Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Tom Kenyon ~ A Hathor Planetary Message – Cognitive And Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes

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Note: This message deals with specific challenges that are taking place in relationship to Chaotic Nodes. According to the Hathors, a Chaotic Node occurs when chaotic events in multiple and seemingly unrelated areas of the cosmos (including Earth) interact with each other, which in turn generates more chaotic events.  As a Chaotic Node increases in strength, many areas of our Earthly existence are affected.

By their very nature all Chaotic Nodes are challenging to biological systems. This particular Chaotic Node is especially challenging due to numerous factors we have mentioned in previous Planetary Messages. While the challenges to your eco-system, financial systems and cultural institutions are increasing, in this message we will focus on one specific area—memory and cognitive function.

The accelerated escalation of this current Chaotic Node is being driven by a shift in your Sun’s magnetic field—a reversal of its magnetic poles to be precise. This is a cyclic occurrence and takes place approximately every 11 years. The next shifting of your Sun’s magnetic fields is close at hand, and this will set off a series of significant energetics.

Due to an intimate relationship between your Earth’s and the Sun’s magnetic fields, you are caught in a type of cosmic vice. This is due to the fact that memory is a function of magnetic fields—both internal magnetic fields as generated by your nervous system and external magnetic fields such as that of Earth. Furthermore human memory is greatly affected by the Sun’s magnetic field.

~Dana Mrkich ~ Feel Like You’re Losing Your Mind? – 13 November 2013

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Dana Colour Pic NewA common comment that comes through whenever we have surges of intense energy washing over us is “I feel like I’m losing my mind!” Well, in a sense we are. We are losing the ‘driver’ role that our mind had, and we are allowing our Heart and Soul to get behind the wheel. This can leave us feeling very vulnerable, with nowhere to hide what we are truly feeling, needing, wanting and doing. We can’t hide it from ourselves and we can’t hide it from others. This can feel very overwhelming and daunting, especially for a society who has been taught in direct and indirect ways to repress truth on multiple levels: personal, emotional, spiritual, social and political. Our mind is a great tool, but it’s time for a greater part of us to take the reins of our life and our world, and steer our course using a new navigational system.

(c) Dana Mrkich / link to original article

Andy Bojarski ~ My Higher Self: Accessing the Love Energy in the Metatron Cube

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Metatron CubeThe energy of love is located in the heart of the Metatron Cube held within Hollow Earth.  All the beautiful beings of Mu hold the love energy that is located within Hollow Earth.  It is also within Hollow Earth where the Divine blue print is held for Mother Earth.  Mu was a civilization that existed before Lemuria.
Lemuria exited before Atlantis.  Atlantis was a period where the energy frequency on Earth was the highest that it has ever been.  Earth is headed back to this golden period, this golden age.  But it all starts from your heart.  Your heart must be open to receive the love.

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 13 November

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I had planned to chat with you tomorrow yet the house is quiet for a few hours, so hoping we can chat now. Are you about knowing this is a sudden decision?

Indeed ... and IN DEED we come offering words of assistance to guide you through.

Presuming you mean 'guide us through' the next phase of this planets evolution?


You know, a lot of people have written in telling of a 'Oneness ' experience they have encountered. Coming about either through a near death experience or meditation or just plain lying there in bed and suddenly WHAM! There they were ... in this ALL UNDERSTANDING... ALL KNOWING EUPHORORIC 'space'. Perhaps then, this is to be the FEELING we can expect when The Event takes place?

This would be precisely the experience! Yet we ask one to take note that as individuals ... the experience will be different for each ... depending ... as we have said ... on the level of consciousness one has already attained.

So would it not be that for many who are wide awake ... they would have more or less the 'same' thing happen to them?

Here you have us once again lost in wording. For each soul upon Earth at this time has chosen to 'experience' a 'reality' of their choice ... therefore that which they 'choose' to experience during this coming EVENT ... shall be one of their choice.

REALLY? How does that work then?

Scorpion Wisdom for Deep Healing, Transformation & Limitless Perception

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Attribution: “Mike” Michael L. Baird

Lately I have found my body wanting more rest to feel at its best and to allow for the shifts being processed, to integrate. I feel big transformation taking form and this calls for being mindful of creating the optimal environment for this to take place and making sure to get back to, and remain in, balance to support that.

So I’ve been staying in bed a bit longer in the mornings, doing more of what I need to do for me, as well as am experiencing very deep sleep and dreams. And if I have a busy week, get up before sunrise multiple times, or over-extend myself in any way with a lot of appointments, too much driving, am not feeling in the flow of a current project, or anything that pushes outside of my natural flow, then it will show up right away in telling me to stop, rest, and walk away from things for a while, so I can return refreshed and renewed.

~ Peggy Black and the "Team" ~ Galactic Heritage - 12 November

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GALACTIC HERITAGE ~ Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here to embrace you as you continue to anchor the energies of great change into your reality. We can sense your fatigue in dealing with the struggles that are before you. We acknowledge that you have done this work and service for eons of time. You have repeatedly stepped into this dimension and this earth plane of physical manifestation to truly assist and support the lifting up and the transformation of misqualified energy.

