Welcome everyone, this is Amira from Alpha Centauri, I allow for better connections to meld in within these words, as to allow Mario to supply us with cords which works in accordance to Love. Specifically the Love attained through what we do, and carry from others, to others and beyond, which can bring joy for us and many other beings.
As we allow the formations of these energies, to bring us into a more advance understanding of the physics behind conscious resonances. We allow for better connections which have supported our growth, in many different forms of communications.
By acknowledging information which has come about from past infrastructures of our lives experiences, we can understand the greater fabrics which are held deep within us, as truths which may come up, by getting in contact, with specific people, or events (activities), which transforms our natural understandings of the reality which exists within our lives.
Self-sufficient love, allows for a higher communication, through interior processes of our beings Internal Language.
The occurrences we have, to shift the potential factors which exists outside of our beings, allows for higher transparency within our own perceptions, and our senses of reality. A new form of development which comes through our known experiences and understandings, through our Inner Language, or Programing.
Initially the startups, which allows for an awakened individual to begin its quest for truth, allows us to transcend some probable events which may shift our perceptions, and allow for higher or deeper connectivity, with our heart and soul, telemetry, through conductivity, with other beings which have gone through the initial startup stages of Contact.