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You Are Already Invincible

God said:

You stand on the Vestibule of Life. And what you may ask is: What is actually the Vestibule of Life? The answer is: The Vestibule of Life is Love.

You may view Love as a fortress that you feel compelled to build. If you make your Love a fortress, you build the fortress yourself. You arm yourself. You bring the fortress to Life. You build it, and you may make it tall and impenetrable. Even partially opened Love isn't Love enough. Your choice is to break down the fortress. Let Love break down all closed doors.

Love amounts to the Highest in the world, and Love will take over the world. Do you think I exaggerate? Not at all. Love is taking over the world. Love is taking over the world right now.

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The Shift

It has been said before, but it deserves repeating; the upcoming shift is massive.  It is so large that those who have the gift of sight on yourEarth plane cannot see what they call an end to it.  As you navigate this monstrous change, please remember…the inhabitants of your Earth have been asking for this shift for decades.  They may not have known that it was going to come this way (smiling) but, it is coming.  As the mass consciousness moves toward a higher level, the energies of your world and environment will continue to seek its best balance; male/female, light/dark, high/low.  If you need help with it, ask!  This is why The Universe is here…to assist when you need it most. ~ Creator


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Yep, early day today. I am up and have to place this energy in something so it can flow. Complete the circuit in order to boost consciousness in my being present. Then by being present I can share what I feel. WOW, HU+MANITY IS SURELY BLESSED BY THE LOVE WITHIN ME, as simple, write.

As I was on my journey, whenever my Life was about to change, a gift of a book would come and I would read it. It was always a book which gave me insights into myself so I could embrace the change Life was placing before me so I could grow and learn. The lessons always seemed to be so difficult. The struggle was so intense as I was battling with the past to learn how to be here, now.

Sometimes I still struggle, for it keeps me real and focused on the "present moment". What happened through my struggles to be present is I stopped living in the past while attempting to make a brighter future for myself and those around me. Can you see the struggle in that? I did, and NOW I comprehend what "BEING PRESENT" means.

I kinda learned this from those who were there along my journey, and from the books someone wrote to share some insight of their Life experience with me so I could learn more about myself. I must admit, there is something really amazing about BEING HU+MAN. It's like the "if only?" EACH AND EVERY HU+MAN BEING ON PLANET EARTH += HEART EXPERIENCES THE REAL AMAZING BEING THEY ARE AND THEN REALIZE THEY ARE LOVE AND ALL LOVE EVER CHOOSES IS TO BE SHARED, THEN SHARE. PLANETARY PEACE CAN HAPPEN NOW. THAT'S A "HIGH FIVE" from 5D. You can quote me on that one, lol.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 25, 2017

One of the greatest disservices you have experienced has been being taught to dismiss your imagination. We cannot stress enough the importance of your imagination!

The imagination is a vital tool to create, to expand, to grow, and to express yourselves. It is also the part of you that is very connected to your inner child and loves to have fun and sees the magic in everything. It is the part of you that allows the now moment to become everything it can be and more.

The imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your mind. It moves you beyond your inner controller into your inner creator and into a flow that effortlessly aligns with Source. So many of you start to connect beautifully with spirit and then immediately dismiss any success as “just your imagination.” This immediately cuts off that flow. Trust. Flow. Allow your imagination to take the lead.

What will happen, if you understand the importance of your imagination as the bridge to the psychic part of your mind, is you will allow yourself to keep flowing to the place where the magic happens. And eventually something will happen that you could never possibly imagine and that is when you will know you have entered the realm of your own innate psychic ability.

GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2017

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I have heard that a house was on fire and the owner was crying and weeping. He was going mad.

Then somebody said: "Why are you weeping and crying? I was present just yesterday and your son has sold the property. It is no longer yours." The man said: "Yes Is it so?" Tears simply disappeared, and he was enjoying the whole scene just like a spectator. Then somebody came and said: "Yes, it was talked about. There was talk of selling it, but nothing has been decided. Why are you laughing and enjoying? It is your property." Again tears welled up. He started beating his chest and he said: "I cannot live any more! This is my whole life, my whole life's effort."

And then the son came and he said: "Don't be bothered, everything is okay. The money has been given and the man is not aware at all. He lives in another town, he is not aware. The moment the house caught fire, I ran to the other town. Everything is finished; I have taken the money." Again the father began laughing and enjoying.

This is your world, this is how you are behaving - just thoughts; just thoughts and then you cry and weep, just thoughts and then you laugh and enjoy, just thoughts and you are happy, just thoughts and you are miserable. Somebody tells you: You are beautiful - and you are so happy; somebody says: You look ugly - and you are so unhappy. Just words! What are you doing?


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432 Hertz and the Suppression of Pythagorean Mathematics

By Anthony Tyler

Many people today have heard about the scientific explanations that quantum theory provides – such as the vibratory densities of all physical objects, showing that in a very real sense, the physical reality that encapsulates the human experience is nothing more than one large vibratory collage – a song with infinite variety. Hence the common explanation given from the Book of John, “In the beginning, there was the Word…”

While there are a lot of individuals who simply think, “Wow, what a cool idea this is”, and leave it at that, there are more deeply probing, inquisitive minds that have begun pondering more fundamental questions that this proposes, such as: If life is a song, then what is its tuning? And if there is a tuning, then how does a human determine what it is – and can we tune ourselves to this key signature? 

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From Whence Cometh Godwriting? VI

God said:

There is no one path to Godwriting I can hand to you. No definite step to Godwriting exists unless We call Surrender the One Step. This may well be so.

