Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - Inadequacies

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The Creator Writings


Thoughts of inadequacy are usually generated by other’s judgments of what they perceive as faults in you.  You can choose to continue to give away your power and feed those “less than” thoughts or you can release them and know that The Universe made you perfect and lovely and wonderful just the way you are.  Free will, as always, is yours and yours alone. ~ Creator

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ Crowning Achievment

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Our Time Has Come, Our Day Has Begun... as we journey beyond the setting Sun... and on into the Rising One... swept along by the Winds of Time... Expansions, contractions... a lil time to breath... a lil time to grow... as we enter into the Paradigm of The Divine... leaving The Womb, joining with Divine Mother's Heart... as we are born into The Reality, The New World... as it's called..
Join Grandpaw and Friends on this lil journey of discovery... and recovery!

~ Laura Bruno ~ Imagination and the Sacred Duty of Visionaries

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“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.” ~Edgar Allen Poe

I just finished talking wish a friend who’s already been doing incredible things for the Earth and its poor, hungry and downtrodden. She’s about to take a leap of faith. Actually, she’s already significantly further along than mid-leap. But she hasn’t landed yet, and people around her have begun saying one of two things: 1) “Are you insane?!” or 2) “Oh, you guys do such amazing things that it always makes me feel bad about my own life. I know you’re on the right path, but I could never do that. Just watching you live your life makes me feel so bad about myself.”

Comment 1 obviously doesn’t help, but neither does comment 2, since my friend is a genuinely kind, loving, generous and exuberant person. She feels called to take her leap and to create a model for something that currently does not exist. She wants to make the world a better, more peaceful, abundant and joyful place, and the last thing on her mind is judging others who — for whatever reason — choose to live their lives along more typical 21st century trajectories.

Without sharing any of her personal identifying details, I felt led to post about this topic, because I find so many other visionaries faced with the same two challenges from those they know. Oftentimes, the people they most think would understand present the strongest resistance, which causes visionaries to question the foundation of what they’re leaping towards:

“Whoa! I didn’t expect that kind of comment from him!” or “Ow, now I’m starting to wonder if I’ve somehow missed it and this is really an ego thing. Is it? I mean, I know I felt led to do this, but … Now I just feel bad for making other people feel bad. That’s so not my intention. I just wanted to follow this call I felt to do something radically positive for the Earth and our community.” These swings from others’ projections and doubts can undermine the positive energy needed to complete the leap, and since the comments usually only come up once people have already committed themselves to the new, the shaky feelings hit them while mid-air. That feels particularly uncomfortable.

~ Lisa Gawlas ~ Cellular Ascension and Harnessing our FULL Power!

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the Light of YOU

As I am sitting here, wishing I was asleep or at least, had slept more than two hours last evening, I am fully realizing the importance of the equation I have been living this past week.  The power and absolute value of our (human) mind in relation to our full on cellular ascension.

So many of us have gotten to this incredible moment in our time knowing we had to get out of our minds in order to reach a level of vibration that would support and allow our ascension (raise in vibration.)  Getting out of our minds have allowed us to actually clear the old, dirty debris field that was our minds.  Negative thoughts and attitudes, our (old) desires to please others and so on.  Getting out of our old human mind, we had to employ our spiritual mind and allow that to be the forefront of what moved us thru each moment.  We have done so well and broke barriers faster and clearer than even those on the other side of the veil could foresee.

We are one hellofa powerful group and we worked our brains out to get to Here!!

But now, it is becoming so very clear to me that we must rejoin with our human mind, as a co-op with the spiritual mind.  It is happening anywayz, but knowing it up front is going to save a lot of heartache down the road (from innocent misuse of mental power.)

~ Kauilapele ~ The Energies Right Now… from This One’s Perspective…

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20131205-174137.jpgIn sitting here at Bellano’s, celebrating (and de-zonkifying) from getting my Cosmic Radiance Vehicle thoroughly cleaned (and, yesterday, oil changed), I’ve been sensing a few things.

First of all, I’ve felt extremely tired today. After arising, I soon went back to bed for three hours. Finally, I felt enough energized to clear out all the “stuff” from the car interior so I could get the rather thorough cleaning (and waxing, and shining).

Now, sitting at Bellano’s, it just feels so warm, yet also there is quite the disconnected sense regarding everyone else around. Sort of like their world is not at all connected to mine. And that’s all okay.

Whatever that means, well, I’m not sure, but this “separation of worlds” I used to occasionally hear about, seems all but here. Now.

And I’m feeling a great sense of relief that this Journey is concluding, yet also a desire and maybe even a “pressure” to assist it in finishing in what you might call, “Perfection”. Whatever that means (yes, Roberto, I know I use that phrase a lot… but I just enjoy giving some of you the chuckles once in a while…).

I have a map of California in front of me. Sometimes I get a sense of what the next directions by scanning one. I have “offers”and “suggestions” and “mental only statements” (from my mental) that have offered up ideas like, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Humboldt Redwoods Park, Crescent City, and, of course, the “Grand Costco” of Redding.

That’s the closest one to Shasta.

~ Silentwindofchange~ You Are All Regaining One Of Your Senses You Lost Long Ago

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Lightbody 5It is part of your light body senses.

Through all the rewiring of your bodies and brain to handle the higher energies you are developing energetic reactions to outside and inside stimulus.  The closest I can explain it is it’s like chills or goosebumps or as those on the other side of the pond say, gooseflesh.  But the bumpy skin isn’t part of it.  It most closely resembles “chills”.

So lets try to capture what happens during it.  Your lightbody is becoming more integrated with your physical body.  The sensation is familiar because you completely feel it when you are just spirit in between lives and during out of body occasions.  As you would imagine when you are just a lightbeing you still need a way to “feel” related to what you experience.  This is it.

Let me try to list some of the ways you feel it:

  • Starts from the top back of your head and goes down your back
  • Starts from the top back of your head and goes to the front of your head
  • Starts from your spine and spreads left and right around your body to the front

One of the ways it seems to be felt when you want to feel it is by feeling gratitude or during some inbreath while you focus on a feeling.  It is a wonderful blissful divine love kind of feeling.

~ Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q&A: How Much Clearing is Too Much?

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Dear Jennifer:  I’ve been doing the cord disconnect and other energy exercises and am not sure how much I should use them. Is once enough or should I do them more often? Does that harm anyone if I do and what does happen to someone I cut cords with? I don’t want to hurt anyone but I do want to feel like I’m in control of my life again and that I can choose the people that I share my life with. Sometimes I feel I need to do more clearing and disconnect work but I am not sure if that is OK.

Jennifer’s Answer: The energy that exists between us and other people is usually not at a single level, it exists in layers. When we do cord disconnect or clearing or any kind of work that involves energy movement and closure, we can clear the level we are currently at and, once that work is finished,  other levels or layers usually come up. So you can use the process as often as you feel the need to and know that each time you do you are clearing another level or layer of density, energy, and connection between you and that person.

Understand that if these connections were wonderful, beneficial and helpful, you would not feel the need to clear them.  But because you have shifted your own energy and vibration, you need to clear connection points and areas of density that you are no longer comfortable with or that are not comfortable for you to be around. With each shift that we make we change our energetic frequency and all of the ways people can connect to us.


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