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The Best Scenarios

God said:

Life itself is a fantasy, is it not? You may scoff at the idea of a practical person like yourself fantasizing around when you are clearly solid and down to Earth, yet, no, I tell you frankly that you spend too much time fantasizing the dire tragic side of Life. Are you telling Me that you don’t?

What is all your worrying and aggravating about if not fantasizing a limpid future that is opposed to all that you desire -- unless you do somehow prefer upset and havoc or consider them good luck amulets. No, dears, upset and havoc are not your lucky charms.

Rather, fantasize a future rich with what you desire. Surely, the difference between worry and fantasy are not far apart. Invite that which you desire. Make your will known loud and clear. Give the Universe no doubt about what you want to have.

You never conceded that you were someone who threatens yourself. Tell Me, what can all your worry be but ominous dire prediction? Drop worry like a hot potato. Kick worry away. Be done with exploring what you see as the worst that could befall a nice person like you.

Trouble in Life may arise, yet it is not for you to speculate on trouble. Get trouble behind thee. Don’t give trouble your attention. Give your attention to what you desire to cull from Live. This way, you rightfully put the cart before the horse.

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3 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Happiness & How To Stop

by Danielle Fagan, Third Eye Mama, Collective Evolution

“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living,” said Eckhart Tolle. What an incredible way to remind us to seize every moment of this precious life. Too often we miss out on the beauty within the moment because of technology and the desire to stay rigid to plans and control outcomes. Below are three of the most common ways distract ourselves from living in the present and how to overcome them with simple exercises.

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This Couple Started The First Zero Waste Store In The UK And It Is Going Viral (Video) - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

Each year collectively we throw away enough plastic to circle the Earth four times. In the States, Thirtyfive billion plastic bottles get thrown in the bin every year, with just 25% being recycled.

We are encouraged to watch our carbon footprint by recycling and being mindful of our environmental decisions. But what about if instead of this damage control approach we just stopped producing so much waste?

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 5, 2017

So many of you know it is wise to wait until you are in the right frame of mind before you make big decisions. We would like to add on to that advice and suggest you wait until you are in the right energies to make big decisions, as well.

If you are tired and uncomfortable from releasing or integrating energies, you are not in the right energetic space to make choices that will match what you wish to experience or create in the long run. Your discomfort might lead you to make a decision that you may regret later, because there is a high probability you are being reactive.

So if you need to make a big decision, we advise that you give yourself the time and space you need to align and consider it from a place of balance and heart connection. If you still feel the same way once the energies lighten, you will know it is the right decision for you and you will be able to move forward in a mindful and empowered way, because you are allowing your truth and wisdom to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Most of you think that your beauty will emerge when something magnificent happens. Your beauty will emerge of you release weight or become wealthy or find the right partner.  There, in the back of your mind, is a little voice that always says you are beautiful regardless of what you feel about yourself. You may choose to ignore it; however, it will always be whispering because you have always been and will always be beautiful to me. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/4/2017

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The point is first to know who you are. You may already be the thing you want to become. And those who have known, have known that it is already the case. You are already that which you can become. You just have to become acquainted with this fact.

This fact is hidden deep in you. More significant facts are always hidden deeper. They are not on the surface, they are not on the skin - they are in the heart. Be a witness to the mind, and you will find remote corners of your being, unacquainted, unknown to you. You don't know yourself. You know only a part, the porch of your house. You just move on the outside.


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Relax, allow Life to flow – you cannot stop It or change Its direction – and enjoy what arises.

Love is not giving up on people!  There is only Love, as you all well know even if you choose not to acknowledge It, so to give up on It is to pretend that you are not alive, is to close your eyes and go to sleep thus refusing to acknowledge Reality.  That is what humanity has been doing for eons by loading itself with extremely negative self-judgments while it has been playing its games within the illusion that it constructed to experience separation.  The experience of separation was only meant to be momentary, and in truth it was, that unreal state was terminated but an instant after it was imagined into being.  But humanity, you, were captivated and fascinated by it, by being free to play with it and cause mayhem and confusion which were totally at odds with Reality, totally different from anything you had ever encountered, strange, exciting, and challenging.

But then you got lost in the dream you had made and were unable to find your way Home.  It was a little like entering a Halloween stage or movie set and finding yourselves in almost complete darkness, enveloped in clinging cobwebs as strange flying things brushed across your faces and pulled at your hair.  At first it was fun, but Creepy!  And then it appeared to become increasingly real, and you became terrified, you panicked and started attacking everything within reach.

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Catch Your Breath!

God said:

You can row merrily down the stream as well as merrily up the stream. Is there a better way to paddle your canoe? It may not be your favorite way. It could be My Way. Come with Me, then. I will accompany you.

If only you would stay in tune merrily. There is no need to panic. Even if you are certain of several reasons to panic, what good does panic do you? Panic props your eyes open, and you can’t close them. You rattle your cage. With panic, you can hardly breathe.

