Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 20, 2017

Your own unique vibrational energy is your clarion call to the universe. By emitting your vibration, clearly and unimpeded, you allow the perfect matches to your energetic essence to find you and respond to you. It is like ringing your own beautiful and pure bell, creating ripples of your presence across the universe, to add to the whole, and to draw to you all that resonates with you. It is why we always encourage you to shine in your truth and glory for broadcasting who you really are is your most powerful vibrational tool for manifesting the full experience of the life you desire and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 19, 2017

Dear Ones, sometimes you will experience an obstacle that was unexpected. We understand this can be very frustrating for you! What we want you to know is that if you come upon a blockage it is because the energy is being rerouted for you for your highest good.

Sometimes it is simply about timing. The timing is not right or fully supportive of that energetic path, so you experience delays. It may be that more things need to come together, behind the scenes if you will, for the highest result, which will always be worth waiting for. It may be that there is a completely different road that is much better for you, that will lead you to much more satisfying experiences. It may be that staying put for the moment gives you an opportunity to develop skills and traits that will serve you in the future.

You may know why things unfolded the way they did in time, or you may never know. But what we want to impress upon you is that you are being lovingly guided, always. The universe is always leading you to your next soul desired experience and seeking to bring you your best energetic matches that allow your growth and expansion. It is acceptance and surrendering into the unfoldment of the flow with faith and trust that will allow you to redirect with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible into your next highest experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 18, 2017

A reminder for you, Dear Ones. If the energies are making you uncomfortable – if you are feeling overwhelmed, raw, exhausted, confused, or any other discomfort, you can ask for our assistance.

A simple request such as, “Please adjust my energy so I can feel more comfortable.” “Please help me shift and integrate these energies with grace and ease.” “Please wrap me up in your love and support”, or any other wording that feels right to you, is all that is required.

By asking for help two very important things happen. The first is you give us permission to help you. The second is you surrender into receiving the help that is available to you. It is never bothering us as it is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you.

You do not need to do it all on your own! Clear and simple communication, to both your loved ones and your unseen helpers, is key to staying in your truth and authenticity and honouring what your needs are. We are all in this remarkable shift together – you as the amazing ground crew and us as your forever willing and loving supports. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 17, 2017

Dear Ones, do you know that the incredible amount of work you have done on your own evolutionary path has been preparing you to step forward and allow your own truth to shine forth? You have, in effect, scrubbed yourselves clean from the inside out in order to show up in the world in ways that reflected your own truth, transparency, and integrity. You have discovered your own unique and divine importance and are now allowing that part of you to lead the way by walking your talk and being the teachers by example.

Why this is such a profound shift is because it indicates not only coming to some level of self acceptance, but also finally allowing others to see who you really are. This does not necessarily mean that you have perfected yourself by holding yourself up to some unattainable standard, but rather by embracing your own version of divine perfection that is uniquely you and continuing to grow and evolve in your own authentic way.

This acceptance of self is a profound act of unconditional love for self, which also, through showing up in your authenticity, allows others the opportunity to love you unconditionally, as well. It creates connection points between you and others as you acknowledge each other’s evolutionary processes and self expression. It anchors respecting, honouring, and accepting the incredibly beautiful diversity that is you showing up as individuated aspects of Source energy.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 16, 2017

Dear Ones, change is desirable. The universe is always growing and expanding, as are you. To resist change is to go against the natural rhythm of the universe, which is why resistance is so painful and impossible to sustain over a long period of time.

Embracing change is how you get to your desired outcomes. If there is something that is not working for you in your life, change is how it will be resolved. If you are unwell, healing is the change you seek. If you are currently single and seeking love, meeting someone is the change you seek. If you are wanting a more satisfying career, a new job is the change you seek. If you are wishing for more money, monetary abundance is the change you seek.

