God said:
The act of being a human Being doesn’t strike you as a walk in the park, yet, here you are. Here you are, a high flier without an airplane. There are many ways to describe the process of living on Earth as a human being.
You can describe yourself as an innocent. You can describe yourself as up a creek. You can describe yourself as an angel without wings. An angel misplaced. An innocent hapless bewildered spirit thrown into the wilds in a human body, seemingly fending for yourself in a foreign land that often makes no sense to you, as if you had been thrown into the middle of an arcane mystery novel where clues are not easy to find.
You may feel that you started off on the wrong foot, yet what is the right foot?
You would like to be free, yet you also want boundaries. You may not like them, yet boundaries can catch you in case you fall.
Then I come in and tell you that Life on Earth is not to be taken so seriously when, right now, so far as you can see and hold onto, this is the only Life you have. This Life you have is serious to you.
Beloveds, be as light as air. I personally am body-less, and yet, wow, how powerful and Eternal and Infinite am I. So are you. So are you.
Given that you are a stranger in a strange land, let’s take another look at Life.