Do yourself a favor and Me and the World. Slow down. Breathe. Catch your breath. No longer press the panic button. It is a waste of time and a waste of breath and a waste of heart. Save your resources. Conserve. Loosen your tie.

Focus on being free from panic. Don’t blow your wad of energy in one place. Gather yourself.

Row your boat with a steady rhythm. You will get past the doldrums. Adjourn panic. All panic can do is tie you up in knots. Untie those knots. Get beyond the borders. This is your birthright. Think what this means. This means this is My Will. There is good here for you whether you see it or not.

Whatever difficulty you may be going through – the worst of it amounts to panic. Panic makes you desperate, as if Life has to be all or nothing. Life can be anything it wants when it wants.

Is ego the damage you consider the worst?

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22-Year-Old’s Ocean Cleanup Project Receives $21.7 Million, Will Launch This Year

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The foundation can now begin large-scale trials of passive plastic capturing technology in the Pacific Ocean.

Remember Boyan Slat, the ambitious teenager who founded the Ocean Array Plan, a project capable of removing 7,250,000 tons of plastic from the world’s oceans? Now twenty-two-years-old, Slat is still dedicated to the endeavor, as well is the CEO of The Ocean Cleanup. Yesterday, the foundation announced that it has raised $21.7 million and can now begin large-scale trials of passive plastic capturing technology in the Pacific Ocean.

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How To Be Mindful When You’re Experiencing Anxiety

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Anxiety has an overwhelmingly negative connotation, and it’s easy to see why. When it comes through in attacks, when it’s a weight you wear on your chest every single day, it’s hard to view it in any other way. In small doses, however, it can be a good thing.

So how can anxiety be good? It gives us the opportunity to banish our jitters when in the moment, allowing for healthy change. The issue is that anxiety can create mental blockages that keep us from using it to our advantage. When anxiety gets away from us, it distorts our reality, making us stressed and less efficient. When the stress hormone cortisol hits, we end up feeling fatigued, not fresh and conscious. This is called destructive anxiousness.

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Flint Threatens to Kick 8,000 Families Out of Their Homes if They Don't Pay for Poison Water

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project

Flint, MI — By now, nearly everyone knows multiple government officials in Michigan knowingly poisoned thousands of men, women, and children after the city switched its municipal water source from the Detroit water system to the Flint River. Now, however, as if poisoning residents and their children weren’t enough, the city of Flint is threatening to take people’s homes for refusing to pay for the tainted water.

Although Flint — which blew wide open a year ago — is largely out of the headlines, the crisis is still unfolding. Residents are still unable to drink the water, leaving most families to rely on bottled water for everything from brushing their teeth to cooking and bathing.

In spite of multiple officials facing criminal charges, there hasn’t been a single conviction. The only people to face any consequences thus far, over the atrocity in Flint, are the citizens who are forced to pay for unusable water.

After the city made the switch in 2014, Melissa Mays, 37, said her and her family began developing rashes and their hair started to fall out. Her neighbors all had the same issues. Once she realized it was their tap water, Mays turned into a clean water activist.

GFP Newsletter - 5/3/2017

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There is only one transcendence and transcendence is the only way. And that transcendence is going deeper and deeper within yourself. Just witness your mind and the deeper you will move.

Just remember that you are not the mind and the deeper you will move. Just remember that you are not to fall into the old trap of going into the past or the future. Just remember that you are not here to travel, but to be. You are not here to become something; you are already that which you can become. But just to know this being, what it is....


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Under the Umbrella of Importance

God said:

Of all the contents of the world exists Oneness. This is as simple as pie.

There is a whole lot of palaver that goes on in the world, and it is all much ado about nothing. It is understood that all departures from Oneness are big stuff to you and big to the whole world.

What really matters is the Quiet State of Oneness. Oneness counts. Disparity, not so much. Life can get out of proportion here and there, now and then.

Until your final day on Earth, you are filled up with occurrences and events of great multitude. You fill yourself with excitation often noted as inconvenience of one kind or another. What a world!

Your Life does not have to be filled up so high and wide with so many ins and outs. Life occurs, yes, yet what occurs doesn’t have to take up all the space and diversion and carrying-on it usually does. Is it only the news that makes up the headlines that matter? Only at the end of war does a newspaper ever say: “Peace is declared.” Peace doesn’t seem to hold the allure in the world that fussing may.

Everyone’s Life gets filled to overflowing when you could claim peace just as easily as anything else. All your pockets don’t have to be so full.

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Docs Show How Monsanto Crushes Dissent with Thousands of Paid Trolls

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Monsanto was once blamed for having an entire department within its St. Louis headquarters for dishing out disinfo and trolling dissenters, but now there is a paper trail proving they’ve been messing with your heads.

Pre-trials for over 50 lawsuits in the US District Court in San Francisco have unearthed Monsanto’s dirty little secret – aside from the Plaintiffs’ claim that the herbicide Round Up caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


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