is understanding it's easy!
For it's not ascension that is difficult at all, it's the letting go that seems challenging! Take a computer... if you want to get rid of a program that is running on it, you just don't wait for it to disappear, nor can you simply drag it to the bin... you need to disinstall it completely, and often you find that there are other programs (hidden ones) that still run even if you did disinstall the main one. Also, you cannot ask some beings to do the disintallation from their computer to help you save time, you have to do it on the one where the program is actually running. It's the only way.
And how many times did it happen that you tried to install a new program as the old one did not work for you anymore... and the new one created a conflict that crashed the whole system? That's why it's often required to disinstall the old before a new one can be installed. You can't have two that work in conflict, you can't walk two path at the same time. You're either walking on one path or on the other one. Trying to walk them both... creates conflict, and conflict creates the assumption that the ascension process is difficult.
The mind program works in a similar way. You feel that your old way is not working anymore and often try to simply drag it into the bin (deeper unconscious) but from there it will still work and make you act in those unwanted ways you were trying to cancel, thus as it's hidden so you cannot realize what's not working. Letting go does not mean hiding the old program mind, it means the opposite. Finding out what it is, digging deep into yourself to find out what's running yourself instead of the Love you are, and uninstall it. As long as a program is not acknowledged it cannot be "found" and thus cannot be erased.