Each Human Being on this Planet has a Soul, this was a requirement to be Born into this Realm. Your Soul Housing, which is within you, vibrates Multi-Dimensionally, Simultaneously, so it is always moving in a Constant Movement of Up, Down, Left, Right, Moving in all Directions, all at the Same Moment. This is How Creation moves, as it Consistently Grows, expands, and Always becoming Grander.
The Soul Housing is Like an Energy Transformer, which Utilizes the Unique God Spark [which each Human Being has contained in the Soul Housing, their Own Unique God Spark] of Living Brilliance and Adjusts the Consciousness into the Vibrational Frequencies. Being [In the Present Moment of NOW] is the Awareness of this Experience Awakened.
~Unconsciousness is just a static vibrational frequency of connection to illusion which is nothing=no energy or life force. The Being is a Transformation of this self-unconsciousness back into Pure Conscious Awareness, Multi-Dimensionally.~
The Surface of the Sun, is just a Mirror of it's Center=Energy. This is the same as Free Energy=Equal Energy among us all and all Love is. After the God Spark burns through the Soul Housing, Creation then Advances Exponentially.