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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 11, 2016

We invite you to think of something you have done in your past that you feel regret for. We ask you to imagine what you would tell your best friend or closest loved one if they had done the very same thing. Chances are what you tell another would be far more forgiving, kind, and compassionate than what you tell yourself. Isn’t it time to start treating yourself with the same love, understanding, and encouragement you so naturally give others?

It’s time to let yourselves off the hook, Dear Ones – to forgive yourselves, to assimilate the lessons your experiences have given you, and to create anew in ways that better express your truth and who you have grown into. That is the process of evolution and we urge you to accept and guide yourselves with the same loving eyes and understanding we have for you, always. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2016/

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Everybody is making himself look, in every possible way, like somebody special.

You are talking about your suffering and somebody says, "It is nothing." You will be hurt, you will not like this response. You were telling such a great story; you were opening your wounds and that man said, "This is nothing. You should know my suffering."

Suffering also becomes a support to your ego. A man without suffering, without pain, without any misery - how can he manage his ego? He won't have any props for the ego.


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When Does Life Begin?

God said:

I read your thoughts as they run around, even as your thoughts spin around, and you don’t know who thinks them or reads them as from a list.

Everything in your life meant and means a lot to you. Every thing. You were impressionable. You are still. Life affects you. It has an effect on you. Life is like the hand that bounces you as you go along, you, and the Earth turns. Where did you come from, and where are you going?

You seek the Meaning of Life. You seek the meaning of your Life. You are the Meaning. You are the Meaning of all that you hold holy even as holy is a vague principle to you.

What does anything mean, and what does anything not mean? You have no idea. You are in a maze that does not exist. You are hardly amazed, yet you are pretty much stunned by life, this life that seems to hold you by the neck. It is all proprietary, this life that you make too much of, even as you shake it off.

You don't know how you got here, and you don't know what's going on. You play at a shadow-dance. Your feet are heavy on the ground even as your feet don't touch. Yes, you may feel you are a ball bounced around by an Unseen Force. You wonder if the Unseen Force really sees you?

There are times you don't exist. There are times that you are the whole extent of existence. Other times you are a mere onlooker or not even that. It is like you are the onlooker looking on yourself from a distance while not paying attention.

What is Life all about anyway? Where have you been?

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BREAKING: More UFO Related Emails in 2nd Wikileaks Podesta Batch

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

In the second batch of John Podesta emails leaked by Wikileaks, two more emails have been discovered that relate to the UFO Disclosure topic.

This time the emails come from Tom Delonge, former Blink 182 lead singer.

In the first email, which is from October 26th, 2015, Tom wrote to John Podesta in an email subjected as “Important things.”

An excerpt from the first email said:

I would like to bring two very “important” people out to meet you in DC. I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you. I just need 2 hours from you.

The second email in this batch is from January 25th, 2016 and is subjected “General McCasland” :

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 10, 2016

Gratitude is an aspect that a great many of you have come to understand the importance of and have made it a regular practice. You feel gratitude for your many different elements in your lives, but there is one area that is consistently forgotten by many of you. That is remembering to have gratitude for yourselves.

Dear Ones, you are enlightening human beings, driving the Shift on an ascending planet. You are evolving at a remarkable rate, and assimilating energies that have never been sustainable before. You are growing rapidly, expanding and evolving, and demonstrating wisdom, kindness, courage, and love through it all.

Isn’t it time to acknowledge and celebrate the wonder that is you? Isn’t it time to thank youself for your efforts and incredible accomplishments? For we continue to be amazed and grateful for you – for all that you do, and for all you will continue to do, for yourselves and for humanity, in these unprecedented and remarkable times. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/9/2016

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Suffering, misery, pain, are your creations.

That is also one of the causes why you cannot get rid of them. You have created them, they are your children.

You just look at people when they are talking about their suffering; watch their faces, watch their eyes - and you will be surprised. Are they talking about their suffering or are they bragging about it?


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Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death. Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”

Above is the email sent from Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell to Johan Podesta, the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and long time politician.

You can read the rest of the email straight from Wikileaks here, and also download the documents attached on the website. 

