Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 21, 2016

When you think about the idea of life unfolding with ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that is something that can’t happen for you? Or that it sounds unrealistic? Or perhaps stirs up negative emotions and fears, like to do so would make you lazy?

Think to a time in your life when everything came together with ease. Perhaps you were creating something and entered into what you would call a zone, where it just flowed effortlessly, where everything fell into place beautifully and you accomplished so much joyfully in a short amount of time. How did you feel then? Did it feel magical, and supported? Was anything about that experience negative?

Your inspired creations come from ease and flow. They come from an alignment between you and Source energy. They are the result of the greatest use of the energy available to you combined with your own creative force. That is what we call the sweet spot – that perfect combination of surrender and flow, support and creation, for your highest good.

The supported flow of creation is something that is available to you all the time. You may not believe it, Dear Ones, but it will become your preferred method of doing things over the coming months and years, so why not drop the struggle and embrace this far more efficient, far more satisfying way of being now? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 20, 2016

Dear Ones, your humanity is breathtakingly beautiful. Your spiritual journey isn’t about leaving your human self behind. It is a delightful process of finding your way back to your divinity while being in the body, which allows you to feel it more tangibly than any other way. It allows you the joy of unwrapping of the most spectacular presents, while having the physical senses to fully experience each delightful discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 19, 2016

We encourage you to become love detectives, to actively be on the lookout for the love that exists for you, always. Love presents itself to you in many ways – in the heart-shaped leaf on the sidewalk, from the sun beaming its love upon you, from the kindness of another, from the affection of an animal, or the sweet trust of a child. The more you choose to see its existence for you right now, the more you will experience its constant presence in your life. Once you recognize love is a stream that is always available to you, you will embrace it even more, allowing it to flow to you, and through you, with appreciation, wonder, and joy, and that, Dear Ones, is how life becomes absolutely magical. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 18, 2016

Remember, Dear Ones, that everything you seek is a flow. Healing is a flow. Love is a flow. Growth is a flow. Abundance is a flow. When you start trying to control things, you immediately start to choke out your own flow, unknowingly diminishing your ability to fully experience the things you desire. Let the universe serve and delight you by wholeheartedly surrendering and allowing yourself to be led to your next grand adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 17, 2016

Dear Ones, if you have something going on in your life that you would like to evolve beyond, you do not have to have the specific answer of how to do that in order to find the healing you seek. That is what the flow is for! Surrender into the flow of your highest good and you will be led to what you need. When wellness is your intention, the universe will always guide you to the perfect matches that will help you move into the experience of more of exactly that. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 16, 2016

You have released and reviewed tremendously. New downloads and deeper levels of beingness are taking hold within you like beautiful seeds ready to grow and bloom. You are evolving, shifting, and expanding in delightful ways. Be kind and gentle with yourself through this process, Dear Ones, for it is far more profound and complex than you realize. It is essential to listen to your needs and give yourself whatever you require at this time. Give yourself permission to be your own tender caretaker. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 15, 2016

The universe is always presenting you with ideas and opportunities. Think of the universe holding something up to you and asking, “This?” You, as the creator of your life expression, get to say yes, or to move on. You give your approval through your focus, choice, and appreciation.

Your life is much like a buffet. You will always have a myriad of options you can choose from. You get to decide what you put on your plate and what you leave behind. You certainly don’t have to stay there wailing, “Oh no, there’s tomatoes again! WHY does there have to be tomatoes every time I go to a buffet?!” They are there because some people like them, but it doesn’t mean they ever have to be part of your personal experience if you don’t want them to be.

The universe is not out to vex you, Dear Ones, or test you, or try you. The world is filled with enough options to satisfy the billions of souls on your planet. There is not something innately wrong with you that needs fixing if you keep drawing tomatoes into your experience. Feel free to move beyond whatever is not a match to you, but understand it is a blessing to live in such a diverse world that can serve everyone’s needs. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 14, 2016

You’ve got this. Connect with your inner knowingness. Find the clarity you need before you do anything. Go ahead and try if it feels right. Listen to your heart. What would bring you joy? What is the best expression of your truth?

All of these are beautiful ways to encourage others in a manner that honours their free will and acknowledges their divine capability. All of these are beautiful ways to encourage yourself in a manner that honours your free will and acknowledges your divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 13, 2016

Many human beings are still caught up in their need to “fix” another. This is brought on by an old model of love that says I know better than you. While it is presented as love and help, it can be very detrimental as the message behind it is, I don’t trust you to not mess things up. It disempowers others from connecting and finding their own innate capability and from having their own experiences without the fear of judgment.

When another gives advice, it is based on what would be best for them. No one but you knows your own unique path or the experiences you are wishing to have. While it is always good to consider other viewpoints, always do so from a place of deciding whether it matches your own truth. If it does, wonderful, proceed from there. If it does not, remember, you are the master of your own journey and no one is as qualified as you to lead yourself.

What if you make a mistake? Dear Ones, there is no such thing as mistakes, only experiences. If, you make a choice and the result is not in line with who you really are, you will choose differently next time. If you are connecting with your own divinity and listening to your innate knowingness, you will continue to expand and self define into your greatest expression of self, in ways that perfectly match you. Allow yourself to be the empowered and capable leader of your own life expression! You can thank others for caring but there is no substitute for following your own truth and what feels right for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 12, 2016

Dear Ones, if you have made what you consider to be a mistake, be easy on yourselves. You had an experience. You are in the body to experiment, to try things, to grow, and to discover your preferences. There is no need to berate yourself over it endlessly. But we also suggest that you don’t gloss over it either. Every experience you have has a gift for you in it. If you discover the gold of clarity in the sludge of your regret, it will allow you to further self define and try anew in ways that far better represent who you really are, and what your true intentions are. If you do that, there would be no reason to go through the experience again. ~Archangel Gabriel


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