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Opening The Door

Brace yourself, dear one, it is time!  It is time for all the good you have been manifesting, dream of and thinking about to come your way.  Your New Year is opening a door to infinity that has never been opened before.  It is of the utmost importance that you keep your thoughts positive and uplifting during the next few weeks because this will affect exactly what The Universe is sending your way.  Be prepared and be happy! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/30/2016

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The outer is ruled by laws:

The inner is just freedom.

Consciousness knows no laws. It is matter that needs laws. Without laws, the material existence is impossible. And in the same way, with laws, the world of consciousness is impossible.

Consciousness can exist only in absolute freedom, with no limits, with no conditions, with no laws.


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Bet on Yourself

God said:

That there is no time to waste means that the time is now to get on with Life. For Heaven’s sakes, why not make your dreams come true before your very eyes. Go for your dreams. Stop watching TV for a while, and go for your dreams. Admit your dreams into your Life. Make room for them.

If you think your dreams can't come true -- why would you possibly lean toward that idea? Your heart is the decider. When it comes to your dreams, play the odds that your dreams will come true.

Don't say that it's more likely your dreams won't come true than that they will. Why pledge yourself to lack? Talk about betting on the wrong horse. Bet on yourself, and not against yourself. What advantage do you see in accepting inability? Come on now, give yourself a chance to see what you and I can do.

Bet on your dreams. And if you have to bet a hundred times, bet a hundred times.

Certainly, it is great to applaud others. It is also great to give yourself a chance. Whatever you desire to do in the world, who is it to say that you cannot achieve -- or must not? No longer tell yourself that you are a wishful thinker. Who says there is anything wrong with being a wishful thinker anyway? Should you be a nay-sayer? Should you cut yourself off at the corral? Why not dub yourself a winner. Who says you can't surprise yourself and the whole world? Go for it! How much is Life worth to you without a good dream or two?

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The Bilderberg’s Website Hacked By Anonymous: “We Will Watch You”

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

The Bilderberg Club’s website has been hacked, and the hackers have a big message they have sent to the infamous club: Start working for humanity within the next year, or we’ll hack and go after your assets.

The Bilderberg Club is a group of European and American elite, which comprise of politics, global industry, finance, media and academics, who have met annually since 1954. Their meetings are famously closed to the public and blacked out to press coverage. Their last meeting was in Dresden, Germany, which took place in June of this year.

Earlier today, the hackers took down the Bilderberg’s website and posted a message of their own:

“Dear Bilderberg members, from now on, each one of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests.” 

The hackers, who claim to be from the HackBack Movement and Anonymous, took down and further posted an even more threatening message on the site:

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Just Relax!

Many times you have looked to other humans for answers.  You have asked for advice, attempted to divine the future and thought your way into more confusion than resolution.  This is a small reminder, my child, to just relax.  Breathe into the moment.  Love the space you are in because, without it, you would not be who you are now.  If you are in a challenging time, rest assured that it will change soon enough, just calm yourself and allow it. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 30, 2016

It is very common to feel a sense of disconnection when you are in the process of leaving one energetic phase for another. You have largely released yourself from many old energies but haven’t yet created connections into the new. It can feel disconcerting to be sure, but during such a phase it is important to remember that keeping your sights set on where you wish to go is how to navigate such times.

Think of a ship that sets sail, leaving one land and heading for another. You energetically detach from the old place but there is a process of being out at sea. During that phase you are filled with excitement with the potentials and possibilities that have led you to wish to travel to the new vistas. Even while you can’t see land in any direction, it is your faith and focus that allows you to stay on course until the new landscape becomes visible on the horizon. Then you land and it is time for you to work in the new energies that support you in the manifestation of those hopes and dreams.

So it is for many of you as you shift out of a year of completion into a year of creation. You are clear on what you wish to leave behind as well as where you would like to go. By staying aligned with the new energies that better match who you are, you will soon bring them more tangibly into your awareness, and then truly begin to create the new connections your soul is yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel

ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT TO GET IN ON THE DRAWS! If you have already donated, THANK YOU and good luck!

GFP Newsletter - 12/29/2016

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Only through deep meditation, silence, compassion, love, intelligence, will you be able to direct science.

