The Creator Writings

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Quiet Mind

Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing to say.  Having a quiet mind can be a gift to those who understand the benefits.  For those that do not; it can be torturous.  Without the inner chatter, you will begin to hear The Universe and what it has to say to you more clearly.  Today, take some time, quiet the inner chatter and listen to the whispers.  Beauty awaits. ~ Creator

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Your Gifts And Power

You know who you are, you know what your gifts are and you most certainly know your own power.  Even though it may be a bit frightening at first, please understand you were gifted that power for a very specific reason… change your world.  No one can corrupt or change it without your permission.
If others do not understand your talents and gifts, that is okay.  You can choose to explain or not.  The choice is completely up to you.  Be secure in yourself and your gifts, the rest comes naturally. ~ Creator

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Grow Love

Take a deep breath………..and take another.  Allow yourself to relax!  Yes, it has been a tense time because the ‘fear mongers’ have been working overtime to make sure you stay in this state for a reason.  Remember, you are living in the safest time in your human history!  In coming together in love and sending out Unconditional Love to others, the ‘fear’ will grow smaller.  Consider it your joyous task for the day. (Winking) ~ Creator

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The Eye Of The Beholder

An artist knows that inspiration can come from anything in your human existence.  Opening your mind, heart and soul to the movement of everyday Earth plane experiences may be challenging if you are not used to it, but can be accomplished.  The more your practice, the better you become.
Today, take a few moments to look around you.  See the beauty in everyday things, hear the music in the sounds around you….allow your soul to be safely touched.  Embrace ‘beauty in the eye of the beholder’ and it will change you forever. ~ Creator

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Baby Steps

Can you see?!  Can you see all the things The Universe sees in you?  The mistakes of the past do not matter, your insecurities will fade, the Unconditional Love you have longed for has always been there.  It is just a matter of believing.  Your mind and soul does not have to take one giant leap in that direction, baby steps will do…..just so long as you are moving.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

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Your Space

It is completely up to you whether you allow others into your life, your space, your energy field.  There will be those that approach connections with love and you will love and be loved in return.  However, there may be others that approach with ill-intended purposes.  In these moments, it is perfectly acceptable to say, “You shall not pass!”  Remember, beautiful child, your space is yours and deserves peace and respect! ~ Creator


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