A lot of people these days are saying they are moping, kind of dragged out, not inspired, etc.
I was this morning. In the bath, moping, wondering when the party would start. Even though I know that arrangements are going ahead behind the scenes, I still wanted things to go faster and get more exciting. And my friends overseas were in the same boat and others in the East, etc.
I described it to a friend as being like standing outside the gates of a New Year’s Eve public bash that said it would open at 7:00. And then they said 8:00. And then 9:00. And finally at 10:00 they opened but by then I had lost a lot of my enthusiasm.
Over the course of the day, as more and more exciting things were discussed, I emerged from my down space. But even if I hadn’t, what a friend in Europe told me was very deeply interesting. Just unto itself.
She pointed to all the messages that said that we’d need to go down into the depths of despair before we emerged on the other side. She cited the latest message from Kryon on the matter, some things that Adamu said, and even Archangel Michael the other day saying all our “what ifs” are emerging.