Messages from the Earth Allies

Reane Declares Peace on Earth!

Rain's picture

GFP Note - I would like to thank Reane for this beautiful video. I would also like to thank All of Our Brothers and Sisters who have responded to our request to put yourselves out there. Everytime one of you says NO to fear and stands up in Love and Light, We All feel more Love. WE LOVE YOU!




"Here it is Rain. I love what you have done! I've played this song since I was in HS...I love to play it when there is no one around...I can let my spirit and passion flow. Sending you love and light!"



Please enjoy and share this wonderful video from Reane.


Getting en-Lightning by Earth Ally Nayon - Song

Rain's picture



My name is Nayon.  I have no video to send, but I have made a statement in my form of expression which is music.  Last October 21st, on the blessed day of peace meditation, I decided to dust off the equipment I bought last year to try for a second time to build a complete song, and I spent most of the day, inspired by this wonderful chunk of energy. 


Two weeks ago, this simple song came to me and I though it would be a good one to familiarize myself with my gear and see if I could make something decent.  I love music but never had the chance to learn about it and for some years I’ve been keeping a guitar close for a case of an occasional blues. 


Sedona Earth Allies Declare Peace on Earth - Part Three

Rain's picture

We Declare Peace on Earth!

Please enjoy and share the latest in our new series of videos.




Thank you to Tao and Andrea for filming these wonderful clips and thank you to all of the LOVE Beings in the videos for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT.


In case you missed our other entries in this series, check them out below.




Sedona Earth Allies Declare Peace on Earth - Part Two

Rain's picture

We Declare Peace on Earth!

Please enjoy and share the latest in our new series of videos.


Thank you to Tao and Andrea for filming these wonderful clips and thank you to all of the LOVE Beings in the videos for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT.

We have more footage from Sedona and will be posting one more video tomorrow.


In case you missed our other entries in this series, check them out below.


We Want YOU To Be in Our Next Video

Rain's picture

Dear Family, MomT is ready to co-create another video. We would like for you all to participate, even if you have participated in earlier videos.

Please send a statement about World Peace to the email address below. Please also sign your name the way you want it to appear in the video. The statement, including your name, should be 20 words or less. For example, in my statement below, the total number of words is eight.


Peace on Earth starts in Our Hearts
~ Rain


Please submit your own statement rather than a quote from somebody else. This is your chance to speak and we want to know what you think. What you have to say is just as important as what Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. had to say.

You can include a photo (a photo that is related to your statement) if you like but it is not necessary. If you include a photo we will use it. If you don’t include a photo, we will choose one from the internet to match your statement.

Sedona Earth Allies Declare Peace on Earth - New Video

Rain's picture


We Declare Peace on Earth!

Please enjoy and share the latest in our new series of videos.

Thank you to Tao and Andrea for filming these wonderful clips and thank you to all of the LOVE Beings in the videos for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT.

We have more footage from Sedona and will be posting two more videos in the next two days.




In case you missed our other entries in this series, check them out below.

~ Message from The Earth Allies~ Revealing Love and Truth Fulfills the Prophecies~

Lia's picture


We are in the Moments where all of the Real Prophecies of Love and Truth are Being fulfilled.


This is being accomplished by a vast Light Network of Pure Truth Energy arriving via the Internet, that is contagiously spreading across the Planet. This energy is assisting in the Complete Unification of Humanity with Mother Earth=Heart. This is Required as Mother Earth Moves into the Galactic Center.

Humanity is in the Midst of the Transformation into Spirit, and this is Inevitable.


When it was stated that The world would be destroyed by fire, this was actually true. What this means from a Higher Perspective, is that the world, which is an illusion, in the Light of Humanity Awakening into Love, would dissolve, cease to exist. The darkness is being removed~dissolved by the Light of TRUTH. Through the sharing of True Information and Being Love in action, dissolves the illusion. This is the event that is in Process of unfolding right now.



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