As for laws of Godwriting, the only law for Godwriting that exists is naturalness, which means letting Godwriting be what it is. Otherwise, no laws, yet there is letting go of the extravagance of your individuality and your say-so and the extent of your participation.

Surrender to your Wholeness. This is to say to Surrender to Oneness. Surrender isn’t holding on tight. Surrender is letting go of your individuality. Let go of all that you may hold onto. Drop out of the past. Carry it no further. Let go of all you insist Life has got to be or should be according to your individual will. My Will, not thine, Beloveds. Let go of presumptions. Let go of fears that Surrender may take anything away from you, except, perhaps, short-sightedness.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 24, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have been through challenging times where they have been abused, dismissed, used, and taken for granted. This is a core wound that many of you are working on healing.

The first step is to understand that many of you are on the planet with service contracts. This made being a giver very natural to you, but receiving felt far less comfortable. Shifting into a better balance of giving and receiving, of loving and being loved, of supporting and being supported, is key for you moving forward.

Many of you tried to embody unconditional love without remembering to include yourselves in your own tender care. It is never loving to let someone continually treat you with less respect than you deserve, for that is supporting them in showing up in less than their highest selves and enabling poor behaviour, which is disempowering for everyone involved.

As you are learning to love and honour self as much as others, you are stepping into far better boundaries and balance than ever before. You have learned that unconditional love serves and honours everyone in moving into their highest version of self. You have learned the importance of creating a safe space to support that healing and evolution. And you have accepted the fact that you absolutely deserve the same love and support back that you have so willingly given others.

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Changing Perceptions

Your perceptions are going to change as you grow and learn.  Some of those closest to you may not understand this and react in not so favorable ways.  That is perfectly okay, my love!  Some cannot and will not embrace change the way you do…it may even be challenging in the beginning.  That is okay too!  Just know you are doing the best you can with what you are given in this moment and remember you are infinitely loved by The Universe. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2017

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That is the difference between belief and faith; A woman knows who the mother is - that is faith; and a father simply believes that he is the father but he doesn't know. There is no way of knowing it. Fatherhood is a belief, motherhood is a faith. Faith depends on knowing, belief depends on just believing. There is no base to it.


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From Whence Cometh Godwriting? V

God said:

In order to Godwrite, easy does it. Let go of ideas of grandeur or perfection. Have no expectations of being dazzled. Simple Godwriting is good. Simple Godwriting opens yourself to the Heights where you really are.

On the other hand, you may have great anticipations anyway. I don’t ask you to strain to banish your anticipation and dreams. Effort to refrain from your desires is no less effort than having to have superlative Godwriting.

Do We understand effortlessness more effortlessly now?

There is nothing for you to be concerned with about Godwriting. If I am the Godwriter, this relieves you of responsibility. Lean back and Godwrite. Put your feet up and Godwrite. Recline in bed and Godwrite. Be at ease with Godwriting.

You don’t have to be dressed to the nines. Nor is your Godwriting a test of any kind. I do not look for a stellar performance from you, not at all. I look for no performance from you whatsoever. None.

The best you can do is to relax with Me. You can’t force yourself to relax with Me, of course not. Force is trying. Nor can you try hard not to force yourself.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 23, 2017

On this day where many of you celebrate thanksgiving, we hope that, wherever you are, you will remember to give thanks for yourselves – for your tender, courageous hearts, the love and care you so generously give others, your tenacity, your humour, your mindfulness, and your commitment to healing and growth that is driving the grand shift on your planet. Please take a moment to acknowledge that none of it could happen without you, and that your hard work is indeed making a difference, for the evolution of the one can only serve and support the evolution of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/22/2017

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One night, a policeman saw Mulla Nasrudin. It was late, the whole city had gone to sleep. Mulla was passing, drunk, playing on a mouth-organ. He stopped Nasrudin and said: You are drunk again Nasrudin. You will have to accompany me. Nasrudin said; Sure thing! What you wanna sing?

'You will have to accompany me,' he had said, but when a drunken man listens, he interprets in his own way.

Once he was caught and brought to the police station. He was very angry and annoyed. He was shouting: Why have you brought me here? What do you think I am? - and many things, as drunken people do. Then the sergeant who was at the desk said: You have been brought here for drinking.

He said: Then it is okay - when do we start?


You cannot own a Living Planet

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The sun moved into Sag today, whew, I can feel that. I woke up at 3:00 am, ready for the day. I wondered what was goin' on and now I know, it's shiftin' gears time. Yep, TRANSFORMATION IS UPON US, WITHIN US, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.

I always felt that I was not able to communicate well since my Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius. Then I realized I communicate just fine, It appears people just don't comprehend what I am sharing. I wonder? lol

I read what I write and it is consistent, always completes the thought...  The bullet list of communication, "check!"

Could be I speak a foreign language, i.e. "NOW IS." LOL

Then I wonder why I should ever care if anyone ever gets what I share? Simply put, I care for HU+MANITY, I am a HU+MAN ALSO = TOO.

I love to share thought, especially thought which requires some. Simple thought, simple write. "True words are never eloquent, and eloquent words are never true."

My uniqueness is my inner connection to LOVE. Ah, the magic of Life in creation. I can't imagine creation without LOVE or LOVE WITHOUT CREATION.

I see things so much differently than so many on the Planet. I actually see the Planet, not the "world". The "world", a 3d projection cast by ignorance to hide the truth of a Living Planet Earth = Heart.

"World", small word to hide the truth behind. lol

"The world" is just a belief system placed upon the masses so the masses can be programmed into submission. The lie, "You can own the world." The truth, "You cannot own a Living Planet."


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