You are aware of this and you continue to offer your own experience and emotions into the caldron of change. It is your dedicated service and awakened consciousness that is beginning to experience your own spiritual authority.

You are a being of great light and galactic heritage. It is time to claim ownership of your personal sovereignty. It is time that you allow yourself to remember who you truly are. A starbeing, encoded with the wisdom and the understanding that you are here on planet Earth to advocate, champion, encourage and promote life sustaining actions.

~ Denise LeFay ~ 11-11-13 Portal Passage - 12 November

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I’m going to try to get this written quickly in case I suddenly get hit by today’s X-1 class solar energies and need to curl up under a blanket and sleep for most of the day. In this current intense and changing energetic environment of late 2013, anything can suddenly happen which causes us to pass out, become lethargic, pain-ridden, crash into depression, expand up into bliss, or anything between those last two extremes! Because the energies are building again I wanted to share a few little tidbits with you to string together and view from another perspective.

First up is another X-class solar flare or energy release or transmission that happened early today.

Another thing was yesterday morning I noticed that, again, one of our atomic clocks had jumped an hour forward. Usually after a 24-hour cycle the atomic clock(s) will correct themselves, but this time jumping anomaly with two of my atomic clocks started on December 24, 2012 — the day after the very important “Three Days” of 12-21, 12-22 & 12-23-2012. I’ve never experienced my clocks jumping time before December 24, 2012, but have experienced both of them jumping hours, days, weeks and even months multiple times since that date. ;)

~Anna Merkaba ~Pleiadian High Council: Dawning of the New Age - 12 November

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dawning ofthenewage

This is an excerpt from a transmission that I have received yesterday “… at the dawning of the new age we conclude the message to all the divine beings that reside therein on the planet GAIA, we conclude our message with love and light, for the love and light that dwells within your very being is the most important factor in the ascension process, and so. As we part our ways, and raise your frequency to accommodate the new era that is upon you, we must remind each and every one of you that the divinity lays within you.

There is no other force greater than your own being that can break through the veil of the illusions, the veil of untruth that has befallen humanity. Raising the veil is simple. Staying in the new energies is what is causing most of you to surrender to the olden ways, to the olden world. That is a struggle, a struggle that goes on deep within each and every one of you. For you are being pulled back and pushed forward, not quite knowing which way to go. At times you are lost, and at times you are sure of your mission here on this beautiful planet, and that is okay dearly beloved children, that is okay for as long as you find the balance within that is all that is important to your being.

And so, as we part with the olden earth, as we say goodbye to the old energies, we welcome in the new energies of love, light and breathtaking beauty that shall spread throughout your GAIA, and your bodies with precious melody of hope, harmony, light and love.


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Nancy B. Detweiler


A Podcast by Mark Passio


My heart took a leap when I saw this podcast because I have been writing about seeking balance by bringing the negative into the Light and creating positive solutions to the problems in our world.  At one point in my life, I taught a three day workshop entitled “The Whole Mind Approach to Business” in which I taught businesspersons how to use their intuitive powers to make business decisions.  They, unlike the “New Age” Movement were accustomed to using only their intellectual powers and taking action in a very masculine manner.  Whereas the “New Age” Movement suppresses the Divine Masculine, the traditional business community suppresses the Divine Feminine.

This fact was brought home to me in 2004 during the time I worked on two presidential campaigns—both candidates were peace candidates—Dennis Kucinich and then, when Kucinich dropped out—due  to lack of support—John Joseph Kennedy.  I found that the “New Age” Community loves singing “Let There Be On Earth” whenever they meet together … many even shed tears of longing for peace … but very few get involved actively (hands and feet active) working for peace.  These loving, good people are thoroughly convinced that simply BEING PEACE will bring peace to our world.  “Peace begins with my own inner peace” was a phrase I heard many times.  It sounds beautiful, so who can deny it?

~ Karen Doonan ~ The exit into the NEW EARTH via your emotions - 12 November

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For many of you the last few days or even weeks in a linear context may have you shaking your head and wondering when life will begin to make any sense whatsoever. The outpouring of human emotion is now reaching levels that have never been experienced before in this your human form and this is DELIBERATE. For how can the human race move into FLOW and move into the LOVE that IS when they have anchored deep trauma, pain and grief. The latter frequency is one that may be walking with you at this time and this is something to be conscious of at all times. For you may be FEELing like you are experiencing grief but you are merely RELEASING LIFETIMES of this frequency.

The full moon has already begun to work to bring emotions to the surface and the increase in New Earth energetic frequencies is working to push these emotions THROUGH the human vehicle.  Many of you may be trying desperately to ignore or deflect these rising emotions and I would guide you to detach from this as this may make them more intense.  Trying to “hold on” and to “deal with” these emotions is to walk in the old 3d earth paradigms, these are now dissolving and are not supported on any level within the New Earth.  As you have spent lifetimes on this planet being TAUGHT how to deal with your emotions your logical human mind may try to teach that this is how you work with them but remember the old earth taught you how to behave in order to CONTAIN and suppress your energy signature.  Any thing you have been TAUGHT under the old 3d earth paradigms is now null and void and THIS is what the New Earth energies are working at ALL times to show you and for you to release.


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