Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 11, 2016

Do you have a deep need of labels in order to feel secure? We often see this in relationships but it can occur in many other areas of life, as well. Most people use labels as a way of controlling things, as a way of constraining energy and looking for predictability. But the more you identify with a label, the more you might be limiting yourself, instead.

You see this often in couples. They quickly cycle through labels, from dating, to being exclusive, to being engaged, to being married. And have you ever noticed that many people, once they make it to the promised land of marriage seem to fall into a rut? They see marriage as the pinnacle, and think there is nowhere else to go from there.

Energy cannot be restrained. If you can see yourselves as energetic beings that are on the planet to grow and evolve, you can see how harmful and uncomfortable it would be to try to constrain it. Ironically, if you reach a point where the growth and expansion has stopped, there will be no energetic support to the activity. So the label that you have sought to secure a relationship, should it start to stall the growth of one or both people in the union, will be the very thing that will make your relationship fall apart.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 10, 2016

The beauty of fast moving energy is that it gives you a very tangible sense of how far you have come and how quickly you are evolving. It also gives you a true sense of how instantly your thoughts can become your reality, as there is much less of a lag time between what you put out and what you receive. This encourages you to step into more conscious creation.

If you stop for a moment and think back to where you were five years ago, one year ago, six months ago, there will be no mistaking that there is a transformative process going on within you, and around you, that is very real. You are also at a stage in your evolution where what is not working for you will be brought up, time and again, until you resolve it and evolve beyond it, once and for all. There is no escaping what is looking to be healed, and this is a marvellous thing.

How wonderful it is that you are now at the point that you can feel energies so clearly, and get such profound feedback on a daily basis! It is clearer than ever before that you are part of an incredible shift, both inwardly and outwardly, and completely immersed in the grandest process that has ever been experienced on your planet. While we understand that from your human vantage point this can be an uncomfortable process, we wish for you to understand that your participation is considered both an honour and a privilege by your soul, and you are doing such a magnificent job that the entire universe is thanking you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 8, 2016

If you are experiencing a stressful time in your life, we encourage you to play a little game called “In This Right Now Moment”. Most stress is caused by the unknown of the future, or pressure for things to come together in a way that is satisfactory. Unfortunately, worry does not create any kind of positive fuel for your creations. In fact, it is your fear that something may not be good in the future that makes you have the experience not feeling good right now. You are instantaneously creating the very thing you fear through your focus.

The vast amount of time, your right Now moment is just fine. Your power to create desired change comes from harnessing the infinite power of the Now. So, if you find yourself consumed with worry about future outcomes, we invite you to check in with yourself and start to connect with what is right with your present moment.

For example, “In this right Now moment, I am warm, and fed, and safe.” “In this right Now moment, I am breathing, I am alive, and I am ok.” “In this right Now moment, everything is just fine. By focusing on the things that are working, I can ease my tomorrow.”

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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 7, 2016

Many of you have asked, “How do I love myself?” You can become more loving to yourself in many ways, but most important of all, it means becoming a safe person for yourself. Are you a safe person for yourself to be exposed to? If not, what can you do to become so? A good place to start is with kindness, consistency, encouragement, and inclusion. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 6, 2016

When you are in judgment, you are choosing rejection and separation. It is active resistance, which will always ultimately lead to discomfort. When you are in acceptance, you are choosing inclusion and unity. It is active allowing which will always ultimately lead to peace. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 5, 2016

The flow is an incredibly intelligent and efficient system, designed to give you exactly what you need at any given time. To be resistant is to deny yourself the support and movement to get to your next grand expression of self.

Surrender is the entry point of the flow. The flow is where the movement is. You stay in the flow by following your heart, by doing what honours you, by following the path of least resistance and joy. You steer your flow though gratitude and allow it to lead you by following the signs and synchronicities. You use faith and trust to stay consistently in the flow long enough for the magic to happen.

If you have surrendered but are not experiencing movement, one of two things are possible. One is that you are in an energetic lull, where things are coming together behind the scenes. The other is that you are in resistance, by continuing to refuse to give up something that you know is not for your highest good, or continuing to engage in what is unwanted. Discomfort is always, always, an indicator of resistance.

If you are sitting there waiting to be saved, you are seeing yourself as a victim. Surrender and flow are a co-creational process. They are not about giving your power away, but rather about moving forward in your authentic power, making choices that honour you, one Now moment at a time.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 4, 2016

Love is the great connector and the great unifier. Can you see how vital it would be to use it for yourself? As you connect with yourself and include yourself as a vital and beloved part of the greater whole, how could you feel abandoned, afraid, alone? Could it be that it has been you and your tender love you’ve been waiting for all along? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 3, 2016

Dear Ones, if you are having problems with your relationships with others, it is a sign that you are having problems with your relationship with yourself. It is simply an indicator to start asking, “How am I not there for myself?” Or, “How have others not been there for me in the past, and how can I go fulfill that role for myself now?”

You are at a stage in your journey where relationships are coming much more to the forefront. Ultimately, it is your relationship with all the aspects of you that will set the tone for your interactions with others. So we recommend you sit with yourself and ask, “What do I need from myself today? What did I need before that I didn’t get that I can give myself today?” You might be surprised at what comes up into your awareness.

When you understand that you can fill in the gaps – that you can, with your wisdom and love, complete the job others could not do for you, you automatically start to shift from victim consciousness. You also start to see that even though people may have erred and not been able to give you what you needed, that you can now step up and, being the expert on you, fulfill that role. You will see that it can really be okay after all, that you can heal, and evolve, and thrive. You may even get to the point where you can thank another for shining the spotlight on what was begging for your love and attention all along. (smiles) ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 2, 2016

Dear Ones, if you can believe that there is always purpose to every situation, and that the universe is always seeking to guide you, and provide for you, you can meet challenging situations with acceptance and faith. By meeting challenges from a state of acceptance and faith, you can move much quicker through them and into a space where a greater understanding can occur in record time. When you no longer see things through the lens of victim consciousness, but rather, as an empowered co-creator with Source, you will find that you will be able to experience change and evolution far more peacefully than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


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