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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 2, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you knew without a doubt that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that you have handled every single thing perfectly for your growth and expansion? Would that help you be easier on yourself? Would that allow you to finally move into self acceptance and BE?

The fact that you are an enlightening human being on an ascending planet is the answer to that question. The shift simply wouldn't be happening if you weren't succeeding in every last thing you have experienced thus far. Can you finally allow yourself to see? You are doing a spectacular job. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Riding The Waves

There is something surreal and joyous about sitting on/riding the crest of a wave.  The water has lifted you, like a feather, high into the air giving you a moment to look around.  You can see the dips and swells, other riding their own crests and, hey, you may even take the time to wave to them as well!  On the wonderful journey that is your life there will be many changes; the calm days, the lows and highs, each designed to give you the most magnificent experience ever.  Please remember this.  ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 4/1/2017

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I am reminded of a story. A great politician had developed a tumor in his brain, perhaps a canceric growth. It was a very complicated operation, his whole brain had to be taken out. He was lying down on the table; it was a long and very delicate operation. The doctors were operating on the brain in another room. When the operation was over, they came back to take the politician ... he was missing! "My God, where has he gone?"

The nurse said, "A man came running and he said, 'You have been chosen the president.' The patient stood up and started walking. I tried to prevent him, I said, 'Your brain is in the surgery, and they are working on it.' He said, 'Now that I am the president I don't need the brain. Let them work on it. Whenever I need it I will come, but at least for five years forget all about it. I am the president; brains are needed by small people, nobodies. Where is the need for brains for a man who has risen to the highest post?'"

The whole of history proves it, that politicians have been the most idiotic people around. But the strange fact is that the more idiotic the politician is, the more possibility there is for his success.


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Your Heart Will Soar

God said:

When Life doesn’t make sense to you, breathe. When Life is too much for you, breathe. When you don’t know where to turn, breathe. Breathe in, and breathe out.

Yes, remember to breathe deeply, and remember Me with all your heart. I am here. You are not forsaken. It is impossible for you to be forsaken. Well, sure, you can talk yourself into the idea of abandonment.

My Beloveds, if there is one who forsakes, it is you. Do not commit the folly of forgetting your place in the order of things. You are here on Earth for a reason. No matter how bare Earth Life may seem to you at a given time, you are not here on Earth to despair.

A sense of desperation, no matter how strongly you may feel it, is not Truth. This is not to say that Life in your court is easy. I understand that you may feel desperate on the verge of immense danger. You feel you are failing or are going to fail in something, and you are faced with insurmountable difficulties. You might fall off a cliff. You fear a disaster brewing. You are consumed by the concept of disaster.

Of course, you are aware of different scales of disaster. A disaster can be as nearby as burning a roast in the oven for a special dinner in your home tonight or as far away as death of your hapless body sometime or another. Of course, death is not a disaster. You do not die. Your loved ones don’t die. Bodies lie down. Your Soul takes off!

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 1, 2017

Dear Ones, you always have a choice. You can choose to connect, or you can choose to separate. You can choose to love, or you can choose to shun. You can choose to accept, or you can choose to judge.

We send you this message today, not because we are trying to tell you how to act. We bring you this message because we want you to feel the comfort, joy and satisfaction that comes from making choices that are in line with your soul.

If you choose something and in retrospect wish you would have chosen differently, you are experiencing growth and expansion and will make a choice that better honours you and your truth next time. Be easy on yourself and grateful for a fresh perspective that you can put into action as a new approach in the future.

So in closing, we wish for you to love, to connect, to accept, not to please us or get something back from another, but simply because it feels wonderful to express yourself as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The more powerfully you make the intent to be loving in every moment the more intensely will you feel the Love that envelops you.

To be One is to be awake.  If you are not aware of being One you are asleep and dreaming, and the vast majority of humanity is asleep and dreaming.  In your human state the “big dream” of normal life on Earth seems quite real as opposed to the dreams you experience individually in bed at night, and from which you awaken in the morning.  The only difference between them is that you wake from the bedtime ones but not from the daytime one because you truly believe the latter to absolutely real, and so refuse to awaken from it.

When you pay attention to the pain, suffering, and conflict that are endemic on Earth, and that have been ongoing for eons, you cannot be unaware that it is essential for enormous changes to occur in the way that humans respond to and interact with each other worldwide.  Those changes can only occur individually, because each of you can only change yourselves.  For all of your recorded history people have tried to impose their views, opinions, and beliefs on others forcibly, and it has never worked.  That approach to conflict resolution is insane!  The fact that it is all unreal does not diminish the intensity of the pain and suffering that people feel.  Within the illusion it feels absolutely and undeniably real, and that is why you need to release your core issues and allow yourselves to awaken.

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It Is Now Legal To Privately Smoke And Grow Marijuana In South Africa

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

South Africa’s Western Cape High Court declared that it is unconstitutional to ban the use of dagga (weed) by adults in private homes.

Yesterday, a landmark ruling occurred in South Africa when the Western Cape High Court decided that keeping weed (dagga) illegal is unconstitutional. The decision marks a significant change in the south-African nation, as cannabis has essentially been legalized for private use.

Until March 31, 2017, the herb was illegal to grow, own or use under the “Criminal Prohibition of Dagga Act.” The Court deemed the prohibition to be unfair, outdated and discriminatory, however and said that the law disproportionately targeted people of color.