In the West, science right now is going wild. It is time, there is still time - not much of course, but still time to put a stop, a full stop, and move scientific research into helping human growth: to make man more loving, more caring, more alive; to give him something to sing and dance about; to make him celebrate, so that this whole earth becomes a rejoicing.


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Match the Light of the Stars

God said:

You stand in the midst of Heaven, and you know not where you are. Rather, you find cause to worry where you are and what you are doing all over the place and yin and yang, here and there, this way, that way.

For what end do you wander the Earth looking for something more than you presently receive? For what end? For what end, beloveds ones, but to Be? By seeking and even wandering, you are fulfilling My Will for ever and anon. This is Our Holy Contract.

To Be means to Be beyond borders. To Be means to be above the world.

You fear that while you are stationed on Earth, something is at stake. There is nothing at stake. Your Presence, as is Mine, is assured. There is nothing you are missing by Being. There is nothing more to Be but what you really are. Being is Infinity, and Infinite, you are. You are the New Visionary of the Universe.

Does a star wonder who or what he is or where? What boundary must a star know? Does a star have to know east or west or what a neighborhood is named and by what authority?

Stars have no questions to ask. Stars shine Light. They have nothing to answer. They simply reflect Light. And so are stars blessed, and so are you blessed.

Truly, what more do you have to do than to be Light? What more can you do but Be Light? Consider yourself the Fortunate of the Fortunate. Accept with Grace the Great Calling that has been given to you.

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The Most Incredible Ways To Raise Your Vibration

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

When it comes down to it, the most important thing we can to do help transform ourselves and the world for the better is to raise our own vibration. As it has been stated by numerous indigenous teachers in the past and confirmed by quantum physics today, everything is connected by a unified vibratory field. It only makes sense then that if we are to help improve the world around us, we must improve ourselves. We must raise our own vibration to raise the collective’s vibration. Here are some of the most incredible ways to do just that.

1. Flower essences: Though flower essences are different than essential oils, they are nonetheless one of the most potent ways to raise your vibration. Flower essences help us to process and heal things that are going on with our emotional state. In other words, they are nutrients for the soul. Dr. Edward Bach, who helped to bring much awareness to flower essences talked about the benefits of them, “The action of the flower essences raises the vibration of the being…they cure by flooding the body with the beautiful vibrations of the highest nature, in whose presence there is the opportunity for disease to melt away like snow in sunshine.” 

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New App Aims To Be The "Shazam" For Plants By Identifying Species With Just A Photo

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

This app is quickly becoming the go-to for identifying plants in the wild.

While it may not theoretically be a new app, PlantNet has just recently garnered attention as a result of successful updates that have exponentially increased its downloads. It was released last summer and has continuously improved its database to be more inclusive and accurate to help users.

PlantNet is an app that can identify the plant you’re looking at based on a photo you take of it, making it the “Shazam” for plants. While image-matching is extremely difficult, considerably more than audio-matching like Shazam does, it’s made easier when it’s at least just limited to one, albeit immense, category: plants.

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New Moon In Capricorn: Taking It To The Next Level

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Capricorn on December 29th for most of the world, and late on the 28th for those on the West side of the Americas. The exact time will be at 6:53am Universal Time — you can click here for your time zone.

Each New Moon brings in a new wave of energy that plays out over the following 29 days, but more so in the 14 days leading up to the next Full Moon. A New Moon offers new opportunities to work with the energy of the sign it is occurring in.

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Nobel Prize Winning Co-Discoverer of DNA Says Our Genes Were Brought Here By Extraterrestrials

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Francis Crick (8 June 1916 — 28 July 2004) was an English scientist who was most noted for being a co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953 alongside James D. Watson.

Francis Crick Watson and Maurice Wilkins were jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physiology for Medicine “for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.”

He was clearly a brilliant scientist who unfortunately, like many other brilliant minds who came up with theories that challenged the accepted frameworks at the time, wasn’t given much ‘press.’

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 29, 2016

As you look forward to 2017, we urge you to ask not, “What will the year have in store for me?” but rather, “What do I wish to create, and how do I wish to express myself?” You see you are all pioneers, on the planet to drive the shift and anchor the energies you want to experience more of. Pioneers forge their own paths, based on their truth and vision. This is your greatest strength and your greatest joy, Dear Ones – embracing of your authentic power and expressing yourself through your own truth and preference. ~Archangel Gabriel


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