GFP Newsletter - 2/15/2015

will's picture

I am teaching you to be yourself. I am teaching you to be fearless; I am teaching you not to yield to the social pressure; I am teaching you not to be a conformist. I am teaching you not to hanker for comfort and convenience, because if you hanker for comfort and convenience, the society will give them to you, but at a cost. And the cost is great: you get convenience, but you lose your consciousness. You get comfort, but you lose your soul.

You can have respectability, but then you are not true to yourself; you are a pseudo human being; you have betrayed your God and yourself. But the society wants that, that you should betray yourself.

The society wants to use you as a machine, the society wants you to be obedient. The society does not need you to function as an intelligent being, because an intelligent being will behave in an intelligent way and there may be moments when he will say, "No, I cannot do this."



  1. Growing Your Own Food is a Must for Our Future - Waking Times
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  2. 5 Ways to Feel More Accomplished Every Day - Learning Mind
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  3. 18 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Socrates - Waking Times
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  4. Practice, Practice - The Creator Writings
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  5. 5 Powerful Questions to Help Your Create More Success and Joy This Year - The Healers Journal
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  6. Daily Message ~ Sunday February 15, 2015 - Trinity Esoterics
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  7. Feel Like You’re Stuck in a Rut? 3 Ways to See Life Anew - Expanded Consciousness
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  8. Greet Everyone: Day 166, Cimi 10 - Mayan Messages
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  9. Scientific Perspective on the Effect Meditation has on the Body - Waking Times
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  10. 27 Common Things That Prevent Our Happiness - Notes on Bliss
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  11. New Evidence That Half Of America Is Broke - Collectively Conscious
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  12. Being Aware of Awareness - Wes Annac
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  13. How To Deal With Negative Thoughts - Notes on Bliss
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  14. Survival Strategies for Empaths - OMTimes
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  15. Claim Joy - Heavenletters
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  16. 2015 Aquarius New Moon Forecast - OMTimes
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