Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 30, 2017

Dear Ones, every single day you have done your best. Even if you have behaved in ways that you are not particularly proud of, that was the best you could do at that time. If you were reactive or demonstrating behaviour that is not in line with who you truly are, it is a sign that you were out of balance and overwhelmed, and thus weren't energetically aligned with choosing a different response.

That is why your self care, energetic clarity, and alignment are so important. Your individual practices are what create the foundation that supports you in showing up consistently in your truth and authenticity. This allows you to honour both yourself, and others.

So take the time to do what helps you connect with your own inner wisdom and stability. It does not have to be one specific practice. It is whatever allows you to experience your own calm connectedness. Don't dismiss the importance of those few moments a day, for they are truly what pave the way for you to show up in the world in the ways that best match your intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 29, 2017

One of the most pivotal things you can do as an enlightening human being is learn how to manage your own energetics. Maintaining your own energetic state is vital for supporting your own balance, comfort, and well-being.

We strongly encourage you to practice energetic clarity rather than self protection. While the technique may be identical, the intention behind it is what makes all the difference. When you are practicing self protection, you are loudly announcing that there is something you need protection from. Dear Ones, you are a beloved piece of Source energy. How can anything be stronger than that?

Energetic clarity on the other hand, is simply claiming your highest vibrational state and allowing it to shine, brightly, beautifully, and unimpeded. Do you see? One practice is fear based, while the other is simply embracing your authentic power and stepping into your highest vibrational truth. Self protection perpetuates separation, while energetic clarity supports presence and connection.

So how do you practice energetic clarity? It is a very simple technique. Simply find a spark, in your centre that is the divine essence of you, or the Christ connected part of you, and allow that golden spark to grow and grow until it fills your entire body with beautiful, sparkling, golden light. Once you have your entire body filled, pull it out until it extends arm's length in front of you, behind you, beside you, over your head, and under your feet. That's all there is to it!

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 28, 2017

Do you limit your flow of abundance by thinking it can only show up from certain sources? There are a myriad of ways the universe can deliver to you, in fact, it is our greatest joy to serve and delight you in the most unexpected ways. So open up, Dear Ones. Cast your net wide. Declare your intention to joyfully receive your highest abundance however it would like to show up and allow the magic to happen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 27, 2017

Many human beings find their spiritual paths from encountering the dark night of the soul. They become so battered and worn that they simply cannot resist any longer and choose to surrender into a new way of being.

From such a painful place it is natural to seek relief. The first steps must be to self nurture, to heal, to shift energetically into a better feeling space. Many people are in survival mode at this point of their journey, and are very fragile. The point of this phase is to discover the spiritual supports that are available to them, to open up to new ideas and ways of doing things, and to find their way out of crisis. This is about stabilization, comfort, and relief.

As the person begins to balance out and explore the ideas of creating for themselves, the power of positive focus, and that better potentials may exist beyond where they've been, they begin to grow and expand. This is a phase of learning, exploration, and new possibilities. The focus must be on feeling better in order to move to a different energetic layer beyond crisis, where the initial stages of healing can occur. This phase may last many years where the person is focused on spiritual learning, experimentation, and creating a more satisfying life experience.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 26, 2017

As you continue to focus on healing and releasing, we urge you to have a look at all of the emotions you stuffed down, didn't honour, or express because they were not spiritual.

Dear Ones, you are absolutely divine and spiritual beings. You are also human beings. Many of you, particularly in the early stages of your enlightenment process felt the need to negate your human emotions and responses deeming them not spiritual enough. These repressed emotions can cause a log jam of energy that is looking for release.

Can you create a safe space for you to do so? Can you sit and honour those feelings and emotions, having compassion for yourself for having them? Can you forgive yourself for not only having the emotions but also for negating them? We want you to understand that you were doing the best that you could during all of those circumstances.

You do not have to be afraid of those old emotions. Just let them come up, bless them, and let them go. Understand that they served a purpose at some time but there is no need to carry them around with you for the rest of your days. The shift from judgment and denial to acceptance and understanding is an empowered move into non-resistance and self love which is all your soul is seeking from yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 25, 2017

One of the greatest disservices you have experienced has been being taught to dismiss your imagination. We cannot stress enough the importance of your imagination!

