Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 14, 2015

Grace is a high vibrating attribute among human beings. It is seen as a beautiful and benevolent energy that is lovely to behold.

When one is in a state of grace, they are in peaceful, fluid alignment with Source energy. They are the embodiment of surrender, flow and acceptance. Grace is forgiving and loving. It is heart-centered movement and presence.

As you learn to employ the vital aspects of surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, and allowing in your lives, Dear Ones, the state of grace and ease you seek will naturally occur. You will be expressing and navigating yourself through your own divinity, shining your unique beauty for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 12, 2015

We understand that many of you are feeling somewhat lost in terms of how to proceed. Your predictability seems to be gone, and that can feel disconcerting to say the least. The energies are continuously shifting, the planet is continually shifting. You are continually shifting! Even the weather is different than what you would normally expect for your seasons.

Dear Ones, you are in unprecedented times. Because you are entering uncharted territory, you don’t always know what to expect. The way to navigate such times is to stay fully present and simply take things one Now moment at a time. That is the gift of rapidly shifting energy. It keeps you present.

As you stay present, you make decisions that best match where you are today. By staying in the Now, you are not tainting your creations by trying to drag forward the energy of the past or projecting your fears of the future. You are making one mindful choice at a time, learning and working with what honours you. It is willingly moving into a conscious dance with the universe and creating anew, one energetic match at a time. It is a gift, you see, that supports all your brand new beginnings and empowered tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 11, 2015

Many of you believe patience is a virtue. We certainly agree that it is a lovely attribute to have. Did you know it is actually a byproduct of acceptance, faith and trust?

You see, when you are in the energies of acceptance, faith and trust, you lose the need to view anything as wrong. Impatience is the result of thinking things should be a different way than how they are presenting, and experiencing frustration due to that belief. When you are approaching life with complete acceptance, faith and trust, you see that everything that is occurring is divinely perfect, and there is nothing left to do but BE.

So we would say to you if you are wishing to have more patience, rather than working on that individual element by itself, you may wish to shore up its foundation which is comprised of acceptance, faith and trust. Once those elements are in place, patience will naturally follow, and your life will become far more peaceful and enjoyable than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 10, 2015

If you have a decision to make and you do not know what to do, we suggest you do nothing until you have the clarity you seek. Ask us for assistance. Surrender into the flow for your highest good and watch for the signs and synchronicities. Take the time to still yourself and connect into your innate knowingness. Meditate on the situation and see how your heart feels from that aligned space.

Many of you feel you must do something immediately when you have a choice to make. Choosing to hold off on a decision until you have more clarity is still doing something, Dear Ones! You have many skills within yourself to connect with, and many universal helpers willing to assist. Allow your situation to unfold divinely until you can see the vista that feels right for you and you will always make empowered decisions that honour who you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 9, 2015

If you are feeling bad about something, we suggest you take a moment and ask yourself, “How is this issue making me feel separate? How is this issue making me feel unloved?” Then simply love yourself for the beautiful, tender being you are. Imagine gathering yourself up in a loving hug. Sit and rock that self that is hurting. Instead of trying to deny the feelings or the reasons for them, simply honour that part of you that is so sensitive and feeling.

Let yourself BE without making yourself wrong for anything. Accept yourself completely in the moment. Then, when you have acknowledged, honoured, loved and reassured that tender part of you, consciously align with Source energy and allow that flow of love to fill you up even further.

It is time to nurture all your bits and pieces, Dear Ones, even the parts that you think are not worthy. Especially the parts that you think are not worthy! Once you bring the things you’ve been avoiding to light once and for all, you will see they aren’t so scary, after all. The illusion of their power will dissipate, leaving you with a sense of freedom and relief, and a base of love and acceptance to create from like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 8, 2015

One of the human being’s greatest fears is rejection. So we ask you, through your self judgment and negative self talk, can you see how you are constantly rejecting yourself? As you try to deny parts of yourself, can you see how you are perpetuating your separation and abandonment issues? Do you further aggravate your wounds by rejecting others, only to feel the separation you fear?

Dear Ones, the greatest healer is consistent, unconditional love. Isn’t it time you finally gave that basic, fundamental need to yourself, and to others? You simply cannot move into unity consciousness, or the wholeness you seek, until you can learn to lead with love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 7, 2015

A common question we get asked is, “How do I surrender?” We would like to address that today.

Surrender is completely letting go of resistance. It is a pure, heart-centered intention to allow yourself to be led to your highest good. It is taking the supported path of ease. It is moving willingly where the signs and synchronicities point you. But more than anything else, it is a declaration, a commitment to stay out of your own way, and to begin to work with the assistance that an entire universe is waiting with bated breath for the opportunity to give you.

So we encourage you to understand how profound and sacred the act of surrender is, and to start to use it in your life. There does not need to be any elaborate ritual in order to surrender. Simply take a quiet moment, and with your whole heart declare to whatever divine source feels comfortable to you, “I surrender”, and allow yourself to enter into the flow of unconditional love and support. (If you do not know what you believe in, you can simply surrender to “more”). It is the most powerful act a human being can do, and if you stay in the flow in that surrendered state with your faith and trust, you will be absolutely amazed at the relief and magic it will bring. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 6, 2015

Dear Ones, if you had waited a very long time to attend an event, a very special event, you would savor every moment of it. You would not complain about it, or wonder when it would be over. You would excitedly absorb every wondrous aspect of it, open-heartedly feeling love for the entire event and all of the participants, and expressing so much gratitude for it all.

That is what the Shift on your planet is. It is an amazing process you have all been hoping and waiting to participate in. Not only is it happening, you are in it right now! You are both the stars of the show, and the audience, and none of it could happen without you. That is how important you are! Feel the sacredness of your role and the times you are in, and you will embrace and enjoy the experience like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 5, 2015

A lot of enlightening human beings wish to move away from the habit of judgment but don’t really know how to do it. It is simple, Dear Ones! When you observe others, rather than focusing on how they are different from you, seek to find the traits you share. From there you will find it much easier to practice acceptance and inclusion. ~Archangel Gabriel


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