Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 4, 2015

We find it fascinating that so many human beings will go to such extremes to avoid sitting with their feelings. They distract themselves endlessly, filling every moment of each day with busyness, electronics, consuming themselves with other people’s behaviour, and various ways to numb themselves through substance abuse. As the emotions get louder and louder in their desire to be heard, the effort required to drown them out gets bigger and bigger. Over time, these people end up exhausted and ill, creating some kind of crisis in their lives that requires them to finally slow down.

Dear Ones, your emotions are not to be feared! They are wonderful indicators of what honours you, what you truly require, and who you really are. Why on earth would you want to deny the very things that allow you to express your delightful humanity? Your resistance to the emotions is what is causing you the discomfort, not the emotions themselves. Most emotions, just like you, are desiring to be heard and acknowledged, and then are happy to go on their merry way.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 3, 2015

What would happen if every single person’s first response to any situation was love? People would feel free – free to be themselves, free to try new things, free from judgment, free from fear of connecting with others. What a wonderful gift leading with love is, as it allows you, and others, to experience being completely accepting and accepted, honouring and honoured, and unconditionally loving and unconditionally loved aspects of Source. When people lead with love there is no need for separation as love is the great healer and unifier. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 2, 2015

What would your life look like if you poured love all over fear? Trust all over doubt? Flow all over resistance? Gratitude all over dissatisfaction? Acceptance all over judgment? We will tell you. Your entire life would be transformed in the most satisfying and wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 1, 2015

Dear Ones, just as transforming your physical body is the result of the accumulation of consistent effort, you shift and evolve as the result of staying in a higher energy on a more consistent basis. A bunch of small decisions – deciding to meditate more often, taking time for stillness, spending time in activities that bring you joy, practicing gratitude, surrounding yourself with people who love and support you – add up to make tangible and lasting change. It does not need to require herculean effort. Big change happens before you know it by making one empowering decision at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 31, 2015

The most moving and beautiful dancer is the one who completely surrenders to the flow. The greater the surrender and flow, the greater the tangible connection to the breathtaking beauty of Source. Why not become the inspired artist of your own life and surrender into that same glorious energy? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 30, 2015

What you are most passionate about is where you experience complete, whole-hearted, surrender and flow. It is the complete embracing of an energy and all of its elements. We always recommend you follow your passions. We also tell you that surrendering to the flow allows you to move into your most satisfying life expression. How wonderful to realize that what brings you the most joy is also what helps you experience empowered movement! ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 29, 2015

Dear Ones, you understand that you attract what you hold. How on earth do you think you will attract a loving, supportive, love relationship when you are anything but loving to yourselves? The most powerful shift you can make in order to draw to you the love relationship you desire is to fall madly, deeply, unconditionally, in love with yourself and to treat yourself like the treasure you truly are. It is from that place that you will finally become comfortable enough to receive, and draw to you, the love you have always yearned for and deserved. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 28, 2015

Imagine a human being who dazzled with brilliance but could not see their own magnificence. Imagine a human who was the embodiment of love but couldn’t imagine that their love could make a difference. Imagine a human being who had such a special and unique energy that it was beautifully adding to the wonderful mosaic of the whole but only saw their flaws. Is that human being you? Isn’t it time to finally acknowledge your beauty, your importance, your perfection, your truth? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 26, 2015

Dear Ones, in your pivotal relationships whether they be friends, lovers, healers, or spiritual teachers, we suggest you ask yourselves if these partnerships empower you, accept you, celebrate you, and create a safe space for you to grow and express your truth. We also ask you to examine if you give the same to others. Now is the time to consciously surround yourselves with people who remind you of who you really are, and encourage you to let that shine! Acceptance and unwavering support are aspects of unconditional love, the soul food that helps everyone thrive. ~Archangel Gabriel


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