Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~What Will You Do When The Veil Is Lifted?~

Lia's picture


Piercing the veil

The veil is lifted for everyone at the time which is perfect for them.  Will there be a time when it lifts for everyone at the same time?  Perhaps.

Prepare yourself and imagine how you will react.  It will be so exciting.  But if it happens before any mass unveiling prepare yourself for a different result than you expected.  “Why won’t it be like I expect?”

Do you remember what it was like when you were old enough to know the truth about Santa Claus?  Did you run around and tell all the other kids?  Well, yes, some did, but it was preferred that you “bigger kids” kept that secret so the younger ones would still be surprised and feel the magic of Christmas on Christmas morning.  So it is similar now.

The Creator Writings -

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings 


One of the more painful realities you may be faced with; you create absolutely everything in your existence. Even as your soul cries out, “I didn’t create THIS, I don’t want this!”, you have given it the power to persist. Observe, acknowledge the fact that you have amazing creative power, love the situation and release it. Acknowledgment and observation can be the panacea of change. ~ Creator 


~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 11.12.2013

Eddie1177's picture

SaLuSa (1)Do you feel the intense changes in your bodies Dear Ones? They are being completed these days and when your body absorb and adjust to higher frequencies that are sent to you at this moment, your consciousness will be free to experience the chosen higher reality without overwhelming your body, as it needs to process all the experiences and share it with others. Many of you already visited and experienced their higher reality in their astral bodies and remember only few blissful moments of it. These visits were also preparations for your final moment of Ascension process into the higher reality. You will remember every detail and every feeling of your higher reality experiences and it will make you even more powerful than you are now. The flow of time and its meaning will definitely change and you will be completely aware of your connections within higher reality of existence. Every single ability will improve with it, and you will simply be present in the Now within both realities. Your body will function as powerful Light instrument that will receive pure higher frequencies and transform them into the ones that all others can absorb easily. The frequency will intensify until all of you that chose to ascend will be able to do so.


~ Dana Mrkich ~ Double Whammy X Flares: Clean and Clear your Energy!

Eddie1177's picture

Dana MrkichThe energies since the weekend have been all over the place! Frazzled, disjointed, communication mishaps going haywire (more than the usual Mercury direct stuff), not being able to think straight and even Neptune (planet of imagination, creativity, illusion and sometimes delusion) going direct on Thursday doesn't explain the general 'plugged into an electric socket' feeling. 

With the Sun about to do its magnetic pole flip any time now, our clearest explanation can be found by checking out what the Sun is doing and yep sure enough not only has it had two X -class Solar Flares over the last few days, their CME's (coronal mass ejections of solar winds and magnetic fields released into space) have combined (!) and are coming our way as one gigantic CME. 

CME's come our way all the time so this isn't anything to freak out about. However given that these are from X class flares and given that they have combined, it explains a lot for those of us that are increasingly highly sensitive to the Sun's increasing activity. It also explains erratic technology behaviour - flares and cme's affect computers, phones, internet, satellites, etc, as well as unusual weather patterns. Even for those who are not aware of what is going on energetically, everyone can feel there is 'zhoozh' in the air - static, electricity, tension, adrenalin, feeling on edge, anxiety, it can be experienced in many ways. 

~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Zone Of Deserving – 12 November 2013

Eddie1177's picture

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe role of designer that you so seek to acquire lives deep within the cellular structure of your being.  It is not housed in haphazard musing. It resides within all potential tapped and untapped under the multi-dimensional structure of you. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your being into that point and you are re-united with that structured formation of lack – not as a punishment, but as a teaching.

When you place yourself in the zone of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional surveillance. You seek what you know yourself to be.  You seek to learn and in that expansion, all is served.   You seek to become blessed.  You seek to find love. And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field. 

It is by the profound understanding of embracing what you think you need to be, need to receive, need to know — that you will fully walk into the distant land that holds these truths. The mechanics of manifestation, the mechanics of creating will be re-defined in the upcoming times for you.  The words ‘want and need’ will no longer be a logistic that describes who you are.  The words “have, create, deserve” will be where you land upon as you are flown through this universal understanding of who in truth you really are.

~ Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn: Wake up Call

Eddie1177's picture

NancyTateThere is something that I wish to say about the dear ones in the Philippines. That is that there is upcoming for them a whole new way of being. Once this period is behind them and they realize that they are in the energy of Love, peace and joy, no more will they stress over what has happened and no more will they have to succumb to the devastation that has been with them over the past few days. It is a whole new world that they will be experiencing. Because of their agreement to be there at this time and to be a part of the cleaning of dear Gaia, they will be able to see their gift and their part in the coming events, whether it is on the other side or on the physical plane.

~ Brenda Hoffman ~ Recreating Your Physical Body - 12 November

Eddie1177's picture

Dear Ones,

Your DNA is expanding, your cells are changing and your physical body is adjusting to the new being you are creating. But perhaps there are pieces you have not known or understood.

As your cells reformulate, your appearance may shift and you will gravitate to different people, foods, habitats and living conditions.

You are hoping for a more youthful look and so it will be. Those of you wanting to live within the new earth will perhaps (your choice) extend your natural earth life. It is now fairly common for humans to live to 100 years-of-age. Something almost unheard of a generation or two ago.

If you delay your transition in this lifetime, you will not necessarily be bothered with the age deterioration you now believe probable. Someone who maintains their youthful appearance and vigor beyond 80 years of age is now considered an anomaly – such will not be so in just a few years.

Your physical being is changing more rapidly than was true a few decades ago when reaching the age of 100 was a vague possibility. Then many humans changed their diet, living conditions and health regimes.

A Vision for the Magnificent Gifts We Receive Daily from Creator

Doreen Smith's picture



November 11, 2013   The Intenders of the Highest Good

The following Vision came in last month from Lynne Newman whose words are so poetic and touching that we are honored to share them with you. Thanks so much, Lynne.

I see a world where the wonders, signs and gifts given us when we most need them are seen and recognized and these gifts from our Creator are taken deep within our hearts and spirits to give us hope, courage, inspiration and a reminder that we are always heard and cherished. 

I feel a world where these powerful reminders open our hearts and remind us of our interconnectedness to a higher each all life. I envision the breathtaking beauty of our auras glowing with rainbow light as the divine within each of us recognizes and honors the divine within others. I envision a world of such love that we see one another's beauty and delight in the sharing of our gifts. The diamond-like, radiant core of our beings becomes brighter, still, as we openly witness the awakening, opening, and expanding of heart spaces throughout the Universe. Deep within my spirit I see and feel the utter joy of being in LOVE with life. 

In gratitude, and much love,
Lynne Newman 
aka Rainbow Dancer


The Vision Alignment Project

The Creator Writings - Peace And Growth

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


When challenging situations reach their conclusion, allow yourself to grieve and heal. When you have reached a space of peace; remember that you are a wonderful person with much to offer…….believe that about yourself and The Universe will respond in joy to your every request. ~ Creator


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