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Seek Gently with All Your Heart

God said:

Be on the look-out for all that you desire and so invite more of what you desire into your life. You are inviting all goodness to you and greater understanding of the journey you are on, including how to spark others along the way. Seek gently with all your heart.

In your heart, you are free to ask Me to keep you on track. Request. It's fine that you are so desirous of growing that you make your desires known to Me.

Be clear on what you want. You are not begging. You are not asking for a hand-out. You are asking Me for the good I want for you. You are asking. You are not enforcing, nor are you wheedling. You are simply asking Me to point the way for you and steer you straight ahead to what makes you sing.

You want something great. You are not asking Me for an add-on. You are asking Me a fervent wish for fulfillment of a deep desire that accrues to the good of all. You are asking Me to help strengthen your receptivity for your deep desires. You are not asking Me for a half-hearted desire, nor are you sitting there waiting for Me to do it all.

And if your wish doesn’t come true soon enough for you, be far-seeing. Don’t get uptight about it. Don’t think for one moment that you have been deserted. For Heaven's sakes, don't bite the hand that feeds you!

You do not always have to get your way, nor do you always have to get your way right then and there.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 9, 2016

When energies are very fast moving it can feel like you are somewhat out of control. Did you know you always have a steering wheel to your flow? It’s called gratitude. Do not underestimate the power of that feedback tool for the universe, Dear Ones, for it loudly broadcasts what you prefer and celebrates the blessings of your Now moments, which can only pave the way for even more satisfying tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/8/2016

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If you are not facing yourself, you will feel anguish; if you turn towards yourself, the same anguish becomes the greatest blessing in the world.


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Be as Good a Receiver as a Giver

God said:

You are not to specialize in being loved. Your specialty is to be living and sharing the love you are.

No question, everyone loves to receive unbounded love. Let sharing of your love be your focus. Ask of your heart that it give and be happy to give and generous in giving, all from the love in your so-called independent heart.

The love you share does not have to be romantic love, not at all. It can be plain love, pure and simple. You are meant to be a proponent of love. Love is love so long as you are free to give it. Love can be a tiny kindness. Love is of a genial nature. Love is real. Love is the Reality of Life. Life is unreal without love flowing and generating and more love heaping up, ready to rush out.

Certainly, your giving love can amount to simple patience and understanding. Your giving of love can mean you are not super-sensitive. It can mean you are good-natured and don't make demands of others for your own gain. It can mean that you think of others as much as you think of yourself. It can mean that you do not take offense. It can mean you are generous in word and deed. Go forth and multiply love.

Ask little, give a lot. Give because there is joy for you in giving. This is giving in the true sense. There is no award predicted or meted out beyond your joy in giving. Just give for the joy of love flowing. Let giving be joy. Give, for you have All-Mighty Love to Give.

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Cannabis Prohibition Insults Thousands of Years of Use of This Sacred Plant

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Continuing cannabis prohibition becomes even more preposterous in light of a recent archeological discovery. Many pot promoters are already well aware that the forefathers of the United States utilized cannabis and hemp to become fruitful. Many more are cognizant that the false war on drugs was a way to squelch would-be activists who were fighting against war in Nixon’s time. Looking outside of the trillion-dollar prohibition industry into the archives of history, we can confirm that cannabis was not just accepted, but revered.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 8, 2016

Human beings often feel a compulsion to do something, anything, in order to try to have control over a situation. But if a situation is in flux, it is because it is evolving and that is a process.

If you are unsure what to do, it is far wiser to wait and allow the energies their unfoldment. Before you know it, you will have more details and greater clarity on how to proceed. You can appease your inner doer by recognizing that deciding to wait until you have more information is still doing something and is an empowered choice.

You are in fast moving energies, Dear Ones, with much being churned up and much to be discovered yet. Staying in an open surrendered state will make sure you are poised and ready to move in the best possible way once the energies clearly align to point you in the direction of your highest results. We assure you, you will not miss any opportunities waiting for all of the elements to come together. ~Archangel Gabriel


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