Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Ascension has been anchored now in your Reality and some first ones have made already their quantum- leap

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Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 27.11.2013

Archangel MichaelIntroductory Talk to the Translation of ArchAngel Michael’s Message
Eva Maria, translating all my channeled Messages has had a short talk with ArchAngel Michael introducing this very translation. If you follow the given link you will arrive at this introductory invocation of hers to Archangel Michael. It is meant to be a supplement to this message:  [Link]

Archangel Michael speaks…
My beloved humans, this is us, Archangel Michael and our heavenly Father, speaking to you. Right from the start of this message I shall hand on the sceptre to the Father so that he may envelope you with his love and all his divine energy. He will give you some update like he did last week, which later I shall explain a little bit further in detail.

My beloved children, this is I, your heavenly Father speaking. I returned here again in order to announce to you that the very first humans have made their decision and left planet Earth in the meantime. Mentioning to leave will be in the sense of leaving earth dwelling in the old dimension of Duality.


A Celebration of Love Part 2: Channeled by Caroline Aguiar

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Continued from Part one

We are the Guardians of Light. Those you see before you are of the light. Our purpose is to guide humanity towards its awakening, and through the transitional period of ascension on your planet.  We are at this great celebration you see here before you because, dear one(s), there is much to celebrate!  Humanity is now more unified than ever, as one being, one light, and a strengthening force which has come together as loving participants in the ascension, and awakening of your beautiful planet.

While there are many who have not yet awakened, and there are some who choose not to do so, we respect their wishes because it is against Universal Law to interfere with ones free will. Remember, you always have a choice.

Love, dear ones, is sweeping the planet, and into the hearts of every man, woman and child. The dark forces are diminishing, and you, as citizens of Gaia, have come so far. We are extremely proud of all your efforts, and the great strides you have made.  Let it be known, there is every reason to celebrate, as you too, I refer to your collective on Gaia, are encouraged to celebrate among each other, or quietly within your hearts, in the way which suits you best with great regards to all you have achieved during this past year.

A Celebaration of Love, Introduction, Part 1: By Caroline Aguiar

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by Caroline Aguiar

I’ve worked hard at transparency lately, and I’m finding within my personal life, this is working well, although when it comes to my great desire to “communicate” with others, I find I still struggle in this area because it may sound egotistcal to some.

Perhaps this stems from my self-doubt (disbelieve) as to the truth of what has occured in my life, just within this past year. Maybe I’m not the only one who’s saying, “Hey,wait a minute, what’s up with that?”

My deepening urge to communicate with others is rapidly growing.  This is something I can’t explain, it just is. Perhaps this is why I’m writing more.  The urge comes from deep within, and it’s a sincere heartfelt desire to be of service to others.  This is the only way I know how to do it, because I have no special classes under my belt, nor am I a spiritual teacher of any sort, although I have been a diligent student of spirit all my life.

Blossom Goodchild ~ 27 November 2013 ~ We are Here On a Divine Mission

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bloss arizona biggerHello there. Off we go again … the weeks are flying by so quickly. Let’s see how today flows shall we? Anyone about?

Yes of course and it is considered a great pleasure to be with you once again in this way … in the KNOWING that these messages reach the hearts of many.

Yep, it’s quite amazing how your words have taken on a journey of their own … I never imagined myself being in this position. All I ever wanted to do was be on the stage!

Yet it was assigned to you long before you came and then it was a matter of remembering so … and deciding if it was still your desire. It was greatly underestimated the strength one would need.

Probably underestimated by me … and maybe if I knew what was involved fully, I would have declined the offer! Yet in ALL TRUTH it is an honour to serve in this way and life would probably FEEL very odd without you!

Life itself dearest Blossom is to bloom forth in a respected manner that no-one … not even those who think they KNOW … not even those who KNOW they KNOW … has imagined in their most heightened dreams. We speak to you all in this KNOWING that WE have … for we are already aware of that which is to come down upon you and change your lives and your world forever.

The Creator Writings - Take Time

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The Creator Writings


So many of you attempt (and often accomplish) filling the spaces between with ‘busy things’; a constant dialogue running in your head. Take some time, slow down, breathe and listen. Your busy things can wait. Make time to hear The Universe singing your praises. ~ 



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The second beat, and the first in what will determine our identity, is the amygdala. The amygdala starts forming immediately after the heart’s first beat. It stores all the memories of our life in the womb, with the placenta, the water, the fluids of life and the terror of losing them, and also the joy of being fed, of bouncing, of moving. But the amygdala stores also the life of the mother, her depressions, her fears, her life. And this accumulation of memories goes on in us till the age of three. Which means that all this time we have lived, our life has been recorded for us in the amydgala.
I came across this incredible article recently which I think is SUPER important for all of you to read!   Enjoy!

Joy – The Simple Path to Ascension

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P1000618 - Version 2


My dear brothers and sisters in the light.

It has been a while since I have written yet this evening I am filled with what has been a growing urge and expression that is to be shared.    I have among the many human life diversions and activities been spending some time contemplating the energies and nature of Ascension as well as seeking to further understand the myriad and infinite energies of the Angelics, a matter of great personal interest.

Let your hearts, be not troubled~ Neither be afraid

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My beloved brothers and sisters.   We are living in amazing times for humanity.   While the world about us may seem at times filled with turmoil, what is not seen is a truly amazing transformation in the hearts and minds of most of humanity.  If you can see the energy that flows through this world, you quickly realize that never before in Earth humanities history have so many people risen within to greater understanding and peace.  The tide has turned and darkness no longer rules the day for the light of spirit is strong and shines through the hearts of the people.


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