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U.S. Is Dropping 500 Bombs Per Week On Mosul

Several hundred civilians have been killed in March alone.

By: (ANTIWARBrig. Gen. Matthew Isler, the deputy commander for the air war in Iraq and Syria, today offered details on the ever-growing scope of the air campaign over the massive, densely populated Iraqi city of Mosul, saying the US is in its “most kinetic” phase so far of the war.

In raw numbers, that means the US and its coalition partners are dropping an average of 500 bombs on the city of Mosul every single week so far in March. That number is growing, too, with the largest week seeing just over 600 bombs dropped.

Air Force officials insist all of the bombs being dropped on Mosul are being dropped “in support” of the Iraqi military’s ongoing invasion of the city. This increase in bombings is also leading to a substantial increase in the number of civilian deaths from US airstrikes as well, with several hundred civilians killed this month.

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Addiction Is A Reasonable Response To The State Of The World: Gabor Maté [Watch]

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

World renowned physician Gabor Maté offers a perspective on drug addiction and a culture that has created the need to escape.

The perspective on addiction presented by Gabor Maté is recognizant of a simpler, more intuitive understanding of the condition. The specialist in neurology and psychology gave a talk in Vancouver, B.C. as part of the program Beyond Addiction: The Yogic Path to Recovery. While his outlook is timeless, it is especially relevant today as we fight for the lives of family and friends who have fallen victim to the most severe wave of drug addiction in the history of the United States.

In this context, it is important to narrow in on pitfalls of modern society that have created a population trying to soothe emotional pain, and searching for relief from a bleak consumer-driven culture based on superficial, temporary relief. Big pharma racks in billions of dollars annually by offering solutions that may get us through another day, but ultimately prohibit personal growth: anti-depressants and Xanax being the most prevalent. This article does not deny the severity of mental conditions and addiction but strives to communicate that many current forms of treatment fail to promote sustainable, individual change.

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I hear you! (Smiling) You sit there wondering if you should begin something new, end something you perceive as old and boring or move toward a new future.  I hear you!  I hear your incessant inner chatter covering up My Voice, the one with the plan, the direction and motivation to point you in the right direction.  No not let fear (and that ‘annoying noise’) keep you from hearing what you need to hear.  I am here to assist you. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2017

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The word for medical science in the East is ayurveda. Even the word will show you the difference.

In the West you call it "medicine." Medicine means curing, healing, but can you see the implication: it does not mean health, it comes after the disease has already come in. It is a follow-up. First you are sick, then comes the doctor. The doctor follows sickness, with his bag of medicines.

Ayurveda means the science of life. The very word has nothing to do with disease, sickness; it has something to do with life, health, longevity. It is positive, it is not negative. It shows you the way to remain healthy, to remain young as long as you want, to live longer if that's what you want. Its focus is not on sickness, its focus is on health.


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Vault7: WikiLeaks Reveals ‘Marble’ Tool That Can Frame Russia, China, & More For Cyber Attacks

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks just released another set of documents from Vault 7 that detail the CIA’s secret anti-forensic program, Marble Framework, which allows them to prevent forensic investigators from pinning hacking attacks, viruses, and trojans to the agency. It shows just how protected the CIA is from being held accountable for unethical or illegal actions.

According to Wikileaks, the program allows them to direct blame away from the CIA and onto another party by hiding fragments of texts that would allow the author of the malware to be identified.

Perhaps more alarmingly, they can also “add foreign languages” to malware, meaning that the agency can effectively divert attention to other countries. The program lists Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and Farsi in example code. So, if malware and hacks are indeed domestic, they could easily be made to look as though they originated from another country.

Wikileaks has pinned the information atop their Twitter page.

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A Topsy-Turvy World

God said:

Congratulations! You successfully live in a world that asks a lot of you – sometimes too much of you, so it seems. It takes daring to live on Earth. Sometimes, you may feel that Life in the World appears to take all it can away from you. Sometimes, in the world, you may feel you hang by your toes. It’s not always easy to see right-side up in a topsy-turvy world.

Inasmuch as the world you become acquainted with is temporary, you sit atop a rocky world. This world you find yourself in is an ever-changing world, which means that the world, as you yourself know it, isn’t nailed down. You are in flux every day.

Wherein lies the stability you long for? You, the Real You, the Truth of Who You Are, is Eternal. This means you are permanent. You are as Essence of Life. In this sense, We can call you A Rock of Gibraltar. In Truth, you are unshakable.

In Truth, in the middle of a tornado, you -- the Very You I address -- are invincible. Remember, Life on Earth is a game you enter. You have entered it. However the game is played, you come out unscathed. We could say the game is rigged. You can only come out with flying colors. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. There is no death. You are sustained. You are renewable. You exist, not as matter, but as Essence of Life. You don’t have to stroll in a dimensioned world in order to exist.

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Europe is on the Brink of Completely Banning Bee-Killing Insecticides

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

As the first North American bumble bee has been officially added to the list of endangered species in the U.S., the European government is making a move to prohibit the use of neonicotinoid insecticides, which are widely believed to be a major contributing factor to the rapid collapse of the world’s bee and pollinator insect populations.

The European commission (EC) has drafted regulations which would end the use of neonics, a family of agrichemicals which pose a ‘high acute risk to bees.’ As The Guardian reports:


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