I am all for one world, where the West can fulfill the needs of the East and the East can fulfill the needs of the West. The East and the West have lived apart too long; there is no need any more.
The East should not be the East any more and the West should not be the West any more. We have come to that critical moment where this whole earth can become one - should become one - because it can survive only if it becomes one.
The days of the nations are over, the days of divisions are over, the days of the politicians are over.
We are moving in a tremendously new world, a new phase of humanity, and the phase is that there can be only one world now, only one single humanity. And then there will be a tremendous release of energies.
The East has treasures, the religious technologies, and the West has treasures, the scientific technologies. And if both can meet, this very world can become a paradise. Now there is no need to ask for another world; we are capable of creating the paradise here on this earth, for the first time. And if we don't create it, then except for us, nobody else is responsible.
I am for one world, one humanity, and ultimately one science which will take care of both - a meeting of religion and science - one science which will take care of the inner and the outer, both.
That's what I am trying to do here. It is a meeting place of East and West; it is a womb where the new humanity can be conceived, can be born. You are fortunate. You may not be aware of it, that you are participating in something of eternal value a great experiment upon which the whole future of humanity depends. If you become more conscious of it, it will be better, because you will be more helpful then.
- Sacred Feminine Fire - Dana Mrkich
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