Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul – “Changes In Store For Humanity” – 6 December 2013

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DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. The channel lost her voice during the week so the channeling will be a little bit softer than normal but still the energy is here.

What I want to address during this time period would be the changes in store for Humanity. We’re going through quite a time period with weather changes and probably you’re having storms right now in certain parts of the world.

Your comet Ison, looping back around, is going to shake up more weather. There’s some, I think, real danger that its trajectory has changed and could in fact at least graze the earth or if not make a bigger impact and have some fallout.

So we have, I think, between NASA and friendly ETs a lot of help trying to break that up or redirect it but we’ll see where it goes. So the changes that are in store for Humanity are going to be some inconveniences.

Uranus is still, we’re still in a major transformation time until May of 2015 with Uranus which just changes everything on a dime. You think you can count on something and then it falls through, and the next thing is there and it falls through; and that sort of thing.

So you have to go with the flow during this time period and also to accept that whatever is happening must be happening for higher good. In some way there is a blessing in it. So even if it’s, you know, very cold and your power is knocked out, find a blessing in it. You really want to look with gratitude toward the future.

~ Jullie Miller ~ Lady Nada: Embracing Unity with Love

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GFP Commentary: Everybody is GOD=LOVE=ALL

Beautiful Bright Hearts, even with all the positive changes that are surfacing throughout the world; there are yet old inheritances of cultural separateness that is preventing a full equality with all the diverse cultures and people of the world. You know this, because you are familiar and accustomed to some of the less than subtle aspects that many cultures and people still face throughout the world and some of these dear souls live in your own city and community. The changes that have come forth are great and demonstrate a good sign, but there are still more people needed to get on board of the compassionate train of action and each person will, we know this, as it’s all a matter of time.

~ Peggy Black and the "Team" ~ Claim your superpowers

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We greet you beloved as together we witness the dawning of the new age. This new age, this new reality of consciousness is being called forth by you. You are the instrument, the conscious voice, the frequency and the vibration that is bringing about the changes. There are tremendous changes occurring. We realize that in saying this you look out at your world and shake your head, for there are still deep levels of dysfunction happening on the planet. There is still discord being generated, especially by your media and those who run that aspect of reality. It is the focus upon this discord that engages the collective matrix, and anyone who is still engaged in their own separate polarity will anchor the discord.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ Rawk-In-Love

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Yep, it IS what's happening NOW... The Love and Enlightenment are flowing in... as we review where we been... then go deeper again... and find Love's Empowerment...
With Your Host, Grandpaw Koyote & Friends...

~ Karen Doonan ~ Working with smoke and mirrors

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Many of you at this time may be experiencing vast energy surges and overwhelming emotions, this is all part of the emotional rebalancing that is asked for by the New Earth and the new energetic signature of Planet Earth, for as the planet heightens and expands in vibration and frequency then so do the children of said planet, the human race. For many the symptoms may appear and disappear apparently “randomly” with many of them perhaps placed at the door of “flu”, “colds” etc. It is to be noted that YOUr SOUL is guiding this entire process and that ALL within the universe is by DESIGN, nothing is by co-incidence or “chance”, all is a creation of the frequencies that exist within said universe.

I have blogged previously about the “smoke” and “mirrors” used by the old 3d earth as a tool to contain and suppress and perhaps one of the most distorted mirrors that is used is that of deep emotion, in particular fear and anger. Nothing distorts your vision like a surge of anger or fear and this is deliberate for it is only by clearing your vision that you may achieve balance, no one ever found balance through holding on to their anger.  At this time upon and within planet earth the human emotions are in overload, for many of you YOUr SOUL has chosen this as a “quick” release, a way of moving you rapidly through the denser frequencies is to overload the human vehicle so that surrender and outpouring of emotion is the option of choice. It may see many of you moved to tears of frustration as scenarios/events tip you “over the edge” and yet the release is what YOUr SOUL is trying to show you. For through the release of pent up and stored emotion there is a freeing of SELF.

Jamye Price ~ The Energies Of December

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Crystalline Soul Healing  December 3 2013

earthHeartMuch along the same line of November, December feels as if it is generally a time to allow the energies to flow, to stir your energy field into release and to breathe through the changes, yet with an increased focus on the energy of celebration. Woohoo! 2013 hasn’t necessarily been the easiest of years for many. Yet as you utilize your valuable mental and emotional energy, you can amplify challenges or amplify solution. Soul evolution. Soul(evo)lution. Solution.

~Waking Time's Beverly Blanchard ~ Inner Transformation or Revolution?

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Flickr - Heart - A. Pagliaricci ♦GFP Commentary: You can't change the Mind, Nor control it. The Mind is the Programming=Ego, it is not Real and all we can do is Dissolve it. Thoughts that don't bring you Joy come from the Mind, Let go, Stay Present in the moment of Now. The Mind dissolves in the Now.

Beverly Blanchard, Contributor
Waking Times

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. – Rumi

There has been some discussion lately regarding Russell Brand’s interview with Jeremy Paxman. There was nothing new in what Russell was saying.  The points of view he put forth regarding political corruption, corporate interests, materialism and the potential devastation of Planet Earth have all been cited before.  People’s discontent with the various institutions in this world has been going on for centuries.


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