by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
Flint, MI — By now, nearly everyone knows multiple government officials in Michigan knowingly poisoned thousands of men, women, and children after the city switched its municipal water source from the Detroit water system to the Flint River. Now, however, as if poisoning residents and their children weren’t enough, the city of Flint is threatening to take people’s homes for refusing to pay for the tainted water.
Although Flint — which blew wide open a year ago — is largely out of the headlines, the crisis is still unfolding. Residents are still unable to drink the water, leaving most families to rely on bottled water for everything from brushing their teeth to cooking and bathing.
In spite of multiple officials facing criminal charges, there hasn’t been a single conviction. The only people to face any consequences thus far, over the atrocity in Flint, are the citizens who are forced to pay for unusable water.
After the city made the switch in 2014, Melissa Mays, 37, said her and her family began developing rashes and their hair started to fall out. Her neighbors all had the same issues. Once she realized it was their tap water, Mays turned into a clean water activist.