/ship is comprising of both.

How come you didn't speak of this when I asked you about it a month or so ago?

Barack Obama Jokes About Area 51 During Kennedy Center Honours

Doreen Smith's picture


  on December 9, 2013 

Area 51: the most secret spot in the US

sage:  Wow…just wow.  Obama comes public with Area 51 and even validates Shirley MacLaine, long ridiculed for her psychic abilities and belief in the Galactics. A far cry from the typical government stance on Area 51 and possibly the first step toward full Disclosure.  I did notice though that no US mainstream news outlet carried this story. 

By Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph – December 8, 2013

US President Barack Obama has publicly joked about Area 51 at a White House event for the Kennedy Center honorees.

Read more:

Kwan Yin and Deeper Appreciation

Lia's picture


Ah beloved masters...good day to you...a most beloved day to gaze upon your magnificence, as any day with you in it must surely be. Oh dear hearts, dear still and peaceful hearts of LOVE, it is a privilege to be with you in this way and in every way, for you light up ALL with your dedication and endless creativity.

Still and peaceful - yes beloveds! You may be pondering that, and I tell you it is so, and completely so from where we are; for not only are you bringing ever more of your unique essences into your bodies, engaging with your own fullness with your conscious minds - which is bringing you greater stillness and peace - but you are also beginning to comprehend that which you are achieving in this way also. Oh my beloved friends - do you comprehend what miracles you are, even in your simplest actions?

Archangel Michael: Getting down to business!

Lia's picture


Sara Hillman Dear hearts, dearest beloveds, welcome!

I greet you all again in great delight from LOVE, that which has always been LOVE, and will always be LOVE; that which you are remembering once again for yourselves, and bringing all of the wisdom and experience you have gained from this long sojourn in perceived separation to bear in the realisation of just how grand a moment of creation in LOVE this is. That is that YOU ARE LOVE, WE ARE LOVE, WE ARE ONE, and we are always BECOMING LOVE simultaneously with BEING LOVE, because the very essence of being LOVE continuously draws and creates through resonance that which it is, and as such we are always expanding to meet ourselves in the ever-increasing delight of reflection and greater awareness, and delighting in that which we are: LOVE!

13 Ways to be Happier

Doreen Smith's picture


   December 9, 2013


Without realising it, many of our thought habits get in the way of our happiness and cause us to get stuck into negative patterns of thinking. Below we will look at 13 ways we can rewire our thoughts and minds into allowing ourselves to feel the happiness that we deserve, freeing us to live, love and be happy. We will look at how we can liberate ourselves from those thoughts and mental habits that hold us back and hold us down, we will look forward to a better, happier and more positive new us. Follow this advice and not only will you feel better but those around you will too, after all, only a lit candle can light other candles.



1. Let go of your complaining

Throughout the day we could potentially find countless things to complain about, the weather, the traffic, the service we got at a restaurant but how does this constant whinging make things any better for us? Does it make things better for us? Does is make us happier? Or does it just put a downer on our mood and make us feel unhappy, low and depressed? Our mood is in our hands, we can choose to react to any situation however we want, we can allow ourselves to sucked into a negative state of mind or we can rise above that and be happy despite the traffic!

A New Christmas Story? – from Neale Donald Walsch

Doreen Smith's picture


 December 9, 2013   Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch

My dear friends,

The Christmas season has always been a magical time for me. From the earliest days of my childhood it has represented a kind of transcending joy that overtakes my whole life. And it wasn’t just because of the presents, either. Sure, getting gifts at Christmas made an impression on me as a child, there’s no question about it. But there was something else “in the air,” and I could feel it.

I remember thinking as a small boy how different people were at holiday time. They seemed more cheerful somehow. More understanding, more accepting — and more forgiving, too.

Once, in a department store somewhere deep into December, I broke something. I don’t remember what it was, but I will always remember the clerk’s reaction. “Oh, that’s okay, sonny, don’t cry. No harm done. We’ll just get this right out of the way, and no one will worry about it. Merry Christmas, sweetheart!”

The Creator Writings - Skydiving

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



Your growth and learning is like skydiving; you are in the plane or you are out the door and free falling…..there is no in-between. Do not be afraid of jumping into and exploring your darker self. That is where the most healing occurs. If you wait too long, the moment just may pass you by. ~ Creator


Cobra Update~ Financial Reset and Event Update

Lia's picture

There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.

A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:



On the other hand, the Jesuits have infiltrated many agents inside the Eastern Alliance to hijack the process, hoping to create a global centralized financial system after the dollar collapses as a world reserve currency and the Illuminazi faction is removed: 



They are entertaining an idea of including Bitcoin in the new centralized system as well.


The Jesuits are hoping to somehow survive the Event untouched by putting the friendly face of master manipulator Pope Francis as their frontman and portraying themselves as the good guys. 



Lia's picture

In the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..

As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within one soul, there are a million shards or pieces of soul, in the form of particles of energy, the male and female, positively and negatively charged particles thus form, what one would see or visualize as a SPIRALLING FORM OF ENERGY, at its most stretched part, forming a concentric circle…. This, then when in Androgynous form…

At one stage in the evolution of intelligent life, and thus the evolution of what one can term a human-like form, a lot of souls, wanted to experience life, in the more male aspect of form and female aspects of form. Thus a certain number of souls, volunteered to take on a solely male form to experience the more masculine side of life and its other half the more female side of life…..


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