GFP Newsletter - 12/12/2015

will's picture

This moment is the answer, whatever it is. There is no other answer. The facticity of this moment is the answer. Truth is herenow, but the ego is never satisfied with the truth that is herenow. The ego wants something difficult, it thrives on difficulties. The ego lives through great challenges. If life is only a cup of tea, where will your ego find the ground to stand on? If life is only the cypress tree in the courtyard, how will you become a great saint, a mahatma? There is no possibility left - the ego will have to disappear. If truth is so simple and obvious, then the ego cannot be nourished. There is nothing left to be nourished on.



  1. Earthships: These Cute Houses in New Mexico Are Built from Trash and Are Totally Off-The-Grid - The Unbounded Spirit
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 17:09
  2. MY FAMILY IS MADE OF LOVE - Galactic Free Press Original
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 17:04
  3. How To Know If Your Chakras Are Blocked (3 Steps) - Collective Evolution
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 15:09
  4. A Simple Step to Know Your True Self - Waking Times
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 10:24
  5. 337 Dead Whales In Chile Is Worst Case Of Mass Deaths So Far - Collectively Conscious
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 08:42
  6. Daily Message ~ Saturday December 12, 2015 - Trinity Esoterics
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 08:15
  7. The Whole You - The Creator Writings
    Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 07:10
  8. Oneness Will Arise - Heavenletters
    Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:04