The imagination is a vital tool to create, to expand, to grow, and to express yourselves. It is also the part of you that is very connected to your inner child and loves to have fun and sees the magic in everything. It is the part of you that allows the now moment to become everything it can be and more.

The imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your mind. It moves you beyond your inner controller into your inner creator and into a flow that effortlessly aligns with Source. So many of you start to connect beautifully with spirit and then immediately dismiss any success as “just your imagination.” This immediately cuts off that flow. Trust. Flow. Allow your imagination to take the lead.

What will happen, if you understand the importance of your imagination as the bridge to the psychic part of your mind, is you will allow yourself to keep flowing to the place where the magic happens. And eventually something will happen that you could never possibly imagine and that is when you will know you have entered the realm of your own innate psychic ability.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 24, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have been through challenging times where they have been abused, dismissed, used, and taken for granted. This is a core wound that many of you are working on healing.

The first step is to understand that many of you are on the planet with service contracts. This made being a giver very natural to you, but receiving felt far less comfortable. Shifting into a better balance of giving and receiving, of loving and being loved, of supporting and being supported, is key for you moving forward.

Many of you tried to embody unconditional love without remembering to include yourselves in your own tender care. It is never loving to let someone continually treat you with less respect than you deserve, for that is supporting them in showing up in less than their highest selves and enabling poor behaviour, which is disempowering for everyone involved.

As you are learning to love and honour self as much as others, you are stepping into far better boundaries and balance than ever before. You have learned that unconditional love serves and honours everyone in moving into their highest version of self. You have learned the importance of creating a safe space to support that healing and evolution. And you have accepted the fact that you absolutely deserve the same love and support back that you have so willingly given others.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 23, 2017

On this day where many of you celebrate thanksgiving, we hope that, wherever you are, you will remember to give thanks for yourselves – for your tender, courageous hearts, the love and care you so generously give others, your tenacity, your humour, your mindfulness, and your commitment to healing and growth that is driving the grand shift on your planet. Please take a moment to acknowledge that none of it could happen without you, and that your hard work is indeed making a difference, for the evolution of the one can only serve and support the evolution of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 22, 2017

Dear Ones, think of what your most ideal life would be like. Feel into the essence of that existence. What one word best captures the energy of that reality?

Some of you might say, I would be rich. And that's a wonderful start. But what feeling would being rich give you? Why do you wish to be rich? For most of you, it would be because what you are really seeking is comfort, ease, or freedom. Do you see? Look deeper into the scene you wish to experience and see what is at the core of it that you wish to experience.

Try on the word. Feel its energy. Does it feel good? Does it embody what you wish to create for yourself? Don't be afraid to experiment with several different words until you find the one that feels best to you, that best represents what your desires are.

Now that you have the word you have managed to capture the essence of where you wish to go. From that place of clarity you can now start to manifest in a much more direct way. Surrender into the experience of your word. Intend to move into an abundance of that energy in your life. Savour the feel of the word. Wrap yourself up in the energy of the word like a warm fuzzy blanket. Look for evidence of that feeling and give thanks every time you discover its existence in your life. Choose the experience of your word!

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 21, 2017

Dear Ones, if an old wound keeps coming up for you very insistently, it is not a sign that you are irrevocably broken. Far from it! It is a sign that you are ready to heal it once and for all. This is a wonderful thing!

Sit with what is coming up. If it is an old hurt that occurred from someone, one effective and empowering technique can be going into meditation, connecting with them, and telling that person exactly how they made you feel. Sometimes the most freeing thing is being able to speak your truth to the other in a way that is completely safe to do so.

Meeting through meditation is a wonderful way to do this. You may even be surprised by receiving information about what wounds they carry that led them to behave the way they did, to give you a deeper understanding of the situation.

To be clear, we are not advocating you harm or lash out at the other in any way. This is simply about showing up in your truth and being heard and acknowledged. Pay attention to what is going on in your body during this process. You may be surprised to see that this issue is connected to discomfort in your physical body. That is also ready to be healed if it is coming up.


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