Do you see what we are saying? You cannot create and be resistant at the same time. Open up. Ask the universe to deliver to you what you wish to experience. Be open to receive. Cast your net wide. Understand that what you want exists in the energies just beyond your current reality, and you get there by opening yourself to new potentials and possibilities.

When you don’t know the way, allow yourself to be led through surrender and flow, faith and trust, understanding that is exactly how to be an empowered co-creator and discover the most satisfying solutions that exist in the realm of possibilities the universe holds. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 15, 2017

Many of you are in troubleshooting mode with yourselves on a continuous basis. You look for ways you are not good enough, for what needs improvement, for what is wrong with you. We understand that you perceive this as being diligent, but it is having an opposite effect on you than what you are intending.

If your desire is to be more loving, let’s say, we suggest you start to notice all the ways you demonstrate being loving throughout your day. We will give you a hint – it is far more than you think! Your kind words, your intentions, a soothing touch, a simple act of service, holding the door for another, recycling, feeding an animal, are all examples of how you embody love every day. And there are so many more!

Dear Ones, if you are in troubleshooting mode all the time you will always find more trouble to shoot. Look for the ways you embody what you wish to experience more of and celebrate the wonder that it already exists within you! If it doesn’t already, celebrate that you wish to experience it, for that is also success and grow that experience from there.

Your focus expands and gives a blessing of continuation to what you place it on. Isn’t it time to acknowledge, accept, and grow the many, many things that are so beautifully and divinely right with you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 14, 2017

Never underestimate the power of your little acts of love and kindness, for your choice in every moment is casting your energetic vote of what you would like to see more of in the world.

This does not mean that you must be perfect all the time! Don’t put that pressure on yourself. There will be days where you will be out of sorts and will not be showing up as your highest self. But the more you evolve, through your awareness and intention and beingness, the more you will show up as love and kindness, and just like any other vote, the majority of your choices is what wins.

So rest easy, Dear Ones, for it is the accumulation of each naturally occurring higher vibrational declaration of self that is driving, and will continue to drive, the profound shift that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 13, 2017

Many of you understand the importance of balance, but think it is one static place you must find. But balance is not one unmovable alignment. True balance comes from movement and flow.

Think of being on a bicycle. It is very difficult to balance on a bicycle if you are not moving. But as soon as there is movement, your balance comes back very quickly.

Dear Ones, the energies are always moving, as will your balance point. That is the beauty of working with surrender and flow – it will always lead you to the find exactly what is required for your balance and forward movement.

It is the ebb and flow of the universe that creates an overall balance. If you stop and listen to your body and surrender to its own divine intelligence, it will let you know exactly what you require and how to get there.

Knowing your balance point might change every day depending on what your own unique needs are and what the energies are supporting will help you start to see the flow as what it really is, a tool that supports you in your wellness and comfort. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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12 Dec Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 12, 2017

May you replace your worry with intention, your wounds with healing, your fears with faith, your lack with abundance, your loneliness with connection, your hopelessness with dreams, your judgment with acceptance, your anxiety with peace, and your yearning with love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 11, 2017

As you finish up this year and move forward into the energies of 2018, many of you think about changes you’d like to make in your lives. This is a wonderful practice! But did you know that making your new year resolutions before the solstice can help you be more successful in implementing those changes?

The solstice is a powerful time of reflecting on how far you have come, and from this new energetic platform, what you would like to create and experience. It utilizes the power of the planets to energetically lock in the progress you have made since the last solstice, and marks the end of an old phase and the beginning of a new phase in a sacred way.

So if there are changes you would like to make in your life, if you begin to incorporate them for the solstice, even in small steps, you will support yourself by energetically anchoring those changes in a much greater and easier way than waiting until the new year.

Waiting until the new year to make new changes not only misses the energetic support of the solstice, it also involves trying to make positive changes while being challenged by shifting into the energies of a brand new year. It can take several weeks (sometimes all the way to the first equinox) to get fully comfortable and integrated into the energy of a new year, and attempting to make big changes during such a time can be quite challenging.


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